I'll expand further:And you see this in how irrational and emotional the anglo leadership gets when it comes to China, how eager they are to resort to nuclear armageddon because they refuse to accept a non white state as an equal
Since anglo societies are de facto apartheid racial caste structures based on white supremacy, white anglos in the form of the Five Eyes cannot afford for the world, let alone their own citizens witness China as surpassing them. This is why the anglo propaganda machine from the murdochian press to the NYT is going for broke when it comes to the wuhan lab conspiracy theory. They have to peddle lies to weaken China because even if China becomes a peer competitor, their entire apartheid racial caste structure collapses.
To see the power of the myth of white anglo supremacy, look at the subservience of asian nations especially amongst the boomer generation when dealing with america and americans. When that myth of white supremacy is shattered with China providing better living standards, and most soon, with a moonbase and Martian outposts and interstellar travel, the system of exploitation that the white anglos use to cement their power comes crashing down.