Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other Related Conflicts in the Middle East (read the rules in the first post)


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What matters is hard power. Let's wait a few years and see if you can even keep Israel. Or even if there is an intact and America aligned Israel, how big will it's economy be, once it's embroiled in a meat grinder with Iran and a ton of fodder islmaist groups.

Does America have the hard power? Hard power to match Russians in an arms race? Hard power to keep occupations in the Middle East? Because all I see is a sick man empire with colonies free for the taking everywhere.
Only hard power matters?? What hard power does tiny Palestine have against Israel?? It’s all soft power, and they are winning the PR war.

Small Palestine did more damage to America in two weeks than Russia and China in the last 4 years.


Registered Member
The IDF bombed the Jabalia Refugee camp again during rescue operations. At this point is just cruelty and revenge.

One must wonder how cursed those lands will be once Israel wipes out all life in that area. I highly doubt that Israel is going to prosper will all that negative energy from all those innocent lives bombed to pieces for sport. Right now Israel is basically winning on the virtue of the fact that they are bombing civilians that cannot raise a muscle but one must honestly wonder, sooner or later, should Israel ever let its guard down or even if their is one big disaster, would anyone else show these monsters any mercy. The USA has basically got away with bombing nations to kingdom come nonstop, now it cannot even fight against a peer competitor without getting cold feet and a blood nose that requires a distraction to creep away. Does Israel have such a luxury, I mean religious wise, Israel isn’t immune to the consequences, what makes them think they can get away this time
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Forget about Israel dude. Iraq today is a shadow of it former self. Saddam after being partners with the West at some point got too cocky and bit more than he could chew by invading Kuwait and turning on those very same powers that were partners of Iraq and helped arm the country. This is what happens when people don't know the power they have and those of their adversaries. Overestimating his country's strength vis a vis western powers is what costs him . The rest is history. In life we can bark and all but we need to be realistic especially when you are a leader of a country.

Today Iraq itself has gone from having the most powerful and disciplined military in the region(despite having less than half the manpower/resources and territory of Iran, they still once fought them for 8 years to a standstill) to be a corrupt third rate military with militias backed by Iran holding sway and ecen challenging the country's conventional military abit like a larger Lebanon. Today Iraq has almost become like a foriegn outpost for Iran and even Iran meddles openly in the country's politics and military affairs with her own proxy groups who look towards Tehran with reverence. I'm sorry but Iraq should forget about Israel for now and focus on rebuilding herself since Iraq was one a proud nation its sad that they have now almost come under Iran's orbit. Iraq has too many things on its plate to get involved in Israel Palestinian issues. Same with even Syria(another semi failed state today).
Iraq has always been a joke even at its peak. Yes it managed to bully other joke of countries in the region but still got their ass kicked by Iran who had worse equipments. Having good equipments do not make a joke country a strong one. The strength is in the people and leaders. Poor China can fight peak 1950 US to a stand still. Vietnam can defeat US with foreign support. That is true internal strength. The weapons augment country with internal strength, but cannot serve as a crutch for weak ones.


Just Hatched
Registered Member
Nasrallah (Hezbollah's leader) is set to deliver a major speech on Friday. His first public speech since the war started. Lots of activities scheduled for Friday are getting cancelled right now. So we'll know whether Hezbollah will enter this war or not this Friday, although I should say if it does it would be unpopular in Lebanon.
It looks like Israel intentionally bombing refugee camp to make Lebanese people scared of another Hezbollah - Israeli war.


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Today Iraq itself has gone from having the most powerful and disciplined military in the region(despite having less than half the manpower/resources and territory of Iran, they still once fought them for 8 years to a standstill) to be a corrupt third rate military with militias backed by Iran holding sway and ecen challenging the country's conventional military abit like a larger Lebanon. Today Iraq has almost become like a foriegn outpost for Iran and even Iran meddles openly in the country's politics and military affairs with her own proxy groups who look towards Tehran with reverence. I'm sorry but Iraq should forget about Israel for now and focus on rebuilding herself since Iraq was one a proud nation its sad that they have now almost come under Iran's orbit. Iraq has too many things on its plate to get involved in Israel Palestinian issues. Same with even Syria(another semi failed state today).
Saddam's Iraq didn't have a powerful or disciplined military, they couldn't even defeat Iran just after a revolution in which the Iranian army was severely weakened and despite massive financial and military support from Gulf Arab states, the US, France and the Soviet Union! The guy was a joke with a tragically wrong perception of his strength. And then he repeated the same mistake with the invasion of Kuwait. The old Iraq was a danger to itself and its neighbours, not something to be proud of


Junior Member
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Pinpricks to force Israel to divert more forces away from Gaza. IMO, this won't work which could force Nasrallah's hand.

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The Islamic Resistance’s military media published an infographic demonstrating the Israeli occupation army’s casualties on the Lebanese border with occupied Palestine after 23 days of resistance operations “on the road to Al-Quds.”

According to the infographic, the Islamic resistance succeeded in destroying 2 troop carriers, 2 Hummers, and 9 tanks, targeting 120 Zionist soldiers, killing or injuring them, targeting 105 military sites, and destroying 69 communications systems, as well as 140 surveillance cameras and 17 jamming systems.

The valiant Mujahideen also destroyed 33 radars and 27 intelligence devices, as well as shooting down a drone.

In addition, Hezbollah’s qualitative operations resulted in the evacuation of 28 communities and the displacement of 65,000 people into the occupied interior.


This basic scenario already happened three times before, and at a time when the difference in capabilities was much less or even non-existent. Israel won, partially because of the inherent advantages of defense, partially because of a huge difference in the level of motivation, and partially because of extreme incompetence and disorganization among its enemies. There is no reason to think any of these have fundamentally changed, while the capability differential has grown enormously.
Not exactly.. they nvr really fought Turkey. Turkey's military is nothing to laugh at.