asif iqbal
Lieutenant General
I don't think anyone here actually has any knowledge of who actually ISIS is and who they represent too many of you are giving personal opinions let's look at some facts
One of the most things about ISIS you need to understand is that it's main members are made up of ex Iraqi army generals and soldiers who have fought Americans for 10 years in urban warfare
In addition the past and current Iraqi governments made up of Shias have alienated the rest of the Sunni population and many Sunni tribal leaders even although they know ISIS is wrong still join ISIS because there is no alternative or the alternative is even worse than ISIS
Sunni leaders in Iraq fear a Shia dominated country because naturally a Shia dominated Iraq will no doubt marginalise vast majority of Sunnis as under Saddam for 3 decades the Shia were marginalised these divisions run deep between family's and tribes and there's no way out
And I can tell you one thing for sure, if the Malaki government had engaged the Sunni elder tribes in Iraq and had included them in the government ISIS would never have enjoyed the support it got from many city's and towns
The situation now is that the ISIS can rely and draw on a lot of Sunnis from the region for support and no aerial bombing is going to change that
To defeat ISIS you need a democratically elected Iraqi government which has representatives from all regions of the country inside the parliament who have equal say, this should be monitored by international observers and must include all Sunni provinces too and oil an gas share must be equally divided
One of the most things about ISIS you need to understand is that it's main members are made up of ex Iraqi army generals and soldiers who have fought Americans for 10 years in urban warfare
In addition the past and current Iraqi governments made up of Shias have alienated the rest of the Sunni population and many Sunni tribal leaders even although they know ISIS is wrong still join ISIS because there is no alternative or the alternative is even worse than ISIS
Sunni leaders in Iraq fear a Shia dominated country because naturally a Shia dominated Iraq will no doubt marginalise vast majority of Sunnis as under Saddam for 3 decades the Shia were marginalised these divisions run deep between family's and tribes and there's no way out
And I can tell you one thing for sure, if the Malaki government had engaged the Sunni elder tribes in Iraq and had included them in the government ISIS would never have enjoyed the support it got from many city's and towns
The situation now is that the ISIS can rely and draw on a lot of Sunnis from the region for support and no aerial bombing is going to change that
To defeat ISIS you need a democratically elected Iraqi government which has representatives from all regions of the country inside the parliament who have equal say, this should be monitored by international observers and must include all Sunni provinces too and oil an gas share must be equally divided