Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other Related Conflicts in the Middle East (read the rules in the first post)


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Iran is not a backer of Hamas. Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood. Their closest sponsors are Qatar and Turkey. They have a bad relation with the current Egyptian leadership, since the current military led Egyptian government got back into power after kicking the Muslim Brotherhood government there out. The Muslim Brotherhood got into power in Egypt after US pressure into holding elections after the "Arab Spring". US President Obama was basically responsible for the Muslim Brotherhood getting into power in Egypt.

Israel themselves initially fostered the growth of Hamas to split the Palestinian leadership and weaken the PLO.

In the Syrian "civil war" Hezbollah, a Shia militia, was backing the Syrian government while Hamas, which is Suni, was on the side of the rebels against the government. Hamas fighters in Syria were flown into Israeli hospitals to be treated. The conflict in Syria basically pitted on one side the Syrian government, Iran, Hezbollah, Russia, against the Syrian rebels, Qatar, Hamas, Saudi Arabia, Al-Qaeda, the US, Turkey, Chechen and East Turkestan rebels.

Trying to claim Hamas is some sort of Iranian puppet is just totally bogus. The US pulled the same bogus argument when they claimed Saddam Hussein was harboring Al-Qaeda as an excuse to invade Iraq after 9/11.
All true, but that doesn't mean Iran isn't giving money and weapons to Hamas in Gaza after winning in Syria. Iran and Hamas aren't enemies. It's generally recognised that Iran is one of the major backers of Gaza, alongside Qatar. They aren't using Iranian weapons by accident after all. Of course that doesn't make them a puppet


Registered Member
All true, but that doesn't mean Iran isn't giving money and weapons to Hamas in Gaza after winning in Syria. Iran and Hamas aren't enemies. It's generally recognised that Iran is one of the major backers of Gaza, alongside Qatar. They aren't using Iranian weapons by accident after all. Of course that doesn't make them a puppet
Which Iranian weapons? They are using the RPG-7V and the Kornet, but several countries have licenses to produce those weapons. The Kornet is also produced in Jordan and Saudi Arabia for example. Thus far I have seen them use no weapons uniquely produced by Iran.


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It's just incredible that America and its Western puppet governments are openly and unequivocally supporting ethnic cleansing, to the overwhelming opposition of the global south, who should be more accurately termed the global majority. What is the geopolitical benefit to backing this highly unpopular and quasi-fascist state? How could any sane US diplomat not see that this is shooting their own credibility in the foot?


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Sorry but i had to disagree on this part, while using realist pov is certainly understandable on the Iran hostility towards Israel. But, in my opinion, Iran should be singled out as a non-rational actor in the International stage, Iran extremely emphasized its Constructivist pov with its unwavering support towards Hezbollah and Hamas. It's commitment towards this purely religious struggle is due to it trying become the centre for its own branch of Islam in the world.

It's capitalisation of Saudi Arabia as in bed with much of the western aligned countries further vindicate its own position. While i don't rule out the possibility of just trying to increase geopolitical and hegemonic power like that, but i argued that for exclusively Israel's case Iran is a non-rational actor on this case.
Agree completely . I don't think it contradicts the point I made . It just adds to it. I didn't want to add the points of Iran trying to set up its own pole of power/branch of Islam with her as the leader vis a vis the Arab world and KSA since that would have made it a longer point of discussion.
It's true that Iran has been smart in building up itself as a major pole of its own brand of Islam with the country as a leader in this pole and drawing much following in the Arab world in its neighbourhood where they have smartly used this to their advantage to further their influence/reach and power in the entire region. They now have a firm foothold/proxies and control in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, parts of Afghanistan, and even far off as Yemen and some support even in Pakistan etc they tried to set up something similar in Bahrain supporting the shia uprisings there but unfortunately for them it was crushed by Saudi Arabia directly getting involved to support the Bahrain government wlse Bahrain too would have fallen under Irans orbit. So yeah it's an interesting chess game being played played in the region betweenIran and KSA. Israel just add to this and acfually helps Iran garner more support/further its influence.
I do think it's been a smart strategy for Iran to do so, since it has helped them create proxy groups who fervently follow the country's ideology/brand of Islam and some even have a sense of belonging towards Iran where many even rever the Ayatollah(just have to look at some protests in the region where Khamenei pictures are paraded etc). Just look at how they were able to garner Shias and volunteers around the region to form militias under Iranian military leadership to go fight for them to help maintain their ally Assad in Syria against the mostly sunni rebels . This showed how much religious hold and sway they have managed to build in the region.
KSA doesn't or didn't have to do so much because they are/have been known as defacto the centre of Islam globally and the heart of Arab world(being where the Hajj revered by all Muslim is based and the prophet also hailing from there and where Islam basically started before spreading around the region and the world. So KSA automatically holds alot of influence and sway over the region and Muslim world, but Iran had to work hard to make a name and brand for herself in this department. Which they have done fairly well I must say


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That is where you are making mistake. I believe in Israel as much as I believe in Santa Claus and Wonderland.. There were lots of European colonial empires that are extinct now, rest will follow soon. That is reality that has happened and will happen again. Is that what make you people so desperate? Losing your way of life?
Dude, every empire rises and fall not just European. So what do you mean? I don't understand your point. Turkey had an empire before they aren't European, Mongolia had an empire before, even China had its own empire before,Russia did, Egypt did, the hell even Ethiopia did etcetc. So what's your point exactly? That only European empires and Israel will dissappear while others will thrive and survive? I'm confused.


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Another mistake. You do not parrot government propaganda. Your government parrots your people's propaganda. You pay your taxes to your government to propagate your propaganda so you can hide behind cloak of being civilians. In a real democracy, peoples are responsible for their government's action. Because government is representative of you. You people are your government
Oh that's even funnier, so according to you our governments parrots the peoples propaganda? I don't know if you are being sarcastic or serious here. Actually others who are against the West often say the opposite of what you said. That the government doesn't represent the people . So it's kinda hilarious. Think people should make up their mind. Lol
The fact that you get so personal shows that indeed you are quite passionate about the Israel Palestine issue for various reasons. I don't find anything wrong in that since we are all different .
For me the Israel Palestine issue is just one of many conflicts globally. So nothing special there. There are actually more bloodied and tragic conflicts out there( just because the media doesnt care mich about those doesnt make them less human or less serious). So I consider this conflict like I do with other conflicts around the world . Palestinians and Israelis aren't any special to me. So I can observations about the conflict from a neutral perspective as I don't have much stake in it anyway .


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Dude, every empire rises and fall not just European. So what do you mean? I don't understand your point. Turkey had an empire before they aren't European, Mongolia had an empire before, even China had its own empire before,Russia did, Egypt did, the hell even Ethiopia did etcetc. So what's your point exactly? That only European empires and Israel will dissappear while others will thrive and survive? I'm confused.
But you believe,Israel, a colony bred by British empire would exist forever? I didn't say anything about others thriving, i said israel won't exist.
Oh that's even funnier, so according to you our governments parrots the peoples propaganda? I don't know if you are being sarcastic or serious here. Actually others who are against the West often say the opposite of what you said. That the government doesn't represent the people . So it's kinda hilarious. Think people should make up their mind. Lol
They certainly should. The other people have been naive thinking all the bull shit about values might be true, may be it is the government that is evil, people of west are innocent who just like to get drunk & do parties at night clubs touting their way of life. But those other people are waking up now watching everything you say & have said . American people good, American government bad bull shit is not working any more.
For me the Israel Palestine issue is just one of many conflicts globally. So nothing special there. There are actually more bloodied and tragic conflicts out there( just because the media doesnt care mich about those doesnt make them less human or less serious). So I consider this conflict like I do with other conflicts around the world . Palestinians and Israelis aren't any special to me. So I can observations about the conflict from a neutral perspective as I don't have much stake in it anyway .
For me, these global conflicts have same root cause, Western colonialism. And conflicts will not be resolves unless we solve the root cause permanently. I am a victim of it, so yes, this is personal,like it is to so many others.


Iran is not a backer of Hamas. Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood. Their closest sponsors are Qatar and Turkey. They have a bad relation with the current Egyptian leadership, since the current military led Egyptian government got back into power after kicking the Muslim Brotherhood government there out. The Muslim Brotherhood got into power in Egypt after US pressure into holding elections after the "Arab Spring". US President Obama was basically responsible for the Muslim Brotherhood getting into power in Egypt.

Israel themselves initially fostered the growth of Hamas to split the Palestinian leadership and weaken the PLO.

In the Syrian "civil war" Hezbollah, a Shia militia, was backing the Syrian government while Hamas, which is Suni, was on the side of the rebels against the government. Hamas fighters in Syria were flown into Israeli hospitals to be treated. The conflict in Syria basically pitted on one side the Syrian government, Iran, Hezbollah, Russia, against the Syrian rebels, Qatar, Hamas, Saudi Arabia, Al-Qaeda, the US, Turkey, Chechen and East Turkestan rebels.

Trying to claim Hamas is some sort of Iranian puppet is just totally bogus. The US pulled the same bogus argument when they claimed Saddam Hussein was harboring Al-Qaeda as an excuse to invade Iraq after 9/11.
Which is why I always maintained that all these infighting and wars amongst the various tribal and religious groups and factions can and are easily exploited by the powers to be.
It's true during the colonial expansionist and it holds true today. It's always from the same playbook.
The ME is screwed up not because of foreign interventions rather the sectarian violence and deep mistrusts between all the many dozens of various factions often drawn around religious and tribal lines.
Arguably the 'West' did take some advantage by profiteering via arm sales etc. and propping up western friendly protagonists which often times further led to even more instability.
The root cause remains however.
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Registered Member
Which is why I always maintained that all these infighting and wars amongst the various tribal and religious groups and factions can and are easily exploited by the powers to be.
It's true during the colonial expansionist and it holds true today. It's always from the same playbook.
The ME is screwed up not because of foreign interventions rather the sectarian violence and deep mistrusts between all the many dozens of variousplayback.
Arguably the 'West' did take some advantage by profiteering via arm sales etc. and propping up western friendly protagonists which often times further led to even more instability.
The root cause remains however.
It is a common theme throughout history and regions. China was at one point like that. What is needed is a common cause, a common enemy to unite the people. When people are desperate, and see others like them suffering from the same, they band up.