i'd disagree that the US is the continuation of the ancient greeks and romans, especially since the white anglo english speaking ruling class of the US Anglosphere looks down on and discriminates against greeks and italians, calling them "Dagos" and "Wogs" and views them as inferior compared to the anglo saxons.
What the US is attempting is a re-hash of the British Empire coupled with inspiration from nazi germany ie positioning itself as the leader of The West, the white West be it in the form of Blue Team GloboHomo or Red Team overt white supremacist. They are trying to position themselves as a white "China" as a "civilisation state" because China is a civilisation equivalent to the term "The West" or "christendom" or the Islamic world. Except that their vision as a "civilisation state" is an apartheid white supremacist caste society with white anglos at the top and the rest of the coloured fighting over the scraps at the bottom over who can be the next Obama, andrew yang or Kiron Skinner: willing compradors to uphold and serve white anglo supremacy.
And you see this in how irrational and emotional the anglo leadership gets when it comes to China, how eager they are to resort to nuclear armageddon because they refuse to accept a non white state as an equal. The concept is alien, as we saw when white anglo PM of Australian decided to cause a diplomatic incident over a Chinese artist tut-tutting his country's war atrocities. Apparently, being made to feel patronised by a non white was far too much to bear.
That's the sort of thinking that china's rise will help break. When the war comes, and when the missiles come to the heart of the anglosphere, when anglo females have to prostitute themselves in the shattered ruins of their cities for water and food, perhaps the anglos will consider themselves the master race no longer.