This all feels like it's coming from some unaddressed, underlying sense of "competitiveness". The whole fascination with winning "wars of perception" - because so many (and I'm not accusing you currently of being one) seem to only care about declaring some poorly contrived notions of success, they therefore become "superior" to the other. It helps in those circumstances to have "ammo" for internet fights. We see it all the time and it's not even limited to countries or tribes/groups like sporting teams.
I'd say maybe I'm singling out this part but it seems to me as some grievance about not being able to "one up" China and therefore having less ammo for internet debates. I mean I see Indian nationalists engage in crazy levels of grand proclamations online and it certainly would help them if for example Uttam radar was indeed xyz in service year 2018 or whatever they were claiming. Point is this is entirely the wrong place for this sort of talk unless you want to invite members to feel sorry for India or make fun of it (only will get one or the other).
Which sort of leads to the second point I want to make and it's a general statement based on personal observation and beliefs.
Why does India generally choose to stand more on the side of these imperialists? This isn't a question for you. It's a rhetorical one. Unfortunately the answer is complicated and I know what the intersect of Indian nationalists and China hating Indians will believe when it comes to this question.
Still China was the one that truly carved out its own path when it started in the mid - late 20th century. India could do the same but you will find Indians online talking so much shit about China it was bound to cultivate Chinese hatred... and there's certainly much more of it now than there was in the past as I've always said even more than a decade ago. The level to which this is true surprises even me. Can India not also carve out its own space and begin its own rejuvenation without having to participate in QUAD or whatever next failure will be? No it's not about Pakistan or border disputes with China. Refusal to stand alone and work with China while constantly acting under the faith of western manipulation about China.
I mean western manipulation was literally what started India China border dispute at Ladakh.
More Indians prefer to see China suffer than the West. I think this sort of provides an insight into your passage i've quoted. As other Chinese have said in the past... individuals smarter than myself, people always just respect wealth and power. Focus on cultivating these and enemies fall themselves if they're not asking to partner with you. It's where the 'China, do nothing, win' meme comes from.
You would be correct in the underlying message of your first paragraph. I said the quoted paragraph in order to give a perspective into the mentality from which many online keyboard warriors(good and bad) suffer in Indian defense circle. It was not meant to be a post to invite members to feel pity for india. It was a reply to address the statement made by the user FairandUnbiased who said that all he can see are excuses from my side. I tried to explain to him that whatever reasoning we put forward, will always be called as excuses, even when we make some actual good points. This is a general trend which we face on the internet, I wont say we face it here at SDF at the same amount as other places. It was a generalised POV of the mind of an average Indian internet warrior.
At the end of the day, both the Chinese and Indian military, actually a vast majority of the world's military apparatus are insulated from public opinions. It does not matter what we say here, it wont affect our military planners in the slightest.
SO, your opinion of one upping each other like in some competition is nothing but absolute truth. People feel superior if they are ahead of their enemies/adversaries/opponents and all of the achievements of the defense industry, especially among the Nuclear armed countries, is nothing but extra ammo for internet fights. They try to win the 'Wars of perception'.
Why did i say things like that then? Well its because i am a defense enthusiast and just like a sports fan, I want my team to perform, atleast to the level which they are actually capable of. I dont need any war, wars are bad and should not be treated as competition but I want My own Defense MIC, the one funded by the tax money of my people, to make something truely advanced and prove its worth.
Your second paragraph, regarding India standing with the imperialists, the politics, the lobbying is beyond my level to speak about and i am also confused as to what you meant by it. Regardless, its a topic which deserves its own thread. Too vast and too complicated for us to summarize.
Next, about the point of Indians hating chinese. I think i have some explaining to do, although I wont go into the politics of 2020 and 2017 clashesand the mentality that the Leader have. i will stick to the realm of general populace. lets start.
Internet in India was too expensive, like really expensive, for the ordinary people to make use of it. It was also very slow, had poor coverage and just like many things in India, had a
related to it. Many would argue it was
the way it was, But then, a man named Mukesh Ambani (Indias richest man) felt bad for his homies in 'da hood and decided to make internet fast, have wide coverage and above all, be FREE to use (this was a business tactic which i humorized for no reason. You should actually read about it in detail as its a very interesting topic, you can start from
). Suddenly, we Indians now had access to the full glory of the Internet and we began to use it to fulfill all the things we were missing out on. Many Indians, like me,for the first time had access to the internet. And of course, the hypernationalists too got access to it (its joever).
Now, It just so happens that Chinese relation with India soured in 2017 around the same time as all that internet revolution happened. This lead to the dumb hypernationalists who liked to belittle our "enemies" with nothing to back there statements, targeting the chinese. They sure had some pre conceived notions about other countries and they talked about it without any decency, but they were not obsessed with them and did not attack them everywhere online. You should see what happened to Pakistani online spaces after our online revolution. The news of China and India's relation souring signalled to them that China is now our enemy(we know this should not be, but what can be said about the hypernationalists). The next thing which happened was that hypernationalists, with no opposition form the chinese on the global net, got free reign to talk as much shit as they wanted. They consumed stereotypical videos of China and talked more shit. Covid and its 'supposed' origins from china, linked to consumption of bats, fed insane amounts of fuel to the fire. Indians and Chinese have very different cuisines which should be respected, but many people in India (we consume very less meat) were not comfortable with the idea that animals like bats are eaten. I know this is very disrespectful and we should respect every cuisine as it has culture and history behind it, but yeah, the whole bat eating thing did not sit right with many people. Just to add another point, this was not something unique to India, nearly the whole world did not like it. In India, unbeknownst to even many of our countrymen, we have a culture which eats
. I am sure there are any more which even i dont know about, but again, as i said, India is too diverse and big for anyone to give two shits about every aspect of each others culture.
Barely a decade ago, Indian and Chinese soldiers were literally engaging in joint exercises, playing tug of war and drinking tea and whisky together like good friends. Indians at that time admired china without caring about the so called 'dictatorship' that China has. Heck, many Indians to this day still want the chinese style of government as they are tired of our insanely inefficient democracy
I still admire china and view it as a country filled with rich history and modernity and a vast majority of Indians( the hardworking ones who actually have shit to do instead of being a keyboard warrior) share the same sentiment. It is a place very important to humankind and we have to thank you guys for the revolutionary inventions you gave to the world( i share the same sentiment for every country in this world, as we have all contributed to make this world what it is). All i can hope for is that the World cooperates with each other even more rather than being divided and fighting.