Meanwhile I think the West are also uneasy with the jingoism displayed by some chinese on how great China's going to be this century, etc etc.
Well it's certainly not only Chinese people which are saying China's going to be great etc etc. Media, books etc all have information predicting how it's going to be the "chinese century" etc, regardless of whether that is true or not. And I think the chinese patriotism in terms of how great china will be is not completely unfounded, and my personal optimism on China's future stems from Western information not just patriotism, so I'm not sure if that's good enough
And what's Chinese patriotism got to do with the US talks about China's military development?
Going back to what I said earlier, am I wrong in saying that the US is a being a bit hypocritical in terms of talking about China's military development? Espicially when they've got the world's most advanced, capable, largest (not in troop numbers but like ships and planes and such).
But of course how many of us aren't hypocrites in one way or another...
On the America supplying India with arms thing... I used India as an example because India and China do have a few similarities, such as having large populations, and growing influence etc. But the US seem to be willing to sell India advanced weapons and advocate India's place in the world and support it's growing military power while going the other way for China. The two countries are similar of course but also different in that India is "democratic" and China is "communist" But I doubt that this is the reason for the US having such different stances towards the two countries.
The reason I think for the US giving so much support to India's military development is to have a counterweight towards China in the region - and then we find ourselves full circle again in that the US is wanting to limit China's military development so that it would continue to be the dominant world power etc etc... Basically wanting to stay on top as long as possible.
And there's nothing wrong with that, I just wish they could admit that instead of having to be so hypocritical and making it seem like China's the bad guy in wanting to develop it's military.
Phew. Very frustrating personally I think. At least for me.
Anyway I'm waaaaaay off topic now. SOooo.. yeah.