If Beijing primary concern is Xinjing breaking away, then the simple solution would be to send sufficient immigrants to the region and take away that possibility.
You can't just send in immigrants. Even if you can, the immigrants would eventually leave if life is harsh. You need to create opportunities and attract people to the region under their own free wills. That way, people will stay there indefinitely, create more opportunities, and attract more people to the region. Not to mention the fact that you would be able to stand on a moral pedestal and claim how you respect people's freedom to live where they please.
To pull that off, the mayors will need to be able to play SimCity very well, but that might also get SimCity banned from being sold to China.:roll:Bumping people off is a short-term fix, vs. settling Xinjing with people is the long-term solution. Rather than sending migrants into existing cities and clashing with long-time Uighur residents, maybe planning and creating brand new cities dotted across Xinjing would be better?