Indian Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


Just Hatched
Registered Member
Why do BJP supporters keep talking about Chhatrapati Shivaji and the Marathas, when they are scared to death of Shudra groups using violence to protect from high-caste Hindus (Naxals, Dalitstan, etc.)???


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Super Moderator

Seems to be mostly unguided MRL and artillery strikes against the side of the mountain? Also, why are the targets not marked? How do you tell how close you are to the designated strike area if you don't mark them ahead of time?

At least they are doing mass live fire now, which is a huge improvement over before. Looks like they have plenty of munitions to burn now.


Registered Member
Seems to be mostly unguided MRL and artillery strikes against the side of the mountain? Also, why are the targets not marked? How do you tell how close you are to the designated strike area if you don't mark them ahead of time?

At least they are doing mass live fire now, which is a huge improvement over before. Looks like they have plenty of munitions to burn now.
Well, India firing live ammunition does not necessarily mean that they have the stockpile and ability to fight a major war. Lets see how often the Indian Army conducts live firing exercises going forward. If they do it as often as the PLA, then it looks like they are on to something. Most likely, it is something that is done once in a couple of months or years, which means its just another publicity stunt.


Staff member
Super Moderator
Well, India firing live ammunition does not necessarily mean that they have the stockpile and ability to fight a major war. Let’s see how often the Indian Army conducts live firing exercises going forward. If they do it as often as the PLA, then it looks like they are on to something. Most likely, it is something that is done once in a couple of months or years, which means it’s just another publicity stunt.

At least have some targets. If you don’t have vehicles or models at least paint a big white bullseye on the mountain. Live firing against random rocks only proof that you can hit the broad side of a mountain. How are you even supposed to assess the accuracy of your shots?


Registered Member
At least have some targets. If you don’t have vehicles or models at least paint a big white bullseye on the mountain. Live firing against random rocks only proof that you can hit the broad side of a mountain. How are you even supposed to assess the accuracy of your shots?
That is why its most likely just a publicity stunt. They just wanna show the cool stuff; like rockets flying and mountainside going boom. No need for actual targets, and performance assessments. If we have been following India long enough, we should know that's how they operate. All show and talk, with little accountability if any.


Registered Member
That is why its most likely just a publicity stunt. They just wanna show the cool stuff; like rockets flying and mountainside going boom. No need for actual targets, and performance assessments. If we have been following India long enough, we should know that's how they operate. All show and talk, with little accountability if any.
How dare you belittle the ascendant supapowah!!