Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other Related Conflicts in the Middle East (read the rules in the first post)

obj 705A

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Hundreds of demonstrators, including families of Hamas hostages, gathered in central Tel Aviv to demand that the Israeli government keep humanitarian aid out of Gaza and agree to a ceasefire until Hamas releases the abductees or provides proof that they are being properly treated and given medical care.


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Hezbollah launched a Significant Escalation earlier today when it attempted to Target multiple Israeli Bases on the Border with Southern Lebanon using “Burkan” Rockets which reportedly have a Range of 500 Meters and can carry a 100-500kg Warhead; the Rockets appear to have Missed the Base but still likely caused Damage to the Surrounding Area.

I have been able to acquire new open high-resolution (50cm) satellite imagery from yesterday around noon showing the central IDF advance into the Gaza Strip. IDF mechanized forces had nearly reached the coast road, and heavy fighting was ongoing in the Wahsh area. (Thread)

IDF troops uncovered tunnel shafts, rigged them with explosives, and neutralized Hamas’s terrorist tunnels during special operations inside Gaza.

Are tunnels turning into a death trap for Hamas? The vast tunnel network in Gaza was built to protect the Hamas terror army & leadership. But as Israeli forces move deeper into Gaza, Hamas is facing some problems…


If he continues to fight against Gaza, mainly in Beit Hanun, and towards the coast, he is in the direction of Jabiliya towards the shati camp. Manano geolocalizzazioni per assegnare zone di controllo, ho increasing the zone gialla a Nord in base there report. Now mappate around 13 Israeli brigades that participate in all operations. On the map I insert the name of the local note (otherwise we don't know this location)

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I’ve built a thread to look at Namer, a heavy armoured personnel carrier (APC) that is in service with the IDF. You might have heard of it recently as 11 IDF personnel were reportedly killed in one when an ATGM hit their vehicle.

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Situation at Gaza strip [3/11/2023]: While IDF and Palestinian groups are clashing in Gaza, the West Bank is also suffering intense clashes, specially in the last two weeks (incidents represented with orange colors, while the yellow ones are the incidents during the first three weeks since HAMAS attack ) between IDF and Israeli settlers against Palestinians, which provoked more than 100 deaths. After almost a month since the beginning of the fighting in Palestine, the number of dead has unfortunately risen to approximately 10800, of which 9300 would be Palestinians.

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Israeli ground forces have reached across the full width of the Gaza Strip, satellite imagery shows, encircling Gaza’s largest city and cutting off the roads running south. We continue to map the conflict.


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Military spokesman for the Al-Qassam Brigades, Abu Ubaida: Since October 7 until now, the barbaric Zionist bombing of Gaza has caused the loss of more than 60 enemy prisoners in Gaza, and after searches, 23 of them’s bodies are still missing under the rubble until now, and it seems that we will not be able to reach them. Never because of the continued brutal aggression of the occupation against Gaza.

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obj 705A

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Israeli doctors demand the bombing of hospitals in Gaza

Dozens of doctors in Israel signed a petition calling on the security services and the Israeli army to bomb hospitals in Gaza.

The doctors, who were framed under the title “Doctors for Soldiers,” said in their letter that whoever confuses hospitals with terrorism must understand that hospitals are not a safe place for him, and terrorism must be fought everywhere and in every way, they said.

In response to this, the Israeli Association Physicians for Human Rights said that even if “the information that speaks about the presence of Hamas infrastructure under hospitals is true, this does not justify the bombing of thousands of innocent patients and displaced people in hospitals.”

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Initial report of a woman and her three children were killed in an Israeli drone strike in South Lebanon.

Updates or confirmation pending.


Officially, two cars were traveling on the road between Aitana and Aitaroun in south Lebanon.

The first belonged to Samir Ayoub (a journalist from the town of Ainata), and the second, which was hit, was driven by Huda Hijazi (Samir's niece from the town of Blida)

The Israeli army killed the woman Samira Abdel Hussein Ayoub, and all of:

- Remas Mahmoud Shour, 14 years old
- Taleen Mahmoud Shour, 12 years old
- Layan Mahmoud Shour, 10 years old



Secretary-General of Hezbullah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah:

"Israeli attacks on Lebanese civilians, might force us again, to kill an Israeli civilian for any Lebanese civilian killed"

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