In the short-term that is true. But at the same time Israel would also accept a ceasefire if the peacekeeping force was ready to be deployed, regardless of whether Hezbollah was destroyed or not.
For Hezbollah to win long-term, it needs to ensure that a peacekeeping force is not deployed with a mission to disarm it. How they can make that happen I'm not sure. So unless this turns into a regional war with more countries getting sucked in, they're in a spot of bother in the long-run.
Well did the Isreali occupation of the southern lebanese put a end to the Hizbollah? It may force it play cool, but as a political and sosial influencer it will remain. The only way Hezbollah could be terminated is the cutting the support to it. And I'm not talking about the support form Iran or Syria, but the support form the local population, shiiahs of Lebanon. And unlike Israel might think, bombing the crap out of them isen't cutting the support, it will only strenghten it.
Only way to fight succesfully against terrorism is to improve the living standarts of the people that supports it. As you see if you have nothnig, you got nothnig to loose...