Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other Related Conflicts in the Middle East (read the rules in the first post)


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Is Israel even trying to rescue the hostages?

When the US went after bin Laden in Pakistan, they didn’t go all out and nuke the country, but instead sent in special forces and surgically “removed” him.

One would imagine Israel ought to be doing something similar, but I fail to grasp their strategy.
Surgically "removed" him (OBL)? LOL

Israel's strategy is to push out the native population out of Israel using the threat of death and destruction. Would you stay in your own home when you know a bomb is heading towards you? Most sane people would evacuate to safer areas and return once the fighting stops. However, Israel have zero intentions of allowing the displaced population to return. Look at the Palestinian diaspora, they're not allowed to return when they left the country. In the case of Gaza, the destroyed buildings will ensure the displaced Palestinians can't return unless they're willing to live inside the pockets of space in the rubble; basically living inside a cave.


Lieutenant General
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And this is what possibly hit the hospital in Gaza... If you've been hearing the Israeli angle, they've been saying Hamas hides their hardware at hospitals and schools. First distraction is saying it couldn't be a JDAM because there's no evidence of a crater at the hospital. That's because it probably wasn't a JDAM they used. Claiming Hamas uses hospitals and schools to hide like rocket launchers admits that they could've knowingly or unknowingly targeted a hospital.


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The White House: The decision on Israel’s ground entry into Gaza rests solely with its leadership


"US official confirms to me that key reason for IDF ground invasion delay is US request to complete preps for broader conflict."

"Preps incl deployment of THAAD and Patriot air defense systems in Gulf (poss also Jordan + northern Iraq) and arrival of USS Ike + 2k marines."

Yonatan Touval of Mitvim, The Israeli Institute for Regional Foreign Policies | Writer for: Time, Haaretz, Washington Post, NYT and Newsweek.


Lieutenant General
Proof that when Russia says they try to only target military, they are actually doing so. And more interestingly, either certain "PGMs" aren't working, or they are working but being targeted against nonmilitary targets.

Precision carpet bombing is still indiscriminate bombing. When you see footage from Gaza of entire urban areas systematically razed with not a single building left standing, it’s easy to see how there are so many civilian casualties.