Impact of China's rise in the world - Long term predictions (30-50 years)


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There has always been a balance of power between all the different peoples of the world. Especially in europe, whenever one society becomes too powerful the others gang up to keep it down.

America ruined that balance when they genocided an entire continent of people and created an empire without any feasible enemies to keep it down. That's how its shitty political system has been able to survive for 200 years, it doesn't face any external enemies. China is the one that could finally bring America down
We how proud and completely incapable they have finally become at this point that they have somehow managed to make a lot more enemies then they have ever had before, this is quite possible, but it still requires something to go off inside the USA before the ball really gets rolling. The USA is hoping that another nation will start the fight so that the USA can start there whole process of painting the opponents as the enemy and then bombing them to kingdom come. However, they have done this too many times that this is no longer as effective as before.


Registered Member
We how proud and completely incapable they have finally become at this point that they have somehow managed to make a lot more enemies then they have ever had before, this is quite possible, but it still requires something to go off inside the USA before the ball really gets rolling. The USA is hoping that another nation will start the fight so that the USA can start there whole process of painting the opponents as the enemy and then bombing them to kingdom come. However, they have done this too many times that this is no longer as effective as before.
America as a country doesn't make sense. It has no sense of identity other than being "American" which means different things for everybody. It would have disintegrated long ago if it was located anywhere in Asia. The only reason it has survived is because no external power has been able to overcome the ocean to get to it or effectively support any internal faction. Japan and USSR tried, both failed. Technology was not yet good enough to overcome geography.

Hopefully with technology, China will be the one that finally that finally makes the push and gets to it. The new coherent power in the region will be Mexico, while the US will split into its respective identities.


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America as a country doesn't make sense. It has no sense of identity other than being "American" which means different things for everybody. It would have disintegrated long ago if it was located anywhere in Asia. The only reason it has survived is because no external power has been able to overcome the ocean to get to it or effectively support any internal faction. Japan and USSR tried, both failed. Technology was not yet good enough to overcome geography.

Hopefully with technology, China will be the one that finally that finally makes the push and gets to it. The new coherent power in the region will be Mexico, while the US will split into its respective identities.
America is an artificial state, no different to modern India or the EU.
If there is one unifying culture of America, it is excess and white privilege. This is how a fresh off the plan ukrainian can come to america and be more accepted than a 3rd generation Chinese American who fought in ww2.
America is basically the epitome of white anglo supremacy, what nazi germany would have been if it were anglo rather than teutonic,


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America is an artificial state, no different to modern India or the EU.

All "states" are artificial though... The "nation-state" itself is a Western construct. But the US is not the same as India. The US is the continuum of a civilization that goes back to Greco-Rome. When the US implodes, it will be the end of Europe's second ascendency in history, and the beginning of its second "dark age."
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Senior Member
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America as a country doesn't make sense. It has no sense of identity other than being "American" which means different things for everybody. It would have disintegrated long ago if it was located anywhere in Asia. The only reason it has survived is because no external power has been able to overcome the ocean to get to it or effectively support any internal faction. Japan and USSR tried, both failed. Technology was not yet good enough to overcome geography.

Hopefully with technology, China will be the one that finally that finally makes the push and gets to it. The new coherent power in the region will be Mexico, while the US will split into its respective identities.
Bravo. Enjoy your perspective comments


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The US is the continuum of a civilization that goes back to Greco-Rome. When the US implodes, it will be the end of Europe's second ascendency in history, and the beginning of its second "dark age."

Modern/current day China can be considered an evolution/continuation of that system since chiense have studied and adopted the best and rejected the worst parts of western and even american political ideas, but mixed with chinese concepts and thus "with chinese characteristics".

Like you said yourself the very notion of nation states is a western concept, and china has embraced westphalian concept of sovereignty and is one of it's most ardent defenders when it comes to non interference.. much more than even western states. So if anything it's china who's picked up the new mantle and is running with it while usa and the west are stuck in the past and why they will either have to accept china and learn from china and change/adapt like china has done, or they will suffer the same fate as Rome, Qing etc.


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All "states" are artificial though... The "nation-state" itself is a Western construct. But the US is not the same as India. The US is the continuum of a civilization that goes back to Greco-Rome. When the US implodes, it will be the end of Europe's second ascendency in history, and the beginning of its second "dark age."
i'd disagree that the US is the continuation of the ancient greeks and romans, especially since the white anglo english speaking ruling class of the US Anglosphere looks down on and discriminates against greeks and italians, calling them "Dagos" and "Wogs" and views them as inferior compared to the anglo saxons.

What the US is attempting is a re-hash of the British Empire coupled with inspiration from nazi germany ie positioning itself as the leader of The West, the white West be it in the form of Blue Team GloboHomo or Red Team overt white supremacist. They are trying to position themselves as a white "China" as a "civilisation state" because China is a civilisation equivalent to the term "The West" or "christendom" or the Islamic world. Except that their vision as a "civilisation state" is an apartheid white supremacist caste society with white anglos at the top and the rest of the coloured fighting over the scraps at the bottom over who can be the next Obama, andrew yang or Kiron Skinner: willing compradors to uphold and serve white anglo supremacy.

And you see this in how irrational and emotional the anglo leadership gets when it comes to China, how eager they are to resort to nuclear armageddon because they refuse to accept a non white state as an equal. The concept is alien, as we saw when white anglo PM of Australian decided to cause a diplomatic incident over a Chinese artist tut-tutting his country's war atrocities. Apparently, being made to feel patronised by a non white was far too much to bear.

That's the sort of thinking that china's rise will help break. When the war comes, and when the missiles come to the heart of the anglosphere, when anglo females have to prostitute themselves in the shattered ruins of their cities for water and food, perhaps the anglos will consider themselves the master race no longer.


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Greek classics and philosophy were mainly made known to the European during middle aged through Arabic texts. These were then translated from Arabic to Latin. And the Europeans then proclaimed to have inherited from the Greek civilization. Are they really?


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i'd disagree that the US is the continuation of the ancient greeks and romans, especially since the white anglo english speaking ruling class of the US Anglosphere looks down on and discriminates against greeks and italians, calling them "Dagos" and "Wogs" and views them as inferior compared to the anglo saxons.

What the US is attempting is a re-hash of the British Empire coupled with inspiration from nazi germany ie positioning itself as the leader of The West, the white West be it in the form of Blue Team GloboHomo or Red Team overt white supremacist. They are trying to position themselves as a white "China" as a "civilisation state" because China is a civilisation equivalent to the term "The West" or "christendom" or the Islamic world. Except that their vision as a "civilisation state" is an apartheid white supremacist caste society with white anglos at the top and the rest of the coloured fighting over the scraps at the bottom over who can be the next Obama, andrew yang or Kiron Skinner: willing compradors to uphold and serve white anglo supremacy.

And you see this in how irrational and emotional the anglo leadership gets when it comes to China, how eager they are to resort to nuclear armageddon because they refuse to accept a non white state as an equal. The concept is alien, as we saw when white anglo PM of Australian decided to cause a diplomatic incident over a Chinese artist tut-tutting his country's war atrocities. Apparently, being made to feel patronised by a non white was far too much to bear.

That's the sort of thinking that china's rise will help break. When the war comes, and when the missiles come to the heart of the anglosphere, when anglo females have to prostitute themselves in the shattered ruins of their cities for water and food, perhaps the anglos will consider themselves the master race no longer.
Agree your idea