Any attacks on civilians should be condemned. However, when Han Chinese were massacred during XJ riots most Westerners and their government and MSM were calling these terrorists as freedom fighters. What Hamas did is wrong but MSM and Westerners calling out and crying out about such attacks on civilians only because Israel is an ally of the West not because it is a crime on innocents. Westerners and MSM can easily turn a blind eye if it is the other way around.I think while the cause is just, not only is there no clear cut resolution that will be acceptable to both parties, the methods of resistance is also basically just terrorism. If say the Arab nations do a rematch with their conventional army to expel the Israeli it should be easier to stomach.
But instead you have Hamas doing a complicated offensive just to start shooting civilians in the street, parading their dead bodies around which is not really achieving the objectives for the Palestinian cause in regaining their homeland, only inviting Israel to bomb Gaza harder.
The cause is just but the world doesn't care or not care enough to do anything. Arab nations have abandoned Palestinians. Israel is longer willing to entertain a two state solution as Might is right.
When Native Americans killed those settlers. Are they terrorists or freedom fighters? When those Native Americans were put into enclave and lived in a horror condition is that a war crime. When some Native Americans decided to fight the last fight is that justified even though many innocents dead. Or are those settlers that innocent to begin with.
I can't condone what Hamas did. Either I am going to judge them. What Israelis did to Palestinians especially in Gaza Strip isn't right. Sadly, this is the reality. Right or wrong doesn't matter. Good or evil doesn't matter. Might is right, Hamas understood that and Israel understood that.