"Idk, maybe theHouthis[Americans] care more aboutscoring points against US/Israel and now Greek owned tankers[pouring trillions of dollars into overseas wars of aggression] than their owncountrymen[society]."
That’s a good point. Do you think the Houthis are imitating the Americans? If America is allowed to do dumb shit. Why can’t we.
Even if both the Americans and Houthis have, in your words, done "dumb shit"[1] -- the Americans, by spending literally ton(ne)s of money to wreck the Middle East; the Houthis, by incurring significant costs to oppose Israel's genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians -- a fundamental difference is that the Americans have done so in order to do *evil*, while the Houthis have done so in order to do *good*.
[1] I actually disagree that what the Americans have done is "dumb shit," at least from the short/medium-term perspective of the ruling elites. The adversaries of the Chosen People have been devastated and destabilized; them Ay-rabs and Eye-ranians have learnt real good why 'Murika don't got no free healthcare; and, perhaps most important, US military contractors and other private interests have become filthy rich from the torrents of money that the central government is always willing to devote to the killing of foreigners abroad. What's not to like? Well, one thing not to like -- again, from the perspective of the US elites -- is that US meddling in/focus on the Middle East has given the PRC breathing room to develop, and now the "Heathen Chinee" pose a serious challenge to US hegemony. On the other hand, those same US military contractors and related sectors now get to drink from the monetary flow directed to countering the ChiCom threat. Still winning! As for free healthcare for the US public:
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And on a separate note:
"Even if the ship was somehow proven to be carrying oil to Israel, how stupid would you be to blow up an oil tanker knowing the obvious environmental risks."
Do you condemn the United States for having used Agent Orange in Vietnam, given the resulting harm to the environment and human beings?
Do you condemn the United States for having used depleted-uranium munitions in Iraq, given the resulting harm to the environment and human beings?
If not, then STFU.
In retrospect -- and catalyzed by a moderation notice, to be honest -- I admit that my above reply was intemperate. By directing profanity to another member ("If not, then STFU."), I unnecessarily coarsened the level of debate here. I now apologize to you, @Petrolicious88, and everyone else affected.