well when i say "plan" i actually mean a road map of how everything you have set out will be achieved. and personally i have some reservations about your plan B. keep in mind that we are dealing with a loosely organized mass of individuals here, not an army that is controlled by a solid chain of command. to persuade ten thousand individuals of such sweeping changes to the final objective of OC, consisting of so many points that can be disagreed upon, will simply fracture the movement. for example i am pretty sure "top 3-5 list of economic issues" is something that will take weeks if not months to sort out even amongst a dozen persons, let alone thousands of them lol.
as for occupation of government offices, I have raised this as a possibility because it is such a natural progression from a failure of peaceful occupation of public places, which is a very real possibility here. it has been rejected outright as a strategy, but what is there to prevent those extremist elements within the ranks of protesters to instigate such attempt? people do stupid things "out of frustration", i know because i drive to work during rush hour everyday.
Firstly I am making this up as I go along as I am just an observer of unfolding events. I agree this movement is too fragmented. There are too many disparate group with student, OC and pro-democracy thrown into the mix all with their own agenda and objectives. Given that the leaders of each group have surfaced we know who they are. The movement should come together quickly to organise themselves into a more coherent group as unity is strength. They need to develop quickly a common message and set of demand and together work out a roadmap going forward. Immediate objectives should be :
organised themselves with assigned responsibilities of spokesperson, messaging, communication, support at el. They should establish a command and control centre for decision making, information management and deployment of resources. This means a chain of command with the appropriate communication protocol, means and redundancy especially in view of potential lock down. They should concentrate on choke points to maximise effect. Plan for a long haul including rotating resources rather than wholesale concentration as latter will just burn out momentum quickly. Use this situation to learn how to work together to better prepare for the next round. If they can't even come together as a group, they will not be able to elect a CE of their choice. Being in opposition is very different from being in administration. If they can't even identify and agree on 3 - 5 key economic policies that need fixing, I would have to ask what economic ills are they protesting over. An elected CE is not superman and even superman can't fix what is not known.