Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other Related Conflicts in the Middle East (read the rules in the first post)


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I think that to participate in the Jewish networks you need to be born to a Jewish mother, otherwise you would be just like the poor converted Ethiopian Jews. If it were just conversion, there would be billions of Jews, not just a few millions.
Lol no.

Or more like, if you're indeed poor, then yes.

But I'm talking about wealthy and influential people joining, and they're joining Jewish 'networks' that are wealthy and powerful already, exactly to get monetary benefits.


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Lol no.

Or more like, if you're indeed poor, then yes.

But I'm talking about wealthy and influential people joining, and they're joining Jewish 'networks' that are wealthy and powerful already, exactly to get monetary benefits.
Already wealthy and influential people do not need to become Jewish to participate in their own networks. This type of networks already exists between Freemasons, for example.


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Already wealthy and influential people do not need to become Jewish to participate in their own networks. This type of networks already exists between Freemasons, for example.
Ofc not all wealthy people do, but very many did.

Not to mention converting isn't the 'only' way of joining, other examples are through marriage between families, or joining some chamber of commerce or w/e where there is a big Jewish presence or partipation.

Also, I used the word 'networks', because quite simply, there's lots of Jewish networks that are separate, sometimes connected and working together, but some networks are 'enemies/rivals' etc.

Some things they can stand together on (anti-semitism) but many more individual stuff there's often rivalry, competition and so on.


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But without technology and related education we lack the strength to punch them back, that is our biggest weakness and we need to address them. If Iraq actually had nuclear bombs, none of this would have happened to begin with. But at the end of this war, i can assure you, we will be the one standing. And for Israel, come on. They are scared of us getting nukes when they already have them.
Forget about Israel dude. Iraq today is a shadow of it former self. Saddam after being partners with the West at some point got too cocky and bit more than he could chew by invading Kuwait and turning on those very same powers that were partners of Iraq and helped arm the country. This is what happens when people don't know the power they have and those of their adversaries. Overestimating his country's strength vis a vis western powers is what costs him . The rest is history. In life we can bark and all but we need to be realistic especially when you are a leader of a country.

Today Iraq itself has gone from having the most powerful and disciplined military in the region(despite having less than half the manpower/resources and territory of Iran, they still once fought them for 8 years to a standstill) to be a corrupt third rate military with militias backed by Iran holding sway and ecen challenging the country's conventional military abit like a larger Lebanon. Today Iraq has almost become like a foriegn outpost for Iran and even Iran meddles openly in the country's politics and military affairs with her own proxy groups who look towards Tehran with reverence. I'm sorry but Iraq should forget about Israel for now and focus on rebuilding herself since Iraq was one a proud nation its sad that they have now almost come under Iran's orbit. Iraq has too many things on its plate to get involved in Israel Palestinian issues. Same with even Syria(another semi failed state today).
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Registered Member
White supremacists simply don't care what other people feel or think.

They proudly armed Ukraine to weaken their enemy Russia, armed Israel to weaken Iran and the entire Middle East and armed Taiwan to weaken China in the future. If they achieved this, they were successful and will only be proud of it.

They never cared if they were going to kill millions of innocent people with this. They have already killed millions of indigenous people in America, millions of people in India, millions of Africans, millions of Chinese. They find this a sign of their indisputable strength and are proud of it, as those preferred by God with a mandate from heaven to do whatever they want.

Who really cares if they kill a few more Palestinians if it shows that they are superior and still in command and no one is doing anything to stop them?

Arabs are major savers of dollars. After this massacre against their Palestinian brothers they will continue to buy a lot of dollars and without any competition, simply because there will be no alternative to the dollar.

The dollar is held by US military power primarily, not economic security. If when an opportunity arises to arm America's adversaries, Russia, Iran and China get scared and do nothing, it's because they will never do anything while we're alive. Any alternative to US will be killed.

The US will arm itself more, create new military bases and show more dominance and pay everything with debt, and the Arabs and China will pay that debt, continue to use dollars and absorb inflation without interfering in the US' path. Unfortunately, that's all the world can see now.
When the US is weakened past a certain point certain countries will dogpile in, and their propaganda machines will go overdrive in justifying the pacification of the US. The earlier Americans realize this the better, otherwise the end result will be similar to the end of Imperial Japan


Registered Member
Forget about Israel dude. Iraq today is a shadow of it former self. Saddam after being partners with the West at some point got too cocky and bit more than he could chew by invading Kuwait and turning on those very same powers that were partners of Iraq and helped arm the country. This is what happens when people don't know the power they have and those of their adversaries. Overestimating his country's strength vis a vis western powers is what costs him . The rest is history. In life we can bark and all but we need to be realistic especially when you are a leader of a country.

Today Iraq itself has gone from having the most powerful and disciplined military in the region(despite having less than half the manpower/resources and territory of Iran, they still once fought them for 8 years to a standstill) to be a corrupt third rate military with militias backed by Iran holding sway and ecen challenging the country's conventional military abit like a larger Lebanon. Today Iraq has almost become like a foriegn outpost for Iran and even Iran meddles openly in the country's politics and military affairs with her own proxy groups who look towards Tehran with reverence. I'm sorry but Iraq should forget about Israel for now and focus on rebuilding herself since Iraq was one a proud nation its sad that they have now almost come under Iran's orbit. Iraq has too many things on its plate to get involved in Israel Palestinian issues. Same with even Syria(another semi failed state today).

You make it sound as if both Syria and Iraq failed on their own and not because NATO(and by extension Israel) turned them into what they became. The only reason Iraq is now within Iran's sphere of influence is solely the fault of the US, just like the existence of ISIS as byproduct of the US refusal to reintegrate members of the Ba'athist party back into Iraqi public and political life.


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Forget about Israel dude. Iraq today is a shadow of it former self. Saddam after being partners with the West at some point got too cocky and bit more than he could chew by invading Kuwait and turning on those very same powers that were partners of Iraq and helped arm the country. This is what happens when people don't know the power they have and those of their adversaries. Overestimating his country's strength vis a vis western powers is what costs him . The rest is history. In life we can bark and all but we need to be realistic especially when you are a leader of a country.

Today Iraq itself has gone from having the most powerful and disciplined military in the region(despite having less than half the manpower/resources and territory of Iran, they still once fought them for 8 years to a standstill) to be a corrupt third rate military with militias backed by Iran holding sway and ecen challenging the country's conventional military abit like a larger Lebanon. Today Iraq has almost become like a foriegn outpost for Iran and even Iran meddles openly in the country's politics and military affairs with her own proxy groups who look towards Tehran with reverence. I'm sorry but Iraq should forget about Israel for now and focus on rebuilding herself since Iraq was one a proud nation its sad that they have now almost come under Iran's orbit. Iraq has too many things on its plate to get involved in Israel Palestinian issues. Same with even Syria(another semi failed state today).
As i have said before, your advice is not necessary. Anyone partnering with those western colonial terrorists deserve their fate .Saddam should have got that nuclear bomb instead. However , the only thing you should concern yourself is how you will cope when European failed states who only thrived on colonialism comes down crumbling. Iraq, Syria is not of your concern.


Registered Member
Forget about Israel dude. Iraq today is a shadow of it former self. Saddam after being partners with the West at some point got too cocky and bit more than he could chew by invading Kuwait and turning on those very same powers that were partners of Iraq and helped arm the country. This is what happens when people don't know the power they have and those of their adversaries. Overestimating his country's strength vis a vis western powers is what costs him . The rest is history. In life we can bark and all but we need to be realistic especially when you are a leader of a country.

Today Iraq itself has gone from having the most powerful and disciplined military in the region(despite having less than half the manpower/resources and territory of Iran, they still once fought them for 8 years to a standstill) to be a corrupt third rate military with militias backed by Iran holding sway and ecen challenging the country's conventional military abit like a larger Lebanon. Today Iraq has almost become like a foriegn outpost for Iran and even Iran meddles openly in the country's politics and military affairs with her own proxy groups who look towards Tehran with reverence. I'm sorry but Iraq should forget about Israel for now and focus on rebuilding herself since Iraq was one a proud nation its sad that they have now almost come under Iran's orbit. Iraq has too many things on its plate to get involved in Israel Palestinian issues. Same with even Syria(another semi failed state today).
Iraq today at least has freedom and a semi functioning militia. You bemoan Iranians there, well, they were invited by the locals. Nothing wrong with Iranian bases there, anymore than US having bases in Germany.

Saddam's Iraq was absolute trash, militarily and policy wise. From there on you can only go up. There was no discipline in the army, it was riddled with spies, had worse comms and ISR than even late ww2 armies! A total meme.

If you don't count Israel, which was in the past carried by being a direct US proxy, Hezbollah/Iran is the only remotely close to competitive semitic army.


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Is anyone outraged at all by the Israeli bombing of a refugee camp despite knowing full well that it was full of innocent civilians or wre the anglos and Israelis hoping the world will get so numb from helplessness that it’ll let Israel pull an Anglo and genocide Palestinians and steal their land, just as the anglos did in North America and Australia.

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The Houthis are launching ballistic missiles at Israel
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in response, the saudis have thrown their lot in with the Anglo Zionists and deployed anti missile batteries in favour of israel
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