There is something that should be ingrained in Chinese memory much more deeply than the humiliation of 1900, because it speaks to something much less contingent and much more fundamental, and therefore to something whose implication and correction requires far more calm self examination and introspection, devoid mind clouding effects of chest thumping jingoism, or opportunistic appeal to sense of grievance. That is the fact that from a position of economic and technological leadership in the world at the dawn of the 15th century, China completely missed the boat of subsequent 300 years of epochal progress in science, economics, culture, philosophy, industry, politics and commerce.
China missed that boat not because China was isolated until it was overwhelmed in the 1800 as some claimed, but despite the fact that China had full exposure to these developments and artifacts during the entire 300 year period, but it’s culture persistently failed to recognize not the value of progress elsewhere, nor recognize that China is being left behind, nor what is needed to make up the gap.
Even the Ottoman Empire was not so oblivious, nor allowed herself to be left so far behind.