AEGIS (SPY-1) is US radar system, and is not used by chinese for obvious reasons. The chinese system, altought outwardly similar is completely different set and mainly unknow of it's specification...
Intresting.That would be an intresting design. Did you know that the USN had an LPD the USS Coronado that it converted into a command ship? The ship is now decomissioned.
Where on earth do you get these strange ideas from??? You are very knowledgable but you keep making unfounded assumptions which persistantly fly in the face of simple photo evaluation. If the HQ-9 is significantly shorter than the S-300 then why are the tubes on the ground launched TEL almost identical in size to those of the S-300???There is also the height factor. Look at 051C and 052C. 051C is larger than 52C, but doesn't have space for a hangar. It can only carry 8 YJ-83s instead of 8 YJ-62s. It does not have the full set of sensors that 052C has. And it has that humongous radar aka the tombstone, which frankly just takes up too much space.
Here's another concept based on existing designs.
Take the 071 LHD/LPD design and militarize it into a CGH with extended aft deck. Instead of landing craft, the below-deck space will be used for other stuff. In the aft section, the helicopter deck can be lifted, or use reduced-size rear door to swap out mission modules below-deck. In forward section, the below deck space will be used for equipment and crew quarters.
The "071 CGH" will use existing, proven systems, both domestic and Russian imports. It'd be deployed for ASW, S&R, and disaster-relief missions. Because the ship's main purpose is not AAW, it'd not be equipped with expensive phased array radar system. Instead it'd use systems found on the 052B.
071 CGH (Guided Missile/Helicopter Cruiser)
Length: ~170 m
Beam: ~30 m
Draught: ~6m
Displacement: ~14,000 tons loaded
Sensors: (similiar to 052B)
MAE-5 "Top Plate" 3-D radar
2-3 MR-90 Orekh "Front Dome" fire control directors
Band Strand Radar (SSM & Gun)
ZJK-5G (Gai = improved) combat management system
Zarya-ME hull-mounted sonar, plus towed array & decoy sonar
1 x 76mm dual-purpose gun
3 x Type 730 CIWS guns
1 x Shtil SAM system with 9K-90 Urgan launcher + 24 missiles
2 x 8-cel Club-N VLS
1 x 8-cel Paket-E/NK ASW & anti-torpedo missile rotary turret
UDAV-1/RKPTZ-1E ASW system with 2-4 x KT-153E MLRS + reloader/magazine
4 x 18-barrel domsetic MLRS (chaff, flare, decoy, etc.)
Aft helicopter deck with 2-3 landing spots, elevator, above-deck hanger option, below-deck hanger space
The ship can accomodate 2 large/heavy helicopters or 3 med/light helos/UAVs on aft deck at same time. The size of aft deck would depend on the above-deck hanger structure option. There's an elevator to below-deck area where UAV mission modules can be installed. It's also possible to store additional light/medium helicopters below-deck via elevator. The ship has theorical max capacity of 8-10 medium helicopters (less operationally), while handling the take-off/landing of 3 at one time (like FS Jeanne d'Arc)
The ship will also be equipped with full emergency hospital facilities below-deck. One CIWS gun is installed in the front, and 2 in mid or aft section. The Shtil launcher is installed forward position behind main gun (like 052B) with option to upgrade to VLS version in the future. The Paket-E/NK 8-cel launcher is mounted in aft section, above helicopter hanger. It's elevated on rotary mount when in use. The Club-N VLS cels are stored somewhere near the center section of the ship, and usually fitted with a mix of ASW missiles and SSM's.
After ~5 years of service, the ship is brought back to the ship yard in ~2012 for overhaul and upgrades. The Type 730 CIWS will be replaced by Chinese-made ADGMS system, and the Shtil replaced with 24-32 cel VLS SAM with new fire control radar.
During most operational cruises, the ship will carry 3 helicopters + UAV module, or 4 helicopters. If used as helicopter transport/ferry, the ship could potentially carry 8 or more helicopters, but prolly not with a large inventory of parts, fuel, munitons, etc.
you are assuming that HHQ-9 is the same as land based HQ-9. On top of that, even if the missiles are similar in height, the VLS using them might not be.Where on earth do you get these strange ideas from??? You are very knowledgable but you keep making unfounded assumptions which persistantly fly in the face of simple photo evaluation. If the HQ-9 is significantly shorter than the S-300 then why are the tubes on the ground launched TEL almost identical in size to those of the S-300???
They don't have a VLS system developed just for 9M96. It will have to fit 4 of them per rif cell. As I've always said, China should work on a common VLS that can hold 1 YJ-83, KD-88, HHQ-9 or 4 HH-16 or 4 HH-7.And here's the S-400 (4 smaller tubes):
Well, Kirov is about 3.5 times as large, only carries twice as many rif cells as 051C. Slava is almost twice as large as 051C and carries only 1/3 more in terms of rif cells. I think 051C fits about as many rif cells as it could.The Type-052C versus Type051C comparison reflects the inferior design of the the latter, rather than it being a bigger missile.
I'm not the one who started this idea actually. I got lectured by Xinhui of CDF for thinking that they were the same missile. And also, this has been stated by numerous big shrimps on Chinese forums. We see that HH-16 has no land based equivalence, so that shows they have separate projects developing SAMs just for naval platform.So you are saying that the SAMs on the Type-052C are not essentially the same missile as in the HQ-9????? you are just speculating in order to patch your leaky logic. You consitantly make assumptions that fit your viewpoint without objectively assessing the information available. For example, how do you support the idea that the Type-052C's 4 radars are lighter than the single radar on the Type-051C, which afterall is normally mounted on a single truck in the ground based system. Your whole idea that the HQ-9 is somehow compact and lightweight compared to the S-300 just isn't supported by a common sense evaluation of the evidence. And you talk about the HHQ-16 like you actually know what it is, when in fact we are all waiting to find out.
Am I right in thinking that it wouldn't be an exact derivative of the Type-071, rather just use a similar layout?
Both Vittorio Veneto and Jeanne d'Arc are much less than 30m beam, being 24m and 19m respectively. Both displace about 9~10,000t.
My previous length/beam/draft-v-displacement estimates suggest that in order to get a 13,000t cruiser with 6m draft and 28m beam, it's be about 170m long (about that of the Type-071). 28m is plenty wide enough IMO.
the tube is about 5 times that of the guy's upper buddy. I used a ruler, got a ratio of 1.8 cm: 9 cm on my monitor. I would say the guy is probably 1.2 m from butt to head. I've been generous here, since the guy is sitting a little bent and Chinese people aren't that tall in general. That would make the missile around 6m. (compare to 7.5 m of 48N6Ye used on 051C and who knows how long 40N6 will be?) That's a 1.5 meter difference already. Note, 051C uses Rif-M instead of Rif on Slava. And we don't know how deep is the launching system, exactly. But what we do know is what I already stated.Here's an HQ-9 being loaded onto a Type-052C:
More compact than S-300????? Lol. Not by a lot if at all, they look pretty much the same size. The tube is constistant with the HQ-9 land based system, where the missile is again about the same size as the S-300, ie somewhere in the region of 7m, ie about 2 deck levels. Therefore there is no logical reason to assume that the below decks volume of the HQ-9 is significantly different to that of the S-300. We know that the S-300 rotary launcher on the Slava (and by extension other S-300 equipped ships) is about 9m in total depth, about 8.5m of which is below decks and includes the rotation element. Any difference in depth is therefore likely to be much less than one deck level.