Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other Related Conflicts in the Middle East (read the rules in the first post)


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While I do not blindly believe that everything the US does is of pure benevolence, just because someone is lobbing cruise missiles at US ships AND also civilian cargo ships doesnt make them saints.

This is the only way for Yemen to help the Palestinians that is actively being slaughtered. They attack anyone who is actively aiding Israel over the years; military or civilian cargo ships. Were you seriously expecting Yemen (or anyone else) to ask Israel and friends nicely?!

The world is not as complicated as it sounds.

Actually it's more complicated than most would admit.

obj 705A

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You are talking about a group of folks not too different than the ISIS
that is probably the dumbest thing any one has ever said on this forum. the Houthis are a tribe. one of the main tribes of Yemen. they are not some sort of a global wahabi military organization like ISIS.
ISIS was funded by the US back during the 2011 war on Syria to topple Assad before they eventualy turned against the other Syrian "rebel" groups because they were so extreme even by AlQaeda (aka Jabhat AlNusra) standards and thus they became the enemy of everyone.

the Houthis on the other hand are a tribe whose main goal is to gain a leadership position in Yemen because they used to be sidelined.
they enjoy the support of Northern Yemenis while the southern Yemenis mostly don't support them. actually the people of South Yemen in general don't like the North and they would probably want to seperate regardless of who controls the North.

if we were to compare people or countries to ISIS I would say Israel is much more similar (or worse) than even ISIS. ISIS is an organization that commits genocide for religious reasons. Israel is a military that commits genocide for religious reasons to achieve the prophecy and the promise of greater Israel from the Euphrates to the Nile for the sake of some ancient books that are more than 2000yo. but at least ISIS was weak, Israel on the other has nukes.
Israel is a Jewish ISIS with nukes.
mass raping young girls.
do you actually have a proof of that? or did you just pull it out of...

I googled "Houthi rape" and the worst I got was a report that says there were 71 cases of rape reported in Houthi controled areas between 2017-2020. but their was nothing about the Houthis just systemicaly grabbing the women on mass of any area they control and mass raping them like what ISIS did to the Yezedis when they launched a massive rape campaign in which they abducted almost all Yezedi women in the areas they controled to rape them.

Houthis control the majority of populated areas of Yemen. Yemen has population of 33 million. in comparison New York city with a population of 8 million has reported 1600 cases of rape I suppose this is civilized rape though since it happens in a high GDP per capita city.

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tthe other search result was talking about how all sides in the Yemen conflict including UAE backed groups are involved in rape cases.

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the other search result I got was about the Houthis excuting 3 rapists publicly.

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Registered Member
You ask them. The world is not as complicated as it sounds.
Lol, it is. Thinking otherwise is why the world is currently in the mess it is in.

the Houthis on the other hand are a tribe whose main goal is to gain a leadership position in Yemen because they used to be sidelined.
they enjoy the support of Northern Yemenis while the southern Yemenis mostly don't support them. actually the people of South Yemen in general don't like the North and they would probably want to seperate regardless of who controls the North.
That probably was true until NATO attacked, when even the "president" in the South offered to support the Houthis against the US.

do you actually have a proof of that? or did you just pull it out of...
Back when Yemen started seizing ships, this talking point was pushed by israeli bots with no evidence of it, just like 90% of their claims. So you kinda know where this guy is coming from.


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‘Everything Is Collapsing’: Israeli Reservists Confront Toll of Protracted War
As Gaza conflict drags on, reservists are exhausted, constraining Israel’s options as it weighs war with Hezbollah
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Hamas Toll Thus Far Falls Short of Israel’s War Aims, U.S. Says
First known U.S. estimate of Hamas’s death toll shows the group’s resilience after months of war
Israeli forces have killed 20% to 30% of Hamas’s fighters, U.S. intelligence agencies estimate, a toll that falls short so far of Israel’s goal of destroying the group and shows its resilience after months of war that have laid swaths of the Gaza Strip to ruin.
The U.S. estimate of the group’s casualties also found that Hamas still has enough munitions to continue striking Israel and Israeli forces in Gaza for months, and that the group is attempting to reconstitute its police force in parts of Gaza City, according to U.S. officials who confirmed a classified report.
In U.S. military doctrine, a conventional force that loses 25%-30% of its fighters would be considered combat-ineffective. But Hamas is an irregular force fighting a defensive war in a dense urban environment and has access to hundreds of miles of tunnels under Gaza. It has shown that it can still fight, but the losses “continue to put more pressure on Hamas’s network,” said retired Army Gen. Joseph Votel, who commanded U.S. military operations in the Middle East.


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I'm honestly quite aghast that a relatively educated and smart forum such as this have quite a number of Houthi supporters.
Presumably non of these supporters are Houthis themselves.
Let me repeat.. The Houthis are NOT saints.
Regardless of what you think of Israel or the evils of American 'imperialism', supporting or advocating for the Houthis just because they are shooting a few AsMs at US ships etc. is borderline insane.
You are talking about a group of folks not too different than the ISIS or African warlords who wouldn't think twice about kidnapping children to be soldiers, pillaging villages and mass raping young girls.
They have been.implicated in mass torture and other human rights abuse of thousands of people.
A Houthi militant wouldn't think twice about murdering you and raping your wife and daughter or hold you for ransom if you were to nonchalantly go visit north Yemen.
A large portion of everyday Yemenis hate them.
Sorry for my rant but some folks here are just ridiculous!
I am a big supporter of the Houthis.
Is there a problem with that? hahahaha


I'm honestly quite aghast that a relatively educated and smart forum such as this have quite a number of Houthi supporters.
Presumably non of these supporters are Houthis themselves.
Let me repeat.. The Houthis are NOT saints.
Who is a saint? LOL Saints are useless because they can't/don't fight evil. But Houthis do.
Regardless of what you think of Israel or the evils of American 'imperialism', supporting or advocating for the Houthis just because they are shooting a few AsMs at US ships etc. is borderline insane.
Any effort against Israel's US-supported genocide is to be applauded and championed. It's past the line of insanity for you to think that just because the Houthis aren't saints, that their efforts against the greatest evil happening on earth right now do not deserve support.
You are talking about a group of folks not too different than the ISIS or African warlords who wouldn't think twice about kidnapping children to be soldiers, pillaging villages and mass raping young girls.
It sounds like you just described the Israelis in Gaza on a mild day.
They have been.implicated in mass torture and other human rights abuse of thousands of people.
That's a little closer to the average Israeli day... if you added mass murder to it.
A Houthi militant wouldn't think twice about murdering you and raping your wife and daughter or hold you for ransom if you were to nonchalantly go visit north Yemen.
No, they wouldn't because we are Chinese. They would do that to an American, though, because America supports Israel's genocide against their people. Our main danger of getting murdered in broad daylight comes from American cops.
A large portion of everyday Yemenis hate them.
What numbers are you citing? A large portion of everyday Americans hate the American regime regardless of whether it is a Democrat or Republican in office.
Sorry for my rant but some folks here are just ridiculous!
Your lack of self-awareness is just ridiculous. Your country is involved in supporting the recreation of the holocaust except perpetrated by the Jews instead of on the Jews this time. You have absolutely no right to talk morals to anyone.
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