ISIS/ISIL conflict in Syria/Iraq (No OpEd, No Politics)


Tyrant King
Hezbollah was founded to drive the Israeli occupation forces out of Lebanon and after about 15 year they succeeded in 2000. They thwarted a new Israeli invasion in 2006. They now help Syria fight foreign sponsored terrorists. No wonder that those sponsors call Hezbollah a terrorist organization.
I knew you would say that. most of the recognition came before the Syrian conflict, and actions like the 2012 Burgas bus bombing doesn't help there case.


My guess is that the US was pretty confident that there weren't any at the base, which is why it launched the attack there and at that time. Washington may have even warned the Kremlin to get any personnel out.

I heard on the radio that the US informed Russia in advance of the strike.


IT's called deconfliction. The US sent a message to Russia as a warning of course Russia likely then called the Syrians about it.

I have to say, Trump played this a lot smarter than Obama. He orders an attack that does no consequential damage, and Russia pretends to be outraged. Trump gains credit with his domestic audience while keeping foreign relations intact and keeping out of the Syria mess.

Of course, a key part of this requires Russia to play along, which is something Obama would never have been able to pull off, given the bad personal relationship between him and Putin.


Tyrant King
you know what these strikes were? They were the Obama red line strikes.
After the first use of Chemical weapons in Syria Obama had painted his "Red Line" the Syrians had crossed it and Obama started talking about strikes.
Then he went to Congress to give him an attaboy, and pass the buck. When they were like why are you bothering us? Obama backs down Putin smells blood in the water and moves into white wash for Assad.

Years go by Trump comes in the same thing happens and Trump says fire the missiles. knowing full well it was limited in scope. They give Russia a call an hour ahead knowing Putin was going to warn Assad.

Now the question is where do we go from here. Russia apparently has pulled out of the Deconflicting agreement and has ships ( at least one missile Frigate) seemingly on a intercept course to the US ships that launched the missiles.
Assad's regime is threatened, the US is back to wanting him out and Trump has shown himself a shark. Does the Great white of Russia try and take the Great Trump of the US?


Lieutenant General
you know what these strikes were? They were the Obama red line strikes.
After the first use of Chemical weapons in Syria Obama had painted his "Red Line" the Syrians had crossed it and Obama started talking about strikes.
Then he went to Congress to give him an attaboy, and pass the buck. When they were like why are you bothering us? Obama backs down Putin smells blood in the water and moves into white wash for Assad.

Years go by Trump comes in the same thing happens and Trump says fire the missiles. knowing full well it was limited in scope. They give Russia a call an hour ahead knowing Putin was going to warn Assad.

Now the question is where do we go from here. Russia apparently has pulled out of the Deconflicting agreement and has ships ( at least one missile Frigate) seemingly on a intercept course to the US ships that launched the missiles.
Assad's regime is threatened, the US is back to wanting him out and Trump has shown himself a shark. Does the Great white of Russia try and take the Great Trump of the US?

The next move to reach some kind of concession between Assad government and the rebel forces. One step at a time.


you know what these strikes were? They were the Obama red line strikes.
After the first use of Chemical weapons in Syria Obama had painted his "Red Line" the Syrians had crossed it and Obama started talking about strikes.
Then he went to Congress to give him an attaboy, and pass the buck. When they were like why are you bothering us? Obama backs down Putin smells blood in the water and moves into white wash for Assad.

Years go by Trump comes in the same thing happens and Trump says fire the missiles. knowing full well it was limited in scope. They give Russia a call an hour ahead knowing Putin was going to warn Assad.

Now the question is where do we go from here. Russia apparently has pulled out of the Deconflicting agreement and has ships ( at least one missile Frigate) seemingly on a intercept course to the US ships that launched the missiles.
Assad's regime is threatened, the US is back to wanting him out and Trump has shown himself a shark. Does the Great white of Russia try and take the Great Trump of the US?

I would have to disagree.

Obama's red line, as was understood at the time, was not limited to a few cruise missiles. Those were the days shortly after the Libyan intervention, and aerial strikes were what's on everybody's minds. Obviously, Obama did not go there.

Trumps missile strike can hardly compare to the scope of an aerial campaign. I suspect that the Russian intercept is intended to remind Trump that the US does not have carte-blanche to launch missile strikes whenever they like.

I predict things will remain as they are, and in a few weeks the media will have completely forgotten about this and Trump will go back to focusing on domestic issues.


Tyrant King
I would have to disagree.

Obama's red line, as was understood at the time, was not limited to a few cruise missiles. Those were the days shortly after the Libyan intervention, and aerial strikes were what's on everybody's minds. Obviously, Obama did not go there.
Quote President Barack Obama
September 10, 2013
Remarks by the President in Address to the Nation on Syria

9:01 P.M. EDT
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My answer is simple: I will not put American boots on the ground in Syria. I will not pursue an open-ended action like Iraq or Afghanistan. I will not pursue a prolonged air campaign like Libya or Kosovo. This would be a targeted strike to achieve a clear objective: deterring the use of chemical weapons, and degrading Assad’s capabilities.
Let me make something clear: The United States military doesn’t do pinpricks. Even a limited strike will send a message to Assad that no other nation can deliver. I don't think we should remove another dictator with force -- we learned from Iraq that doing so makes us responsible for all that comes next. But a targeted strike can make Assad, or any other dictator, think twice before using chemical weapons.
No Air prolonged Air Campaign, a targeted, limited strike.
And what did Trump just launch? 50 cruse missiles against a single air base in a targeted limited strike.


Lieutenant General
Ok this is just a rumor but a Syrian co-worker of mine had just got some words that the Assad government were able to knock out or shot down at least 25 of the 59 tomahawk cruise missiles. NOW, I don't have nor my colleague have any evidence on it of course. After all it wasn't a complete surprise attack given that Trump had gave Putin some time and warning about it before the strike occur. My bottom line is just wait and see for further water down news from both sides.