So do I believe IDF can completely wipe out militias in Lebanon? No… But they can kick their ass so severely that they will pose only insignificant threat to Israeli interests and security… And this is exactly what they want to accomplish…
Not even near I'm afraid. Did the huge bobming campaing dismatle Vietcong back in the 60's? HAve there ever been a case when insurgency is defeated with force? No. Israel might get some sort of temporarely victory in tactical means but it cannot do much about the hizbollah. This cambaing will only strenghten it in longer perspective, there is enough of relatives and closest of those civils already killed.
I don't believe that any sort of massive uprising in arab world would happen, but certainly there will be major boost for the support of islamic extremist. THere will be new terrorist attacks against Israel, Usa and it's allies. More blood, more pain and the circle will go on and on and on...
Perhaps I'm getting older in someways but this whole situation just makes me sad Anger is still buried inside but sadness is in the top. So sorry to drift this topic of the tracks but I really whis we wouldn't have to discuss over this matter...