Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other Related Conflicts in the Middle East (read the rules in the first post)


It is a common theme throughout history and regions. China was at one point like that. What is needed is a common cause, a common enemy to unite the people. When people are desperate, and see others like them suffering from the same, they band up.
There is a small % that this event may snowball into a single cause and espirit de corps across the entire Muslim world albeit temporarily.
If that happens we may see Israel facing the combined armies of all Sunni, Shia/Arabs, Persians, Turks.
A war that Israel will lose even with the assistance of US/NATO.

Deleted member 24525

If that happens we may see Israel facing the combined armies of all Sunni, Shia/Arabs, Persians, Turks.
A war that Israel will lose even with the assistance of US/NATO.
This basic scenario already happened three times before, and at a time when the difference in capabilities was much less or even non-existent. Israel won, partially because of the inherent advantages of defense, partially because of a huge difference in the level of motivation, and partially because of extreme incompetence and disorganization among its enemies. There is no reason to think any of these have fundamentally changed, while the capability differential has grown enormously.


Grumpy Old Man
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Moderator - World Affairs
This basic scenario already happened three times before, and at a time when the difference in capabilities was much less or even non-existent. Israel won, partially because of the inherent advantages of defense, partially because of a huge difference in the level of motivation, and partially because of extreme incompetence and disorganization among its enemies. There is no reason to think any of these have fundamentally changed, while the capability differential has grown enormously.
Plus I don’t think China has any interest in arming the West Asian countries. Having a chaotic West Asia region that can impact the oil and gas market is not in China’s interest.


Junior Member
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My only hope is that someday in the future we can have peace in this region. I am just not sure how either side can reconcile their differences. At some point it just becomes an endless wave of violence with no real goal outside of petty vengeance.


Registered Member
It's also quite hard to intercept mortar rounds or lobbed grenades from an automatic grenade launcher... They need to be sure of their positions or they are just negligent.
They might just not be trained that well. Ukrainians (or rather, Ukraine supporters that aren't busy being drafted) mock Russian mobilized for their lack of training. While Russia supporters mock the NATO trained for their lack of skill.

But both these categories actually received fairly high quality training, and they don't do that big mistakes compared to what we've seen in a brief glimpse of conflict in the ME.

The Russian mobilized are all veterans of past military service in a well funded army, and the Ukraine conscripts are trained in rich countries that have the means to train using real equipment constantly during peacetime.

Israel's quality might actually be closer to the norm of what you'd expect from a middle tier middle eastern country, while we've been spoiled by seeing 2 actors with access to higher end resources fight for the last 2 years.

Likewise, Hezbollah is only skilled because they're in constant training/low intensity fighting. If Iran's main forces were moved, I'd bet with a good chance that they will show carelessness as well.


Junior Member
Registered Member
But you believe,Israel, a colony bred by British empire would exist forever? I didn't say anything about others thriving, i said israel won't exist
I never said Israel will exist forever did i? I said they are already there as a state as of Today and recognised by much of the world as such and there are not going anywhere just because some people dont want them to exists.. if countries could stop existing just because of human wishes im sure even your own country will not exist today. Lol so we have to be realistic.
of course there is no guarantee that Israel will continue existing decades or centuries or thousands of years from now just like there is no guarantee that your own country, China, Russia, U.S, U.K ,India or whichever country you can think of will keep existing the way we know it by that time. In life nothing is guaranteed, it doesnt apply to only one person or country but to all. So i don't get your point about pointing out only Israel here.
So realistically they are a country and here to stay as such. Ratuonally speaking, i see no reason to believe they won't be or any country for that matter

One of the missiles fired by the Houthis against Israel made it all the way to Jordan before crashing
Interesting. Well Houthi rebels can afford to do so since they are a militias group and non state actor so have plausible deniability, so the stakes aren't too high. Compared to if it was the regular forces of a country's government or military launching such attacks. For example even Iran can't afford to do so directly due to the implications of such an action. But yeah they can use militias and their proxies to do so and still avoid escalation.
Still waiting to see if Iran will actually intervene directly as their foreign minister alluded to recently if Israel launched a ground invasion, since israel has started ithe ground invasion of Northern Gaza, this is the time for Iran to enter the war.

They certainly should. The other people have been naive thinking all the bull shit about values might be true, may be it is the government that is evil, people of west are innocent who just like to get drunk & do parties at night clubs touting their way of life. But those other people are waking up now watching everything you say & have said . American people good, American government bad bull shit is not working any more.
Ahahah.....that's actually hilarious. If that's what you really believe then I have nothing more to say in this regard. Every body is free to believe what they want to believe, but reality will always be there. The sad thing is that the world will never change for us or just because of the way "we feel" about something. So our feelings are inconsequential here to be honest. ‍
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Registered Member
Interesting. Well Houthi rebels can afford to do so since they are a militias group and non state actor so have plausible deniability, so the stakes aren't too high. Compared to if it was the regular forces of a country's government or military launching such attacks. For example even Iran can't afford to do so directly due to the implications of such an action. But yeah they can use militias and their proxies to do so and still avoid escalation.
Still waiting to see if Iran will actually intervene directly as their foreign minister alluded to recently if Israel launched a ground invasion, since israel has started ithe ground invasion of Northern Gaza, this is the time for Iran to enter the war.

The route necesarily implies Saudi Arabia didn't do much to stop the missile and neither did Jordan, though, which has its own political implications