Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other Related Conflicts in the Middle East (read the rules in the first post)


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No word on what the poison gas was used. I find the ICC threat all theater but at least it's 'documented' for potential future use. However, I recall there was some controversy with this Khan guy with respect to the Ukraine war.

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Al Mayadeen's sources revealed on Sunday...that the IOF [Israeli Occupation Forces] had attempted to penetrate the Gaza Strip four hours after deploying the toxic gas, noting that this strategy was "used in the main areas of operation, specifically in Beit Lahia and Beit Hanoun [Gaza]."

This comes after Al Mayadeen's correspondent in Gaza reported that an Israeli infantry unit fell into an ambush set up by the Resistance in Soufa. Our correspondent confirmed that "the Israeli infantry unit withdrew from Sofa after intense clashes with the Resistance that lasted for 3 hours."

Furthermore, the IOF's spokesperson announced that an Israeli officer was seriously injured as a result of the detonation of an explosive device and that another soldier was injured during confrontations in the northern Gaza Strip.

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The International Criminal Court’s Prosecutor Karim Khan told a news conference in the Egyptian capital Cairo on Sunday that Israel must make “discernible efforts” to ensure civilians get basic food and medicine.
Khan said the court has “active investigations ongoing” in relation to “crimes allegedly committed in Israel on October 7, and also in relation to Gaza and the West Bank in our jurisdiction, going back to 2014”.

“We are independently looking at the situation in Palestine, we are looking at events in Israel and the allegations that Palestinian nationals have also committed crimes,” Khan said.
Israel, which is not a member of the ICC, has previously rejected the court’s jurisdiction and does not formally engage with the court.


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For Serbia, Thank God the GAZA incident happen, they are the next Target as a way to further escalate as the Russia are still bug down in Ukraine. NATO Serbia project is dead, especially as the Russian will deliver the Coup De Main next year before the US presidential Election.

A bit off topic but are you predicting the retaking of Kosovo? I remember reading of a build up of Serbian forces at the Kosovo border several weeks ago.


Registered Member
A bit off topic but are you predicting the retaking of Kosovo? I remember reading of a build up of Serbian forces at the Kosovo border several weeks ago.
Kosovo like Taiwan is part of Serbia, The Serbian never recognized its independence and so are the Majority of Countries. It is an illegal outpost FOR NATO design to further Balkanized Serbia and for me to eliminate the Slavic culture for good.

IF the Russian do deliver the Coup De Main and conquer most of Ukraine (leaving Lvov and Kiev) and create a corridor between Belarus and Hungary (cutting off Poland) Then the Russian can sustainable supply Serbia, pressuring Moldova, Rumania and the Bulgarian to think twice and maybe adopt a more independent foreign policy.

So Yes, the Serbian will retake what is theirs especially as the collapse of Ukraine will facilitate the collapse of NATO.


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I do find the arguments about Israel being a "diverse" country quite amusing, as an attempt to whitewash how deeply racist it is and non-white jews are treated as second class citizens at best, between the mass esterilization of ethiopian jews to the lynch mobs on sudanese, indian and chinese jews.

A civilian car bumps into an IDF tank in Gaza and tries to turn around when the tank fire a rounds into the car

Total self-defense.
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The ethnic cleansing of Jews started way before that. You might want to read about Islamic texts of Prophet Muhammad's conquest of Medina where around 700 members of Jewish tribe Banu Qurayza were murdered, women and children put to slavery right after their unconditional surrender.

These were the days of barbarism and should not be used to justify Israel violence against Palestinians.
This a widely discussed topic of its own and I don't want to derail the thread but I think some context would help those who are not familiar with the event.

If we are relying on Islamic sources, this occured following a battle in which the Banu Qurayza tribe committed treason against their Muslim allies. The Prophet (SAW) had previously expelled groups for similar reasons but in this case, the tribe was allowed to select their own judge. They selected a Muslim who was thought to be sympathetic to them but he chose to judge them according to his understanding of their law instead of an Islamic basis. This put them in a predicament but they rather accept death based on their tradition than appeal to another. There is debate about the details but that is the general Islamic understanding. It is not viewed by Muslim communities as targeted towards Jewish people but towards a particular tribe in an era and place where basically all men of any tribe were at arms. There were other Jewish tribes that lived in peace with Muslims in Medina after this event.

For the purposes of this thread, I really just wanted to basically agree with you that this shouldn't be viewed as part of the current conflict for either side.


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I agree that proxies are not good idea. But Western nations are the ones who bred this concept. Why NATO is not fighting Russia directly? NATO was not too late in Libya, US led bloc was quick in Afghanistan, Iraq. Not a single NATO boot in Ukraine?
That's different. Russia is an erstwhile superpower eventhough they have been diminished today from their soviet heydays they still retain the world's biggest nuclear arsenal and a big military machine, so still a 1st tier power despite their decline. So Its unfeasible for any power to launch an invasion of Russia. The stakes a simply too high there.
By contrast Iran and Israël are mid tiers powers at best. So even if they do fight the stakes aren't as high as a NATO Vs Russia conflict.
Moroever Russia invasion of Ukraine is to keep its former soviet neighbours under her boots/dominion and stop them from moving closer to the E.U. moroever you don't see NATO leaders constantly claiming they will destroy the Russian state and Russia itself like Iran constantly does with Israel neither does NATO members not recognise Russia as a state itself or not having any diplomatic ties with Russia whatsoever, unlike Iran who has zero to no relations with Israel. They don't even recognise the country in the first place and constantly call for its disbandment. Reason I said they have more reason to fight Israel directly and restore what they think is Palestine on all what is known as Israeli land today :)


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That's different.
There is always a difference. Like how all western peoples are well versed about History of Jews & Israel, up until there is a difference when same parallel is drawn with today's illegitimate colonies such as Australia or USA.
moroever you don't see NATO leaders constantly claiming they will destroy the Russian state and Russia itself like Iran constantly does with Israel neither does NATO members not recognise Russia as a state itself or not having any diplomatic ties with Russia whatsoever, unlike Iran who has zero to no relations with Israel. They don't even recognise the country in the first place and constantly call for its disbandment. Reason I said they have more reason to fight Israel directly and restore what they think is Palestine on all what is known as Israeli land today :)
Why would Iran recognize Israel? A illegitimate apartheid colony that does not exist in reality? To create another USA? If we remember Biden's speech, he said it openly long time ago when he was a senator.
The fight between NATO & Russia is fight between a country & group of formal colonial terrorists trying to do another USSR to Russia. The struggle between Iran & Israel is struggle between a civilization & a non existent fantasy. Why would Iran have relation with them? So west can breed another Australia or USA project? You people need to stop doing online advertisement of your propaganda. This does not work anymore. Rest of the World is figuring out you people are source of the problem, not the government you hide behind. There is no Israeli land. Never will be. And if direct fighting was to west's liking, they should fight directly with Russia. They seem only interested in directly fighting in West Asia.


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There is always a difference. Like how all western peoples are well versed about History of Jews & Israel, up until there is a difference when same parallel is drawn with today's illegitimate colonies such as Australia or USA.

Why would Iran recognize Israel? A illegitimate apartheid colony that does not exist in reality? To create another USA? If we remember Biden's speech, he said it openly long time ago when he was a senator.
The fight between NATO & Russia is fight between a country & group of formal colonial terrorists trying to do another USSR to Russia. The struggle between Iran & Israel is struggle between a civilization & a non existent fantasy. Why would Iran have relation with them? So west can breed another Australia or USA project? You people need to stop doing online advertisement of your propaganda. This does not work anymore. Rest of the World is figuring out you people are source of the problem, not the government you hide behind. There is no Israeli land. Never will be. And if direct fighting was to west's liking, they should fight directly with Russia. They seem only interested in directly fighting in West Asia.
Seems you are quite emotional about the Israel/Palestinian issue. So I won't go much about this anymore.
The fact that you still believe there is no Israel and they are an existing fantasy says it all. Lol
We have to be realistic in life. Even Arab countries who fought and spill alot of blood in their fights against Israel have come to terms with this fact today, yet you still seem to deny it?
Iran doesn't recognise Israel and is more vocal about them because the country's ruling regime uses this for their geopolitical gains( which I think is actually quite smart of them as well) and to further their interests and influence in the region. Else it will be difficult for Iran to find that strategic depth and space to face her asversaries in the region. So it's a rational strategy from Iran in my opinion..

Israel as a state and country is already there as a fait accompli whether we like it or not, won't be going anywhere. They are already recognised and have normal ties with almost every major country on earth(from China, to India, to Russia, to East Asia to Europeto U.S to South american countriesto Africa etc etc..) the only few ones that don't yet recognise them officially are a few Muslim countries and to be honest those countries hey don't really have any real diplomatic /economic weight to change anything. So we can at least agree on the fact rhat Israel isn't going anywhere. Let's be realistic for once instead of using emotions and feelings to make observations.

Moreover , I don't know what you mean by "you people should stop doing online advertisement for your propaganda". Dude I am just making an observation. So I don't get why you think I'm parroting some form of government propaganda here. Lol In that case many other can just say the same thing about every member here as well. It will lead us nowhere. As I said before, we should try and put our feelings aside and analyse things for what they are instead of how we feel.


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Seems you are quite emotional about the Israel/Palestinian issue. So I won't go much about this anymore.
The fact that you still believe there is no Israel and they are an existing fantasy says it all. Lol
That is where you are making mistake. I believe in Israel as much as I believe in Santa Claus and Wonderland.. There were lots of European colonial empires that are extinct now, rest will follow soon. That is reality that has happened and will happen again. Is that what make you people so desperate? Losing your way of life?
Moreover , I don't know what you mean by "you people should stop doing online advertisement for your propaganda". Dude I am just making an observation. So I don't get why you think I'm parroting some form of government propaganda here.
Another mistake. You do not parrot government propaganda. Your government parrots your people's propaganda. You pay your taxes to your government to propagate your propaganda so you can hide behind cloak of being civilians. In a real democracy, peoples are responsible for their government's action. Because government is representative of you. You people are your government.


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Seems you are quite emotional about the Israel/Palestinian issue. So I won't go much about this anymore.
The fact that you still believe there is no Israel and they are an existing fantasy says it all. Lol
We have to be realistic in life. Even Arab countries who fought and spill alot of blood in their fights against Israel have come to terms with this fact today, yet you still seem to deny it?
Iran doesn't recognise Israel and is more vocal about them because the country's ruling regime uses this for their geopolitical gains( which I think is actually quite smart of them as well) and to further their interests and influence in the region. Else it will be difficult for Iran to find that strategic depth and space to face her asversaries in the region. So it's a rational strategy from Iran in my opinion..

Israel as a state and country is already there as a fait accompli whether we like it or not, won't be going anywhere. They are already recognised and have normal ties with almost every major country on earth(from China, to India, to Russia, to East Asia to Europeto U.S to South american countriesto Africa etc etc..) the only few ones that don't yet recognise them officially are a few Muslim countries and to be honest those countries hey don't really have any real diplomatic /economic weight to change anything. So we can at least agree on the fact rhat Israel isn't going anywhere. Let's be realistic for once instead of using emotions and feelings to make observations.

Moreover , I don't know what you mean by "you people should stop doing online advertisement for your propaganda". Dude I am just making an observation. So I don't get why you think I'm parroting some form of government propaganda here. Lol In that case many other can just say the same thing about every member here as well. It will lead us nowhere. As I said before, we should try and put our feelings aside and analyse things for what they are instead of how we feel.

Sorry but i had to disagree on this part, while using realist pov is certainly understandable on the Iran hostility towards Israel. But, in my opinion, Iran should be singled out as a non-rational actor in the International stage, Iran extremely emphasized its Constructivist pov with its unwavering support towards Hezbollah and Hamas. It's commitment towards this purely religious struggle is due to it trying become the centre for its own branch of Islam in the world.

It's capitalisation of Saudi Arabia as in bed with much of the western aligned countries further vindicate its own position. While i don't rule out the possibility of just trying to increase geopolitical and hegemonic power like that, but i argued that for exclusively Israel's case Iran is a non-rational actor on this case.