Probably M 88 Core is transfered under the ToT. Kabani core was unable to produce enough total Wet Thrust.
Wasn't AMCA not going to have internal bays like KFX? Or am I thinking of something else
I don’t mean to nitpick... but from this poster, this AjnaEASA (once again fancy alphabet soup) just looks like a few cameras and a headset... maybe they should put a few bullet points with additional key features on the poster...
Interesting that they are looking to put an AESA seeker on the Akash SAM. AESA seekers on missiles is cutting edge stuff for today's standard.
Well akash only has outer similarities internal system now has significantly changed. And The Akash NG is extremely different from the Mk 1 and Mk 2.Interesting that they are looking to put an AESA seeker on the Akash SAM. AESA seekers on missiles is cutting edge stuff for today's standard.
One question is how modern is the Akash NG missile? The current Akash missile is based on the 2K12 Kub. That's quite old of a platform to put an AESA seeker onto.
Wasn't AMCA not going to have internal bays like KFX? Or am I thinking of something else