Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other Related Conflicts in the Middle East (read the rules in the first post)


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Sure, lets ignore everything going on in Palestine in the mean time, let Israel slaughter/displace everyone and turn it into fait accompli yeah? You would like that won't you, pity for you the world doesn't work like that
Gaza is the only place Israel is trying to take over with arms, and it's a red herring what happens to the people there.

There's a community of at least a few million expatriated Palestinians. A bunch of them in the west Bank and a bunch keeping their heads low as Israeli Arabs.

The only thing that matters is if Israel government or the anti Israel resistance cracks first. And since the latter have essentially not taken signficant damage since the war started, escalation dominance remains with them. Even if Israel could kill 2 million Gazans Holocaust style, there would, just as it was with Jews after the Holocaust, remain more than enough Palestinians or other Arabs willing to suddenly larp as Palestinians, to settle and govern the Levant.


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This is what Yitzak Brik means that another year of this war of attrition will lead to the collapse of Israel. Their economy can’t sustain this type of war for a long period of time. A lot of reservist are suffering from PTSD and exhaustion are returning to find out their job no long exists. This is going to be the deepest economic crisis in Israel’s history. Also it’s the most expensive in terms of govt expenditure. Goes to show the war of attrition that the axis of resistance is waging against Israel is working. The entire Israeli defense and intelligence establishment are panicking about this. They know that the ultra far right is leading Israel to the abyss.


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This is what Yitzak Brik means that another year of this war of attrition will lead to the collapse of Israel. Their economy can’t sustain this type of war for a long period of time. A lot of reservist are suffering from PTSD and exhaustion are returning to find out their job no long exists. This is going to be the deepest economic crisis in Israel’s history. Also it’s the most expensive in terms of govt expenditure. Goes to show the war of attrition that the axis of resistance is waging against Israel is working. The entire Israeli defense and intelligence establishment are panicking about this. They know that the ultra far right is leading Israel to the abyss.
War of attrition with Israel is nothing new.

Historically, Israel has understood that war of attrition undermines its strengthen (high intensity war with decisive victory) and highlights it weakness (endurance).

Its proven security doctrine is short wars on enemy territory, supported by superior tech and financing from the United States.

Who decides if Israel collapses. Hamas, Hezbollah or Israel itself (Netanyahu in this case)?


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War of attrition with Israel is nothing new.

Historically, Israel has understood that war of attrition undermines its strengthen (high intensity war with decisive victory) and highlights it weakness (endurance).

Its proven security doctrine is short wars on enemy territory, supported by superior tech and financing from the United States.

Who decides if Israel collapses. Hamas, Hezbollah or Israel itself (Netanyahu in this case)?
It isn’t new in the sense that the end conclusion has already occurred a few times. Historically the Jewish people have been driven from the land one way or the other due to having very little regard for anyone other than themselves, kinda like right now. I would say that they haven’t learnt from history and are doomed to repeat history again, only this time, many more people are going to hate them for it compared to before. Doesn’t matter who decides the fate of Israel, all that matters in the end is Israel is screwed and we are going to watch it happen