ISIS/ISIL conflict in Syria/Iraq (No OpEd, No Politics)

Jeff Head

Registered Member
These people are truly barbaric and seeking to terrorize others. They seek to publicize their atrocities.

But this will fuel a steely anger and commitment, particularly on the part of the Jordanian leadership and military and their allies.

A similar thing occurred with allied militaries in World War II as the atrocities against captured soldiers and civilians by the Nazis and the Imperial Japanese became apparent..

There will be significant pay back for this act against the pilot...and I expect it will be 100 to one.


It looks like none of ISIS' publicized hostages have been successfully ransomed so far. It's quite possible that states are refusing to accept ISIS demands and are simply making noises to the media for public relations.


I’m sorry, but I need to make a probably inflammatory comment after watching that video.

This organization (ISIS) is basically a place for sadistic brutes, the feeble minded, the impotent and lost people to feel part of something.


I just listened on my favourite radio station to a Dutch speaking Jordanian free lance journalist student of IS matters who said that few Jordanians are in favour of IS but that they generally still have more respect for IS than for US and that they are opposed to Jordan taking part in the US led coalition.

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
I don't think it's correct that Jordan goverment are basically behaving like ISIS and just taking revenge on prisoners

If those executed were in death row in Jordan there should be proper appeal process in place with international monitored judges and solicitors you can't just execute someone for sake of revenge and Jordan should be held to account by international criminal court

Violance against Violance just means more Violance

UAE has pulled out of ISIS coalition and others are also rethinking their role in the war against ISIS

Unless someone is going to commit 650,000 troops on the ground for a long time this "air war" is going to have no effect

ISIS have members from ex Iraqi army pro saddam elements they know how to fight on the ground without any air power they just melt away into population centres and are nowhere to be found

Either you leave them alone or go in big style this "limited war" is feeding their propoganda machine and I think it will only get worse

You simply can't rely on Kurds Shias or any other faction to do the ground work they are all in it for personal gains it's like asking a banker robber to look after a bank!! A bad idea


From what I hear the ones that were executed were on death row. Many Muslim clerics even condemned them that they are not following the will of God and the prophet.

Some people are even joining up the fight against ISIS. Here is an interesting article.

Westerners join Kurds fighting Islamic State in Iraq

SINJAR, Iraq — As Kurdish fighters gathered around a fire in this damp, frigid mountain town in northwestern Iraq, exhausted from battling the Islamic State group, a surprising recruit wearing a tactical vest with the words “Christ is Lord” scribbled on it joined them.

The fighter, with a sniper rifle slung over his shoulder and a Rambo-styled bandanna around his head, is 28-year-old Jordan Matson from Sturtevant, Wisconsin, a former U.S. Army soldier who joined the Kurds to fight the extremist group now holding a third of Iraq and neighboring Syria.

“I’m not going back until the fight is finished and ISIS is crippled,” Matson told The Associated Press, using an alternate acronym for the militant group. “I decided that if my government wasn’t going to do anything to help this country, especially Kurdish people who stood by us for 10 years and helped us out while we were in this country, then I was going to do something.”

Matson and dozens of other Westerners now fight with the Kurds, spurred on by Kurdish social media campaigners and a sense of duty rooted in the 2003-2011 U.S.-led military intervention in Iraq. And while the U.S. and its coalition allies bomb the extremists from the air, Kurds say they hope more Westerners will join them on the ground to fight........ to read more
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Don't know if this is also right but it reminds me of some IJA troops that stayed behind to fight for the Indonesians after WW2 when the Dutch tried to reclaim their former colony defying both the Japanese government and the Allies order to cease fire and surrender of weapons.
I guess it is up to the people of the future especially the Kurds on how these people are remembered who are dedicating their lives in the line of fire to fighting for their cause.


ISIS is a disease that must be wiped out. It was not that long ago that they were fighting alongside the other terrorists against Assad, then against the other terrorists and I thought that would be how the terrorists meet their end, only for them to morph into demons conquering vast chunks of territories.

Before their conquests, they were already killing innocent people in drive-by shootings with machine guns, barbaric acts that were spine-chilling and ominous. Be careful what you wish for.