ISIS/ISIL conflict in Syria/Iraq (No OpEd, No Politics)


Well Sol you either believe that it was the Syrians who have confirmed chemical weapons and only had to admit to and destroy some to comply with treaty. by treaty you do not have to have an independent body confirm total disposal.
You have to believe that ISIS got ahold of Sadam's old stocks which were confirmed by wikileaks files of small scale uses of chemical weapons post 2003 in Iraq.
my opinion Both.

Either way Chemical weapons have been used in Syria and have been confirmed to have been used.

Or a third option: ISIS and/or Syrian rebels were able to obtain/manufacture chemical weapons themselves.


Lieutenant General
Well Sol you either believe that it was the Syrians who have confirmed chemical weapons and only had to admit to and destroy some to comply with treaty. by treaty you do not have to have an independent body confirm total disposal.
You have to believe that ISIS got ahold of Sadam's old stocks which were confirmed by wikileaks files of small scale uses of chemical weapons post 2003 in Iraq.
my opinion Both.

Either way Chemical weapons have been used in Syria and have been confirmed to have been used.
But didn't the international community send out a team of chemical experts to remove and destroy ALL of Assad's chemical weapons supply before this civil war even started? Therefore any chemical weapons used recently has to come from somebody or someone other than the Assad forces. Unless the Assad forces were able to hide some of them before that chemical team came by to remove them.o_O


Registered Member
This kind of blaming campaigns have happened many times. The plots have told us the "credibility" of such reports.

Let's review what has happened to the Iraqi WMD.
West: You have WMD.
Iraq: No, I don't.
West: I want to inspect.
Iraq: Come and see for yourself.
West: (I have run around but not seeing any), you must let me to see your under pant, your wife and your daughter's skirt. It must be hidden there.
Iraq: No way I am letting you do that.
West: I will kill you for refusing.
...... Iraq bombed in pieces and occupied....
West: I am still looking for WMD all over Iraq over 10 years. It must be somewhere I don't know yet.
West: Ok, I can not find it in Iraq. But it must have been smuggled to Syria, or it must be a misinformation by my Iraqi informant, by the way, he disappeared.
West: Anyway.... it was right to bomb the shit out of the Iraqis, after all I liberated them.

Now, the whole plot is played again in Syria.

One don't need an IQ of 120 to see this through.

P.S. why I am so distrusted of the western media campaign when I am not living in ME? I have the experience of the receiving end of such campaign. During the 2008 Xinjiang riots, western medias represented by BBC and CNN published photos of victims labeled as Uyghurs who are actually Han (Chinese). Everybody in East Asia would be able to see that lie by the physical looks, just like Westerners are able to tell an East Asian from Caucasians. These kind campaigns can only fool the ignorant. But sadly, the mass is ignorant as a whole, true everywhere. It is disgusting that these propagandists use the dead body of victims to defend the real murderers. They do this everywhere all the time.


Registered Member
But didn't the international community send out a team of chemical experts to remove and destroy ALL of Assad's chemical weapons supply before this civil war even started? Therefore any chemical weapons used recently has to come from somebody or someone other than the Assad forces. Unless the Assad forces were able to hide some of them before that chemical team came by to remove them.o_O
I am sure the unless scenario will be the next card from those "rebels" and their sponsors. Wasn't "hiding somewhere by Saddam" already played before? "欲加之罪何患无辞", "no shortage of excuses if determined to accuse".


Registered Member
Or a third option: ISIS and/or Syrian rebels were able to obtain/manufacture chemical weapons themselves.
FSA had quite some SAA defectors at the beginning of the civil war. That was loudly shouted by the same media to boost the legitimacy of the rebels back then. For example, the defectors include some pretty high ranks, one of them being a Colonel went to Turkey and was labeled as the FSA commander.

The rebel held region including this "chemical attack" was always controlled by the rebels and was NEVER checked by the then "chemical removal team". The region is vast, and SAA surely had chemical munition storages there before the war. Who can say that the rebels don't have such munitions in their own hands and just unluckily blown by Russian/SAA air raids, or the rebels simply staged it? Quite a convenient time to pull Trump back to their boat just after Trump dropped/halted the demand of Assad's removal.


Tyrant King
But didn't the international community send out a team of chemical experts to remove and destroy ALL of Assad's chemical weapons supply before this civil war even started?
Nope. They only destroyed what was reported. and there is no independent body sent into make sure that is everything or even allowed to.
Therefore any chemical weapons used recently has to come from somebody or someone other than the Assad forces. Unless the Assad forces were able to hide some of them before that chemical team came by to remove them.o_O
You don't need to hide them. The Treaty is self enforced. Basically if you sign the paper and "Disarm" you only disarm what you report. even if they send in International Experts those experts only go where they are allowed to go.
If an outside nation suspects you have more they can file a complaint but no one ever does, because that complaint has to have a copy of the evidence backing it including a source, and a copy would be sent to the government in question. Who now knows who the blabber mouth is... and life expectancy as well as the ability to learn more about what is being done in that nation is going to come to a sudden end.


Tyrant King
US blasts Syria base with cruise missiles
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April 6, 2017
WASHINGTON — The United States fired a barrage of cruise missiles into Syria Thursday night in retaliation for this week's gruesome chemical weapons attack against civilians, U.S. officials said. It was the first direct American assault on the Syrian government and Donald Trump's most dramatic military order since becoming president.

The surprise strike marked a striking reversal for Trump, who warned as a candidate against the U.S. getting pulled into the Syrian civil war, now in its seventh year. But the president appeared moved by the photos of children killed in the chemical attack, calling it a "disgrace to humanity" that crossed "a lot of lines."

About 60 U.S. Tomahawk missiles, fired from warships in the Mediterranean Sea, targeted an air base in retaliation for a chemical weapons attack that American officials believe Syrian government aircraft launched with a nerve agent, possibly sarin.

The president did not announce the attacks in advance, though he and other national security officials ratcheted up their warnings to the Syrian government throughout the day Thursday.

"I think what happened in Syria is one of the truly egregious crimes and shouldn't have happened and it shouldn't be allowed to happen," Trump told reporters traveling on Air Force One to Florida, where he was holding a two-day summit with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

The strike came as Trump was hosting Xi in meetings focused in part on another pressing U.S. security dilemma: North Korea's nuclear program. Trump's actions in Syria could signal to China that the new president isn't afraid of unilateral military steps. even if key nations like China are standing in the way.
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Whoa. A huge slap in the face to Xi Jinping to conduct these attacks during their meeting, upstaging the attack. At the same time, something like a classic page out of the Chinese playbook; aggressive acts during negotiations.