Is China planning a Military Strike beyond its borders?

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
moderators note>>>bladerunner. You need to learn how to use the edit button so you won't make multipile post. You gents need to.. .....


bd popeye super moderator


The Capitalist
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Thank you B D Popeye for minding the shop.

PLAwolf and Bladerunner, your exchanges are the perfect example of mistaking a view for evidence. A long run of opinion, lacking supporting evidence and failing to make any impact on the views of the other. Plus of course its offtopic.

As it is I am downgrading my red alert to amber as I am less convinced that PLA boots will be hitting the ground just yet. Saying that, I am damn sure that something intense has been in play, but that whatever the results from it have been, some sort of Grand Bargain is being laid out in Beijing as we speak.

Hopefully the mists will part a little again over the coming weeks.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Carefully read the caption on these photos..What do you think? and can anyone post a link to the real story??





Chinese special SWAT police prepare to patrol the streets on their motorcycles, in Beijing on March 25, 2010. A top police official in China has ordered pre-emptive strikes against perceived threats to social order, as the police forces are prepared to 'strike at hostile forces at home and abroad,' at ethnic separatists, terrorists and the forces of religious extremism.


New Member
Pre-emptive strikes on terrorists and separatists are legitimate actions. They break down the moral fabric and social structure of a society, so they must be struck down with full force.


New Member
I suppose the section of text in the caption that might be raising eyebrows is the ," strike at hostile forces at home and abroad...", with an emphasis on the "abroad". Using military force to "strike" out abroad at a ethnic separatist for example would seem to set a new precedent for China.

Perhaps just a imprecise translation, given that the photos show domestic police forces. The overall gist points to domestic civil affairs using civil means rather than military ones.


I suppose the section of text in the caption that might be raising eyebrows is the ," strike at hostile forces at home and abroad...", with an emphasis on the "abroad". Using military force to "strike" out abroad at a ethnic separatist for example would seem to set a new precedent for China.

Perhaps just a imprecise translation, given that the photos show domestic police forces. The overall gist points to domestic civil affairs using civil means rather than military ones.

"Abroad" could mean working with law-enforcement departments of other nations.