Israel attacks Gaza Strip


The Capitalist
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All I can say Is just remember who is calling the shots here and of course it is the Arabs, not The Isrealis or the US or its Allies.

Hamas and Hezbollah have taken the initiative here, just as other groups have elsewhere and the "West" have been simply responding.

I further say that the Arabs have not only called the shots but that they are leading the events. Remember they have seen the US and Isreali military machines beat conventional Arab army after conventional Arab/Muslim Army, but then get bogged down and ripped up by insurgencies.

Is this the aim here? Is this a ploy to call them all on and achieve what I believe is the Islamists goal, the joining up of all the little bushfires from Afghanistan to Gaza into one major conflagration. This afterall is how major wars and even World Wars begin; when a number of smaller wars all join up together.

Big Fires suck in Oxygen and start fire storms, and a continuos conflict through the trans Mesoptomian and West Asian region would do the same. Previous "holy wars" have shown us that relegious zeal is only the province of the minority, the majority are looking for profit and advancement. For the millions of Poverty struck in North Africa and beyond, such a conflict can offer hope to those with nothing to lose.

So no, there is nothing dumb about these "terrorists" and we might want to ask ourselves who exactly is winning this "War on Terror"?
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Junior Member
bd popeye said:
A swift, overwhelming and devsating attack may end this conflict in a quck manner. But Hamas, Hezbollah and others will never ever give up the fight. This whole conflict started about 6000 years ago and will continue .....

You do have a point here. The war may spin out of control. The Syrians supposely have 400 to 600 ballistic missiles, many of them can covered the entire length of Israel(inventory includes Scud-B, Scud-C, Scud-D, and M-9). Unlike Iraq, Syria also has a huge stockpile of chemical WMDs in the form of Sarin and VX nerve gas. One has to wear a full body suit to protect oneself from these deadly agents. A single drop of this stuff lands on one's skin will killed. To make matters worst, 70% of Israel's population is concentrated around Tel Aviv, making it an ideal missile target.
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Junior Member
utelore said:
I have just seen a news clip with a long line of Merkava 4. yes I say again merkava 4. not 3 or 2 but 4. This is very interesting as it is the heaviest and best combat power Israel has. They may have about 100 of these in their whole invertory. So the question is what are they going to do with them. maybe kill a few T-72's?????

I doubt the Syrians would tried to deploy the T-72 against the Merkava in a tank vs. tank battle, the Merkava being the much superior tank. The T-72s would probably deployed as supporting artillery.
On the other hand, Syria has the Russian-built Kornet-E ATGMs. It is said the Kornet can penetrate 3 ft. of reactive armour. It uses a tandem shape-charge warhead. When it strikes a tank, it first blows off the reactive cladding, then it melts its way thru 3 feet of steel armour. Whether or not it can stopped the Merkava tank, can only be tested on the battlefield.:coffee:


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SampanViking said:
All I can say Is just remember who is calling the shots here and of course it is the Arabs, not The Isrealis or the US or its Allies.

Hamas and Hezbollah have taken the initiative here, just as other groups have elsewhere and the "West" have been simply responding.

I further say that the Arabs have not only called the shots but that they are leading the events. Remember they have seen the US and Isreali military machines beat conventional Arab army after conventional Arab/Muslim Army, but then get bogged down and ripped up by insurgencies.

Is this the aim here? Is this a ploy to call them all on and achieve what I believe is the Islamists goal, the joining up of all the little bushfires from Afghanistan to Gaza into one major conflagration. This afterall is how major wars and even World Wars begin; when a number of smaller wars all join up together.

Big Fires suck in Oxygen and start fire storms, and a continuos conflict through the trans Mesoptomian and West Asian region would do the same. Previous "holy wars" have shown us that relegious zeal is only the province of the minority, the majority are looking for profit and advancement. For the millions of Poverty struck in North Africa and beyond, such a conflict can offer hope to those with nothing to lose.

So no, there is nothing dumb about these "terrorists" and we might want to ask ourselves who exactly is winning this "War on Terror"?

That's an excellent point you make. I couldn't have said it better myself. To be quite honest with you, I never thought of it this way...


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Hi Sanpan, I would really really really like to respond to your post, However I cant because it would most likely start a very heated political debate.... NOT against me and you but would spur on others to chime in and cause fights... that would kill the post. I shall keep it on the military aspect of Israel vs Arabs nations......wolf blitzer is just coming on and have to watch...cheers ute

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utelore said:
I shall keep it on the military aspect of Isael vs Arabs nations......

No need to even do that. The only nations that are going to get involved are Syria and maybe even Iran (they're not even Arab but Persian). Lebanon can't force Hizbullah to do anything; they have way too much influence in the country and throughout the region. I think Hezbollah has picked this time to conduct the kidnapping because right now, Israel is also fighting against the Palestinians. A three front war can happen if Syria and Iran start to help Hezbollah by providing them with the latest weapons (Kornet E, latest Igla missiles, latest RPG rounds, etc.)


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There is no doubt that the palestinians have better weapons than just a year ago. I have seen news clips of fighters armed with PG-7VR RPG round. I would bet money that the Kornet is in operation however I would not over state the capability of the Kornet it is just a ATGW that has had some limited success on the battlefield practically any ATGW worth their salt could punch through 3ft of concrete but punching through advanced composite armour is a little different.

To that post about the Syrians not deploying their T-72's is not correct. The Syrians have upgrade those tanks to be on par with T-80 and have some armed with thermal imaging sites. be that as it may I do think syrian special commandos will cause more problems with ATGW than the T-72.

just alittle footnote the PRC is funding a great deal of the Israeli cruise missile developments like the Delilah 2 with hopes of getting some of them in the furture. my bet is the PRC already has a version of the Delilah fielded that Israel has given them.

Finn McCool

Registered Member
Israel is shelling southern Lebanon, hitting it with air strikes, and moving across the border.

Hamas and Hezbollah don't seem to realize that attacking Israel is only going to result in more Arab deaths. Militarily, I don't think that either side has many options. Hezbollah has incurred Israel's wrath, and now it can do little but keep its head down. Israel can't do very much either. Hezbollah can survive artillery and air strikes, and Israel can't hurt them basly unless it invades Lebabnon. Hezbollah would be able to fight the Israelis much better than Hamas.

By the way, Israel called the capture of the soldiers an "act of war" by Lebanon.
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The new Israeli prime minister is trying to act like Ariel Sharon. From what I am hearing, the front pages in Israeli newspapers is about a sexual harrassment charge against Omert rather than the Gaza operation. Maybe launching the Lebanon operation was to take away from the bad publicity he's receiving. In the past talks with Hezbullah was always a priority and that was when Ariel Sharon was in power...

I think Hezbollah knew what it was in for when it captured the two soldiers. It needed to boost it's dropping popularity in both Lebanon and the Arab world (there was an exchange of very hot words between Al Qaeda and Hezbollah several months ago). And with the Americans stuck in Iraq, there is little America can do in this situation. The two wild cards are Iran and Syria. Will they intervene somehow? We'll have to wait and see...

Breaking news: the Israelis have hit the airport in Beirut with rockets...

Finn McCool

Registered Member
This sucks for the US. Iraq is tying our hands. If Iran or Syria decides to intervene (although I don't know if Iran could do much other than fire ballistic missles at Israel, which may be an overreaction and would not pay) the US could do little because both of those countries could make Iraq even more of a hell for us. Plus, if we militarily aid Israel, Muslims everywhere, including Iraqis, would get really angry, increasing attacks on the US troops. The US would also lose the support it has from Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. But I don't think US intervention is likely unless Iran really gets involved.

This is escalating out of control. I think that Israel could defuse this situation by negotiating for the soldiers. But that is unlikely. What is the latest word on Israeli reservist mobilizations? That is the most dangerous news I've heard during this whole thing. If Israel is really mobilizing its reservists en masse, it is going to do a massive operation, possibly invading Lebanon and deploying troops to the Golan Heights to threaten Damascus.