Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other Related Conflicts in the Middle East (read the rules in the first post)


White supremacists simply don't care what other people feel or think.

They proudly armed Ukraine to weaken their enemy Russia, armed Israel to weaken Iran and the entire Middle East and armed Taiwan to weaken China in the future. If they achieved this, they were successful and will only be proud of it.

They never cared if they were going to kill millions of innocent people with this. They have already killed millions of indigenous people in America, millions of people in India, millions of Africans, millions of Chinese. They find this a sign of their indisputable strength and are proud of it, as those preferred by God with a mandate from heaven to do whatever they want.

Who really cares if they kill a few more Palestinians if it shows that they are superior and still in command and no one is doing anything to stop them?
Rather strange complaint that your enemy doesn't care about your feelings and won't pull his punches...
Arabs are major savers of dollars. After this massacre against their Palestinian brothers they will continue to buy a lot of dollars and without any competition, simply because there will be no alternative to the dollar.
The dollar is held by US military power primarily, not economic security. If when an opportunity arises to arm America's adversaries, Russia, Iran and China get scared and do nothing, it's because they will never do anything while we're alive. Any alternative to US will be killed.

The US will arm itself more, create new military bases and show more dominance and pay everything with debt, and the Arabs and China will pay that debt, continue to use dollars and absorb inflation without interfering in the US' path. Unfortunately, that's all the world can see now.
Oh no, it's Mr. Century-of-Humiliation again! LOL The Yuan is already a common alternative to the dollar, its usage spreading through all major non-Western-aligned countries. Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iran, etc... are increasing usage of the yuan along with the BRICs block. This is a direct assault on the root of American power. Doesn't happen overnight that everyone can drop the dollar and go to the yuan but the growth of yuan usage is basically double digits every year since China started its push. An alternative to the USD is all that's needed to loosen the ground American power stands on; it doesn't need to achieve the destruction of the dollar, which is not possible as long as Western economies remain relevent.

Arming America's adversaries is pointless because they are too small; they are distractions and best and will be crushed with or without Chinese/Russian/Iranian arms. Concentrating all power to arm China is what America fears. Even Russia can only be America's biggest distraction and obstacle to the true challenge of China. America didn't fall on its back foot like this because China spent its energy running around trying to create and arm little rats that nibble and bite at America's ankles; America fell on its back feet because of China's magnanimous self-development. In the end, America will fall to Chinese growth, not a China that foolishly tries to emulate American tricks but without America's tools, as you would apparently like to see.
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Senior Member
Registered Member
White supremacists simply don't care what other people feel or think.

They proudly armed Ukraine to weaken their enemy Russia, armed Israel to weaken Iran and the entire Middle East and armed Taiwan to weaken China in the future. If they achieved this, they were successful and will only be proud of it.

They never cared if they were going to kill millions of innocent people with this. They have already killed millions of indigenous people in America, millions of people in India, millions of Africans, millions of Chinese. They find this a sign of their indisputable strength and are proud of it, as those preferred by God with a mandate from heaven to do whatever they want.

Who really cares if they kill a few more Palestinians if it shows that they are superior and still in command and no one is doing anything to stop them?

Arabs are major savers of dollars. After this massacre against their Palestinian brothers they will continue to buy a lot of dollars and without any competition, simply because there will be no alternative to the dollar.

The dollar is held by US military power primarily, not economic security. If when an opportunity arises to arm America's adversaries, Russia, Iran and China get scared and do nothing, it's because they will never do anything while we're alive. Any alternative to US will be killed.

The US will arm itself more, create new military bases and show more dominance and pay everything with debt, and the Arabs and China will pay that debt, continue to use dollars and absorb inflation without interfering in the US' path. Unfortunately, that's all the world can see now.
You have a very overly optimistic view of western capabilities. what your describing is a sole superpower, which may be true from 1989 to 2017 but less apt now. I personally believe it’s the beginning of the end of western dominance. Time will tell.


Junior Member
Registered Member
You have a very overly optimistic view of western capabilities. what your describing is a sole superpower, which may be true from 1989 to 2017 but less apt now. I personally believe it’s the beginning of the end of western dominance. Time will tell.
I want to believe in you, but I can only believe in what I see and have proof.

And what I and the entire world see today is Israel and the USA doing in Gaza what Nazi Germany did in the Warsaw Ghetto and no one stop them now.

If not even the Arabs and Muslims do anything, except the poor Houthis, why think that in our lifetime anyone will challenge their dominance?


Junior Member
Registered Member
I want to believe in you, but I can only believe in what I see and have proof.

And what I and the entire world see today is Israel and the USA doing in Gaza what Nazi Germany did in the Warsaw Ghetto and no one stop them now.

If not even the Arabs and Muslims do anything, except the poor Houthis, why think that in our lifetime anyone will challenge their dominance?

Arabs already tried several times and lost to Israel. This has taken away all their desire to fight Israel again. Now look at all the countries around Israel.

Egypt fought several times and lost and settled for peace with cost of Massive US financial and armament aid. Now they are run by a Pro-US dictatorship where a pro western elite control the country funded by the US.

Lebanon is a tiny country with big religious divisions and its an essential failed state and still has the only force that fought against Israel recently the Hezbollah.

Syria also lost to Israel several times, also small population and now divided and weakend by Civil War.

Jordan is tiny in terms of population and GDP. poor, weak and again lost to Israel dominated by Monarchy propped up by US power.

Gulf countries are backward monarchies literally backed by US military as protectors of the regime. But more than that they are extremely backward countries where even doctors and engineers are foreign workers. Even the military is full of foreigners from the likes of Pakistan. US advisers and managers dominate the economy.

The only true viable powers are Iran and Turkey. But both are too distant from Israel and thus cannot fight it directly.

Muslims and Arabs are still too poor, uneducated, weak to fight the US and the west which are the main backers of Israel. This is ofcourse changing slowly, they are getting more richer, educated and learning new technologies. But it will take more time. They are not developing in China speed. Their growth is much slower.
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I want to believe in you, but I can only believe in what I see and have proof.
You don't see expanding Yuan usage? You don't see BRICS expansion? You don't see the endless conveyer belt of foreign leaders bowing as they shake hands with Xi? Go to an optometrist.
And what I and the entire world see today is Israel and the USA doing in Gaza what Nazi Germany did in the Warsaw Ghetto and no one stop them now.
No one stopped Russia in Georgia either. According to Americans, no one is stopping Chinese expansion in the SCS. For China to go to the middle east and fight the US, it would have already surpassed American power. We're not there yet. We're getting there, but not yet. No reason to jump the gun.
If not even the Arabs and Muslims do anything, except the poor Houthis, why think that in our lifetime anyone will challenge their dominance?
"Even" the Arabs and Muslims?? Like they're supposed to be able to stop Israel or the US?? They are the least capable of that fight. American dominance is already being challenged by China, economically, technologically, and militarily. Just not... Gazalogically LOLOL The Palestinians are suffering from war crimes, but they are not China's fight. China's fight is to surpass the US in all the pillars of power that buttress a superpower as the US is buried in distractions, knowing full well that China's transforming into a beast it cannot handle but still being unable to extract itself from these distractions.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Arabs already tried several times and lost to Israel. This has taken away all their desire to fight Israel again. Now look at all the countries around Israel.

Egypt fought several times and lost and settled for peace with cost of Massive US financial and armament aid. Now they are run by a Pro-US dictatorship where a pro western elite control the country funded by the US.

Lebanon is a tiny country with big religious divisions and its an essential failed state and still has the only force that fought against Israel recently the Hezbollah.

Syria also lost to Israel several times, also small population and now divided and weakend by Civil War.

Jordan is tiny in terms of population and GDP. poor, weak and again lost to Israel dominated by Monarchy propped up by US power.

Gulf countries are backward monarchies literally backed by US military as protectors of the regime. But more than that they are extremely backward countries where even doctors and engineers are foreign workers. Even the military is full of foreigners from the likes of Pakistan. US advisers and managers dominate the economy.

The only true viable powers are Iran and Turkey. But both are too distant from Israel and thus cannot fight it directly.

Muslims and Arabs are still too poor, uneducated, weak to fight the US and the west which are the main backers of Israel. This is ofcourse changing slowly, they are getting more richer, educated and learning new technologies. But it will take more time. They are not developing in China speed. Their growth is much slower.
Yes, they lost in the past.
But they were still able to make the Palestinian people still exist. Otherwise, without the past wars, ethnic cleansing would have already happened in the 70s and today Israel would be much larger and there would no longer be Palestinians in Gaza or the West Bank.

Furthermore, past wars lasting just few months. Israel, being small, could not withstand a larger, long-lasting war without thousands of American troops directly fighting.

Modern defense systems are also more capable of destroying Israel's arsenals and military concentrations.

They don't fight today because neither Russia, Iran nor China helps them as the USSR helped them in the past.

With this current absence of limits for the US and no power to challenge them, now we will see the end of Palestine and the consolidation of Israel as a big, undisputed and unsinkable American military base in the Middle East. We also see the Arabs increasingly being held hostage by the US and restricted.


Registered Member
White supremacists simply don't care what other people feel or think.

They proudly armed Ukraine to weaken their enemy Russia, armed Israel to weaken Iran and the entire Middle East and armed Taiwan to weaken China in the future. If they achieved this, they were successful and will only be proud of it.

They never cared if they were going to kill millions of innocent people with this. They have already killed millions of indigenous people in America, millions of people in India, millions of Africans, millions of Chinese. They find this a sign of their indisputable strength and are proud of it, as those preferred by God with a mandate from heaven to do whatever they want.

Who really cares if they kill a few more Palestinians if it shows that they are superior and still in command and no one is doing anything to stop them?

Arabs are major savers of dollars. After this massacre against their Palestinian brothers they will continue to buy a lot of dollars and without any competition, simply because there will be no alternative to the dollar.

The dollar is held by US military power primarily, not economic security. If when an opportunity arises to arm America's adversaries, Russia, Iran and China get scared and do nothing, it's because they will never do anything while we're alive. Any alternative to US will be killed.

The US will arm itself more, create new military bases and show more dominance and pay everything with debt, and the Arabs and China will pay that debt, continue to use dollars and absorb inflation without interfering in the US' path. Unfortunately, that's all the world can see now.
Lol yeah. 5 years ago, we fought over dominance in Iraq. 2 years ago, we fought over dominance in Saudi. Let's see if 1 year from now, you can keep even Israel.

You should realize that replacing Israel with Palestine is not our only solution to evict you from the region. Most Israelis see Netanyahu as personally responsible, due to the failure of your intelligence agency at fighting flip flop men armed with Huawei phones. We can also "take" Israel the same way we took Iran and Saudi. Weaken them using a conflict, let the Likud get voted out, and then get them into a new deal.

What "dominance" are you showing? The 2nd largest economy in the world that shows no signs of growing while being unable to beat Russians in a war of attrition? Come back when you can cash any of the checks you're writing.


Yes, they lost in the past.
But they were still able to make the Palestinian people still exist. Otherwise, without the past wars, ethnic cleansing would have already happened in the 70s and today Israel would be much larger and there would no longer be Palestinians in Gaza or the West Bank.

Furthermore, past wars lasting just few months. Israel, being small, could not withstand a larger, long-lasting war without thousands of American troops directly fighting.

Modern defense systems are also more capable of destroying Israel's arsenals and military concentrations.

They don't fight today because neither Russia, Iran nor China helps them as the USSR helped them in the past.

With this current absence of limits for the US and no power to challenge them, now we will see the end of Palestine and the consolidation of Israel as a big, undisputed and unsinkable American military base in the Middle East. We also see the Arabs increasingly being held hostage by the US and restricted.
Your geography needs brushing up. If Israel integrates all of Gaza, with will be a little bigger. The Palestinians never stood a chance and never had the power to change anything. They were just being slowly eaten up by Israel. If they were all gone and Israel became a whole block, it would have a negligable effect on Israeli power and no increase in Israel's usability as an American base at all. All the drama is in your head.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Lol yeah. 5 years ago, we fought over dominance in Iraq. 2 years ago, we fought over dominance in Saudi. Let's see if 1 year from now, you can keep even Israel.

You should realize that replacing Israel with Palestine is not our only solution to evict you from the region. Most Israelis see Netanyahu as personally responsible, due to the failure of your intelligence agency at fighting flip flop men armed with Huawei phones. We can also "take" Israel the same way we took Iran and Saudi. Weaken them using a conflict, let the Likud get voted out, and then get them into a new deal.

What "dominance" are you showing? The 2nd largest economy in the world that shows no signs of growing while being unable to beat Russians in a war of attrition? Come back when you can cash any of the checks you're writing.
Sorry, but you have to be very naive to think that Israel would one day align itself with China against the will of the US, even without Netanyahu.

Israel owns the US. All media, major corporations, including military, belong to Zionists in some way. The Israeli lobby is dominant in the US Senate, the House, and the Supreme Court also.

The US does nothing unless Israel also supports it. All sanctions that the US puts against China also have Israel's consent.
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Sorry, but you have to be very naive to think that Israel would one day align itself with China against the will of the US, even without Netanyahu.

Israel owns the US. All media, major corporations, including military, belong to Zionists in some way. The Israeli lobby is dominant in the US Senate, the House, and the Supreme Court also.

The US does nothing unless Israel also supports it. All sanctions that the US puts against China also have Israel's consent.
It's all about power dynamic. Israel aligns itself with the country it believes can ensure its survival. If America is waning and it becomes apparent that pissing off China is going to result in China arming all the countries Israel has beef with until one of them pulls the trigger and ends things, Israel will align itself with China. And to be honest, I've seen seeds being planted for this already. Lavi project sale to China, the incident where 8 F-15 engines went missing in Israel suspected to going to China, are Israel's foot in the door for telling China that it was always helping China.
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