Indian Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


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Well a big factor that most Indians (even the realist and non Hindu supremacist types) and some here forget is that China in reality has no intention to invade India proper. The only sources of conflict between the two is the Ladakh dispute, FROM WHICH the Arunachal side dispute also stemmed from. Yes stemmed. China even 5 generations ahead of India would still not be marching into India as many Indians online ALWAYS automatically assume.

China has never done that throughout history. It likely never will invade India proper. When the conversation comes to Tibet and legitimacy of Chinese sovereignty in Ladakh, it is another question altogether.

Indians constantly think that China will take over much of India for some mysterious reason (imagine needing to govern India!) and it is because of distraction and unpreparedness that China doesn't. This is fundamentally a huge misread.

Anyway what I'm saying is that in reality, India faces no threat from China even on the dispute. As long as India doesn't inflame the region, China has been happy to let it sit until future generations are able to solve it. Just as Deng said half a century ago. There's no desire to fucking conquer India. Never has been for millennia. Unless India suddenly finds out it is the treasure trove, there isn't any reason to either.

The greatest threat China poses to India in actuality is China's willingness to arm Pakistan and sway Bangladesh over to becoming more favourable towards China than it has been towards India. These are not military fronts, not even the Pak side. Weapons trade is one thing, geopol is another. India can in theory really easily get China to stop arming Pakistan to the extent it traditionally has. How? By laying off the Tibet hard-on India has since independence. Lay off Tibet, China lays off Pakistan. In time, Pak India sort things out and India China sort things out. Region stabilises.

So there's no need to rush purchase fighters. But we all know this won't be the path traveled. India's own MIC will suffer again as purchases are being sought out.

Whatever treasures India holds was long ago stolen by the Europeans. To this day, the West "attracts" the best Indian minds by the allure of the societies they built off stolen wealth partly built on slavery. Even when China held trade with India over the Millennia and have known its wealth, it never even attempted to take.
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