Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other Related Conflicts in the Middle East (read the rules in the first post)


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Guys, you need to stop calling people Indians or trying to guess where people are from.

1. It has no meaning. You're from China; another guy is from India; another guy from the US. What does it mean? Argue your points against their points. Doesn't matter where anyone is from.

2. You might very well be wrong. You're most likely wrong in this instance because they'll tell you if they are. Most Indians aren't ashamed of being Indian and they'll get right up and tell you that their India's the best because shitting in the ocean is so much more relaxing than being in a small room on a toilet and how cow shit's the best food in the world but your county's too stupid to eat it. There is nothing at all inconsistent in their writing with simply being Americans or NATO followers. Why are they Indians? If all your points are correct, but the nationality you insisted on someone is wrong, you do yourself a disservice because being wrong on one thing makes your other points look like they may be wrong too.


On a related point. Remember Alireza Akbari (may have misspelled his name).......Iran's former Deputy of Defense, Commander of the Revolutionary Guard!

On the outside he was a hardcore religious zealot, a political hawk, inflamed with revolutionary passion fighting for the interests of Iran. Turns out he was a double agent working for the MI6.

So what's the moral of this story.


Registered Member

On a related point. Remember Alireza Akbari (may have misspelled his name).......Iran's former Deputy of Defense, Commander of the Revolutionary Guard!

On the outside he was a hardcore religious zealot, a political hawk, inflamed with revolutionary passion fighting for the interests of Iran. Turns out he was a double agent working for the MI6.

So what's the moral of this story.
Perhaps the entire regime is composed of secret agents of CIA, MI6 and Mossad, but none of them know the others are also agents? They are all trying to prove their supposed loyalty by one-upping each other in vehement anti-Western, anti-Israeli rhetoric. A kind of purity spiral except none of them actually believe.

There is a theory of organisational behaviour that posits that it is best explained if you imagine the organisation is run by a cabal of its own worst enemies. Maybe that is actually the case in Iran?

Anyway, a good idea for a movie script.


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Perhaps the entire regime is composed of secret agents of CIA, MI6 and Mossad? They are all trying to prove their supposed loyalty by one-upping each other in vehement anti-Western, anti-Israeli rhetoric. A kind of purity spiral except none of them actually believe.

There is a theory of organisational behaviour that posits that it is best explained if you imagine the organisation is run by a cabal of its own worst enemies. Maybe that is actually the case in Iran?

Anyway, a good idea for a movie script.
Yes that.

And...those that appear loyal, speaking all positive things are often traitors.

Those that are critics are sometimes traitors, but often times not.

I'm not saying people are traitors to China or America on SDF, lol. It's not that serious. But don't label people just because you don't agree with their views.

Every time someone says anything positive about America, they are called an Indian, Jai Hind or what's the word used this time...Westoid bootlicker.

How do y'all come up with these names.
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It helps knowing what kind of indoctrination they're under by knowing which demographic they're from, so you can avoid lengthy debates that lead to no outcome. For example, speaking logic to a Zionist nutter in America or your average Israeli is like speaking to a rock; they simply cannot register logic because the cognitive dissonance is too strong. Also why people avoid @pmc but occasionally make the mistake of replying and realizing quickly that they've recieved a dose of brain cancer.
First of all, they have never written anything that would make me think they are Indian. The guess is wild and random.

Secondly, getting someone in the wrong demographic not only doesn't help you to understand them, it makes you look stupid and wrong. It's exactly the same as when I say something positive online about China and 86 Americans claim I make 50 cents a post working in a computer dungeon and the CCP has my family at gunpoint while I type. When someone says that to me, I know he's absolutely ignorant and retarded. So how do you think people feel about you guys when an old American who has served in his Navy tries to defend the actions of his nation and 20 Chinese people call him an Indian online??

If you have decided that someone is an "Indian" so you don't want to have a lengthy debate, then don't. There are people like me who will debate that. It's pollution when someone says something and your answer is "You're an Indian." It makes the whole forum look low level. I think Kwaigon and Petro are wrong as shit and their logic sucks trying to pass off genocide and war crimes as, "we're all a little bad sometimes so it's ok" but I argue thier points, never wildly guessing personal details about them to try to make them look bad because that makes me look bad.


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First of all, they have never written anything that would make me think they are Indian. The guess is wild and random.

Secondly, getting someone in the wrong demographic not only doesn't help you to understand them, it makes you look stupid and wrong. It's exactly the same as when I say something positive online about China and 86 Americans claim I make 50 cents a post working in a computer dungeon and the CCP has my family at gunpoint while I type. When someone says that to me, I know he's absolutely ignorant and retarded. So how do you think people feel about you guys when an old American who has served in his Navy tries to defend the actions of his nation and 20 Chinese people call him an Indian online??

If you have decided that someone is an "Indian" so you don't want to have a lengthy debate, then don't. There are people like me who will debate that. It's pollution when someone says something and your answer is "You're an Indian." It makes the whole forum look low level. I think Kwaigon and Petro are wrong as shit and their logic sucks trying to pass off genocide and war crimes as, "we're all a little bad sometimes so it's ok" but I argue thier points, never wildly guessing personal details about them to try to make them look bad because that makes me look bad.

I had a lot of fun everytime someone called me WuMao or how my social credit just got dunked. Loll. People are very smart.


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Registered Member
First of all, they have never written anything that would make me think they are Indian. The guess is wild and random.

Secondly, getting someone in the wrong demographic not only doesn't help you to understand them, it makes you look stupid and wrong. It's exactly the same as when I say something positive online about China and 86 Americans claim I make 50 cents a post working in a computer dungeon and the CCP has my family at gunpoint while I type. When someone says that to me, I know he's absolutely ignorant and retarded. So how do you think people feel about you guys when an old American who has served in his Navy tries to defend the actions of his nation and 20 Chinese people call him an Indian online??

If you have decided that someone is an "Indian" so you don't want to have a lengthy debate, then don't. There are people like me who will debate that. It's pollution when someone says something and your answer is "You're an Indian." It makes the whole forum look low level. I think Kwaigon and Petro are wrong as shit and their logic sucks trying to pass off genocide and war crimes as, "we're all a little bad sometimes so it's ok" but I argue thier points, never wildly guessing personal details about them to try to make them look bad because that makes me look bad.
My point is: it is futile to engage with people who refuse common sense logic to peddle their illogical beliefs, even in the face of evidence to contrary. People like Daniela Weiss (below), an extremist settler in the apartheid, or kwaigonegin. Once it's clear the person is revolving around poor logic willfully and refusing evidence to the contrary, there is really no point in continuing. It doesn't matter if they are Indian or not, but it does help coming to the conclusion quicker.

^^ You cannot reason with this person into anything fruitful.


My point is: it is futile to engage with people who refuse common sense logic to peddle their illogical beliefs, even in the face of evidence to contrary. People like Daniela Weiss (below), an extremist settler in the apartheid, or kwaigonegin. Once it's clear the person is revolving around poor logic willfully and refusing evidence to the contrary, there is really no point in continuing. It doesn't matter if they are Indian or not, but it does help coming to the conclusion quicker.

^^ You cannot reason with this person into anything fruitful.
Then say that. Say, "You're illogical and not worth my time debating." Don't say, "You're an Indian!"