Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other Related Conflicts in the Middle East (read the rules in the first post)


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White supremacists simply don't care what other people feel or think.

They proudly armed Ukraine to weaken their enemy Russia, armed Israel to weaken Iran and the entire Middle East and armed Taiwan to weaken China in the future. If they achieved this, they were successful and will only be proud of it.

They never cared if they were going to kill millions of innocent people with this. They have already killed millions of indigenous people in America, millions of people in India, millions of Africans, millions of Chinese. They find this a sign of their indisputable strength and are proud of it, as those preferred by God with a mandate from heaven to do whatever they want.

Who really cares if they kill a few more Palestinians if it shows that they are superior and still in command and no one is doing anything to stop them?

Arabs are major savers of dollars. After this massacre against their Palestinian brothers they will continue to buy a lot of dollars and without any competition, simply because there will be no alternative to the dollar.

The dollar is held by US military power primarily, not economic security. If when an opportunity arises to arm America's adversaries, Russia, Iran and China get scared and do nothing, it's because they will never do anything while we're alive. Any alternative to US will be killed.

The US will arm itself more, create new military bases and show more dominance and pay everything with debt, and the Arabs and China will pay that debt, continue to use dollars and absorb inflation without interfering in the US' path. Unfortunately, that's all the world can see now.
So weapons grow on trees and the USA manufacturing capability is at maximum strength and its people are motivated and smart enough to build those new facilities within the next few years to be ready to blast Russia and China at the same time with their none existent hypersonic weapons that they don’t have, when they now are trying to scare both China and Russia with their brutality in Israel while basically running away like a b!tch from Ukraine because the Jews are seemingly worth more and billions have been poured into Ukraine for negative gain. it’s hard to make this stuff up but really, the USA isn’t in a very hot position right now to put it extremely mildly

Seriously sooner or later, no nation worth their salt wants dollars and once the dollar is completely kicked out and the money bubble in the USA pops, well what is the point of the conflict in Israel other then expose the fact that the USA is an open rogue nation that keeps on vetoing cease fires for shits and giggles and because quite frankly the USA has never lost anyone they care about yet. Consequences don’t take days to come, it takes time but once it comes, you will wish it never did. Also, how are the soldier recruitment going right now, they must be pretty fat right now, plus everyone knows that these cannon folder end up on the street homeless anyway, so really who in the USA wants to die for a old man in a diaper in the White House and can’t string together a coherent sentence

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Sorry, but you have to be very naive to think that Israel would one day align itself with China against the will of the US, even without Netanyahu.

Israel owns the US. All media, major corporations, including military, belong to Zionists in some way. The Israeli lobby is dominant in the US Senate, the House, and the Supreme Court also.

The US does nothing unless Israel also supports it. All sanctions that the US puts against China also have Israel's consent.
Repeating anti semitic tropes from the alt right?

Israel has US support because they're a colony. The productivity of Israel can be freely used as American asset. So of course they defend it like they defend their own territory.

It's your government, America, which is 100% responsible for it's own actions and failure. Israel has no hand in that, that is literally just some "Jews secretly control the world" cope trope to distract from the fact that it's all American politicians doing all American failures.

American hold on Israel is no more intractable than their hold on Saudi or Iraq. Nothing holds forever, especially when there's no resources left to give.


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I never said Israel will exist forever did i?
Yes you did. Your statement of Israel being anything but fantasy is testament to that. There is difference between countries & colonies bred by European colonial terrorists.
I said they are already there as a state as of Today and recognised by much of the world as such and there are not going anywhere just because some people dont want them to exists.
They also recognize Disneyland, does not make it a country. Besides i never talked about what people wish for. Just like people's wish does not matter, so does not their recognition. They will recognize Israel up until they will not.
just like there is no guarantee that your own country, China, Russia, U.S, U.K ,India or whichever country you can think of will keep existing the way we know it by that time.
Actually they will. Not U.S but rest of them will. To put Israel,U.S in same line with China & other countries is seeking legitimacy for apartheid. Country's name change, their boundary may change,but they always retain the essence of their core culture. You can see that from China or Russia. Now compare them with U.S,whose culture is what exactly besides being two third naked while speaking English that has no connection with true American culture?
Ratuonally speaking, i see no reason to believe they won't be or any country for that matter
Rationally speaking you should be concerned about British Empire 2.0 -> US, things are not going great there. I would say a possible third civil war is very close.
that's actually hilarious. If that's what you really believe then I have nothing more to say in this regard.
The truth is often hilarious to those having hard time coping with it. I do not care what your people believe in. I only have one question, Your people have been exporting democracy to other countries after being colonial terrorists for most part of their life, why are you scared of taking responsibility for your elected government's action when,by your own admission, your government is your representative in every way?
To have plausible deniability?


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Repeating anti semitic tropes from the alt right?
Antisemitic? haha

The alt right evangelicals is by far the biggest supporters of Israel along with the neocons of the Biden administration.

There's no distinction between Trump and Biden here.

Now I'm sure you're just a naive dreamer.


Registered Member
Antisemitic? haha

The alt right evangelicals is by far the biggest supporters of Israel along with the neocons of the Biden administration.

Now I'm sure you're just a naive dreamer.
I couldn't be any less concerned what brand of particular cope Americans tell themselves to sleep better at night.

What matters is hard power. Let's wait a few years and see if you can even keep Israel. Or even if there is an intact and America aligned Israel, how big will it's economy be, once it's embroiled in a meat grinder with Iran and a ton of fodder islmaist groups.

Does America have the hard power? Hard power to match Russians in an arms race? Hard power to keep occupations in the Middle East? Because all I see is a sick man empire with colonies free for the taking everywhere.


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Arabs already tried several times and lost to Israel. This has taken away all their desire to fight Israel again. Now look at all the countries around Israel.
Then who are those fighting now? We admit that our backwardness in technology has come back to bite us big time. We lack in technological field and there is no whitewashing it. Plain and simple.
But, even in that We withstood so called superpower U.S assault in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and other many area. Now they are in dying state and we are still there. If we die, we will take our enemy to grave with us. We can fight this war far far longer than people can imagine no matter how brutal it is.
But without technology and related education we lack the strength to punch them back, that is our biggest weakness and we need to address them. If Iraq actually had nuclear bombs, none of this would have happened to begin with. But at the end of this war, i can assure you, we will be the one standing. And for Israel, come on. They are scared of us getting nukes when they already have them.


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Israel owns the US. All media, major corporations, including military, belong to Zionists in some way. The Israeli lobby is dominant in the US Senate, the House, and the Supreme Court also.

The US does nothing unless Israel also supports it. All sanctions that the US puts against China also have Israel's consent.

It's US Jews that have a large and strong influence over the US (Media, Companies, Politics etc.).

And I repeat it's US Jews, NOT Israelis.
And that is quite the big fundamental difference.

As for why it's the case?
Simple, when elites (wealthy and powerful people) join to become a Jew, they join a big influential network where they can GAIN stuff (money, connections etc.). And they are able to gain more from that network, the more they contribute to it (it's the 'underlining' basic rules of the network).

In fact, it's been the case for like, centuries (jews attracting elites/wealthly people), and was the reason for why Jews were known for being bankers and giving out high-interest loans back in the day.

EXTRA: As an example from the older days, Jews would give higher interest loans to non-Jews while lower interest loans to Jews. So traders/merchants etc. would have an incentive to join and become a Jew to get some actual monetary benefits.


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It's US Jews that have a large and strong influence over the US (Media, Companies, Politics etc.).

And I repeat it's US Jews, NOT Israelis.
And that is quite the big fundamental difference.

As for why it's the case?
Simple, when elites (wealthy and powerful people) join to become a Jew, they join a big influential network where they can GAIN stuff (money, connections etc.). And they are able to gain more from that network, the more they contribute to it (it's the 'underlining' basic rules of the network).

In fact, it's been the case for like, centuries (jews attracting elites/wealthly people), and was the reason for why Jews were known for being bankers and giving out high-interest loans back in the day.

EXTRA: As an example from the older days, Jews would give higher interest loans to non-Jews while lower interest loans to Jews. So traders/merchants etc. would have an incentive to join and become a Jew to get some actual monetary benefits.
If US Jews are Zionists and support Israel, and Israel depends on the US to exist, you have to be very naive and foolish to expect Israel to support China against the US. Israel will always follow what its US Jewish Zionist donors want.

And the Zionist Jews who influence the media, large corporations, the US Senate, House and Supreme Court will never want to lose their power and influence to subject themselves to the Chinese. They will fight to the end to maintain their power. Expecting otherwise is just foolish.

EXTRA: In the older days, all poor and rural Jews converted to Christianity or to Islam and only the rich snd urban Jews are able to pay taxes to governments and became moneylenders.


Senior Member
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If US Jews are Zionists and support Israel, and Israel depends on the US to exist, you have to be very naive and foolish to expect Israel to support China against the US. Israel will always follow what its US Jewish Zionist donors want.
I didn't make any comments about how Israel would follow China or not.
That's a point that @manqiangrexue made.
And the Zionist Jews who dominate the media, large corporations, the US Senate, House and Supreme Court will never want to lose their power and influence to subject themselves to the Chinese. They will fight to the end to maintain their power. Expecting otherwise is just foolish.
Again, you're wrong.
It's US Jews, and while to a big extent, they do support Israel (from the jews to the government), they are NOT the same as the Zionist in control of Israel.
EXTRA: In the older days, all poor and rural Jews converted to Christianity or to Islam and only the rich snd urban Jews are able to pay taxes to governments and and became moneylenders.
And? I didn't say that all moneylenders and rich Jews were outside converts, just that many such people (lenders, bankers, merchants etc.) did convert to become Jews in order to benefit from Jewish networks.


Junior Member
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I didn't make any comments about how Israel would follow China or not.
That's a point that @manqiangrexue made.

Again, you're wrong.
It's US Jews, and while to a big extent, they do support Israel (from the jews to the government), they are NOT the same as the Zionist in control of Israel.

And? I didn't say that all moneylenders and rich Jews were outside converts, just that many such people (lenders, bankers, merchants etc.) did convert to become Jews in order to benefit from Jewish networks.
I think that to participate in the Jewish networks you need to be born to a Jewish mother, otherwise you would be just like the poor converted Ethiopian Jews. If it were just conversion, there would be billions of Jews, not just a few millions.
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