Hong Kong....Occupy Central Demonstrations....

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well i seriously doubt things will get to that point, either the invocation of article 18 or shipping people off to mainland...it benefits no one, i think all parties involved are adults and should be able to figure that much out.

I agree. This is purely an academic discussion in response to such an idea of housing temporary detainees off base.


Lieutenant General
From what I can tell yesterday was a critical juncture for the OC movement as they confront CY Leung with a deadline to submit his resignation. There was a surge of indignation when Leung refused to conform to the protesters' request and an attack on HK's government building seemed imminent (which was a possibility I had brought up earlier and was subsequently accused of inciting violence for it). Fortunately cooler minds prevailed that night and the hardliners were eventually persuaded to abstain from their original plan.

at the same time the HKSAR and CCP are positioning the pieces from their side with a declaration of non-compliance. the People's Daily editorial of that day pretty much precluded any possibility of compromise, which does not suprise me one bit and apparently was also within the calculation of the protesters. So we are now looking at a painful stalemate with the HKSAR intent on waiting the protesters out. given the OC movement's pledge of non-violence, the waiting game can very much eviscerate the movement by reducing its momentum and bring into question its usefulness.

what is interesting is that some reports on the ground had mentioned that the protesters never expected the CCP to compromise in the first place. one report from NYTimes quoted a prominent participant of the movement justifying their action "as long as we are fighting there is hope"...really? you are confronting one of the most powerful political organizations in the history of mankind, which at the same time is an expert in creating and dealing with mass movement, and you are banking on an elusive "hope"? this really makes me question the wisdom of initiating OC in the first place. I challenge any pronounced supporter of this movement now to tell me just exactly what your plan is????

It was probably completely on the hope the West would do something. That's why Beijing should do nothing. Everything these activist have done since 1997 has been short-sighted.

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When they vilify Mainlanders don't expect sympathy. Not sure if it was in one the articles above but I read that mainland Chinese in Hong Kong are being told by their families back home to stay inside because they fear they will be a target for violence. Looks peaceful so far but those fears of being targeted are a result of all the Mainland bashing. So if this isn't about hating Mainlanders well then using that as a tactic was short-sighted.


From what I can tell yesterday was a critical juncture for the OC movement as they confront CY Leung with a deadline to submit his resignation. There was a surge of indignation when Leung refused to conform to the protesters' request and an attack on HK's government building seemed imminent (which was a possibility I had brought up earlier and was subsequently accused of inciting violence for it). Fortunately cooler minds prevailed that night and the hardliners were eventually persuaded to abstain from their original plan.

at the same time the HKSAR and CCP are positioning the pieces from their side with a declaration of non-compliance. the People's Daily editorial of that day pretty much precluded any possibility of compromise, which does not suprise me one bit and apparently was also within the calculation of the protesters. So we are now looking at a painful stalemate with the HKSAR intent on waiting the protesters out. given the OC movement's pledge of non-violence, the waiting game can very much eviscerate the movement by reducing its momentum and bring into question its usefulness.

what is interesting is that some reports on the ground had mentioned that the protesters never expected the CCP to compromise in the first place. one report from NYTimes quoted a prominent participant of the movement justifying their action "as long as we are fighting there is hope"...really? you are confronting one of the most powerful political organizations in the history of mankind, which at the same time is an expert in creating and dealing with mass movement, and you are banking on an elusive "hope"? this really makes me question the wisdom of initiating OC in the first place. I challenge any pronounced supporter of this movement now to tell me just exactly what your plan is????

It is important that the OC movement and students don't cross the line i.e. forced occupation of government offices. That will not go down well in my mind.

I think the movement needs to have a plan B. Too much emphasis is placed on the issue of filtered candidates. I do agree that the current official proposal is too lop sided to reflect genuine universal suffrage. Rather than focussing on the problem, the energy should be focussed on working out acceptable solutions that can move the issue forward. The process is enshrined within the Basic Law and so any solution has to be found within that framework. There are two areas that directly affect the outcome : (i) Legco. elections and (ii) method in selecting candidates by Legco.

Plan B in my view includes the following :
(i) 2017 CE election methodology has come and gone. Politics on both sides would suggest changes at this stage is untenable. The protest has carried a message. If there is no build up of support from the general population, then it is time to call it a day and use whatever residual momentum to focus on 2022.
(ii) Part of the de-escalation demand should be securing agreement towards setting up a body to negotiate candidate nomination within Legco. from current method. For example, rather than meeting percentage terms, a fairer system is that the highest votes of the top three candidates as nominated by Legco. gets on to the list. It would be a one vote per committee member of the 1200 member body.
(iii) Have a top 3 or 5 list of economic issues that need addressing being considered by the government. If policy changes are agreed, then CY is not the problem it is just execution. Getting CY fired may be a sense of satisfaction, it doesn't deal with the perceived economic problems.
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I don't think plawolf was suggesting shipping rioters to mainland prison when things are under control. What he suggested could only have happened under a declared state of emergency. Tens of thousands rioters had to be arrested for HK prisons to run out of space. A state of emergency and marital law would have been declared long before coming to that point.

That wasn't my understanding from my reading of the text but your interpretation is plausible. Thanks for pointing it out.
First of all, having this thread been opened again, I decided I won't respond to any previous things that members have said prior to the closure. I'm going to keep moving forward with what's happening, but I decided I'm not gonna put as many photos and links, if any, as before because no offence, but I've lost the passion to share anything. I am very disappointed with this forum when racisms at some point has been used, not to mention calls by members to tell locals there to leave if they can't handle it, and using strange techniques to criticize my semantics rather than the actual point. Not only some members did not attempt to understand the situation from the local's perspectives, but even advocate for the rough handling of protestors and displacement of those who can't accept their conditions. Let's not forget they lived there for generations. They lived there and have their frustrations. Instead of attempting to listen and understand, the judgement is from being an outside who does not exactly understand the situation on the ground. How would you feel if the exact words you have said to the people there are one day said back to you?


It was probably completely on the hope the West would do something. That's why Beijing should do nothing. Everything these activist have done since 1997 has been short-sighted.

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When they vilify Mainlanders don't expect sympathy. Not sure if it was in one the articles above but I read that mainland Chinese in Hong Kong are being told by their families back home to stay inside because they fear they will be a target for violence. Looks peaceful so far but those fears of being targeted are a result of all the Mainland bashing. So if this isn't about hating Mainlanders well then using that as a tactic was short-sighted.

I will say, that no one in this protest is antagonizing mainlanders. It's all about domestic politics.

The tactic, yes, can be considered short-sighted, but it's for a long-term cause. The major issues leading up to today's protest stemmed from the ineptness and bias of the HKSAR government to handle all sorts of issues these few years. And for everyone here who don't understand what's been happening, I can say, I had witnessed the build-up of public anger in the recent years, and last year the burn was also inflicted on the police. What was inflicted on the police was originally targetted at the HKSAR government. All the inflicting is very unfortunate and wrong for those in HK who hold these views.
For those who says it's all economic reason blahblahblah,

Let's see how many of the things mentioned here do you know:


古:説得好!我很欽佩大家的想法不愧是和理非非之城,這麼就搞定了,小黛,之後就拜託你了,再 見。

Crowd: Direct Elections in 2017! Can't nominate yet still gets to vote. Hold onto it first! Yea.
Lawyers: Well-said! I'm so impressed with everyone's thinking. Then that's done. Ms, the rest is all yours. Bye


Assistant: Lawyer is that it?
Lawyer: Yea


Assistant: But that's now what the villagers want, right?
Crowd: Doesn't matter what kinda election it is, as long as we can make money, right?

古:看吧,他們如此滿足的表情,蛇齋餅粽荔枝團回來,旅遊巴上就是這種表情,小黛你記清楚了。 這個城巿根深 蒂固討厭政治的文化,人類習慣被長期飼養的話就會像這樣變成豬一樣的生物。

Lawyer: Look at how happy they are, just like those returning from fruit-picking. Ms do remember, this city is a culture that hates politics. People after being ruled for so long will turn into pig-like animals.

古:除此之外還有誰?連這點自覺都沒有,我真心羨慕,連被欺侮了也不知道就進了墳墓,真是幸福 的人生啊!

Crowd: Pig? You calling us(that)?
Lawyer: Who else is there? Without even a bit of self-awareness, I'm truly impressed. Going to the grave without realizing been insulted. What a blissful life!


Crowd: What you said has gone too far!
Lawyer: I'm sorry, there's one thing I hate the most. I hate ignorant fools like you.

古:活得比我的兩倍還長,卻還不清楚自己的處境。我才好心告訴你們的,知道嗎?你們是被政府愚 弄的人,是愚 民。為了高官權貴所謂的「繁榮穩定」,連自己及後代的權利都出賣了,給你「一人一票」就上當,再給 點甜頭你們就 閉嘴了,你們就是寄生於賣港政府的愚昧無知港豬!

Crowd(villager): Hey kid! You wanna start a fight? Don't you think you're so great because you're in suit and tie!
Woman(villager): Yea! Don't know you how to respect your elders?
Another Villager: I've been around way longer than you!
Lawyer: Been around longer than me? But you still don't know the situation you're in. I'm just telling you cuz I'm being nice, you know? And glaring at me like that? You guys are people willing to played as fools by the government. That's why I call you fools! For what the high-ranking officials proclaim as "stability and prosperity", [you] can sell out your and your descendant's privileges. Giving you a ballot vote and already falling for it, if give you more small benefits then y'all even gonna say nothing. That's why calling you guys ignorant HK pigs living under the sell-out HK government is totally well-deserved!


Assistant: Lawyer! Stop it!(say no more!)
Crowd: You're those useless youth who wanna mess up HK. (villager woman): What do you have against us?

古:從前的香港,有水深港濶的海港、新界有農田;由小小漁港變成華洋雜處世界聞名的城巿,以此 為榮 的人們不知何 時開始,將這裡稱呼為東方之珠。開埠之後繁榮起來,由漁港轉形成商港、轉口港,更發展了本地工 業:紡織、塑 膠、鐘錶、電子……但是因為大陸開放,工業衰退了,到金融地產興起之後,就無心發展本地實業, 變得依賴金融 地產,只靠炒賣投機賺快錢。到了89年六四,人人怕得要移民,説好的前途自決,高度自治無人理 會了;到19 97年,一聲不吭就「被回歸」了,還建設了「門常開」這種沒有意義的氣派建築物,明明門常關還圍滿 鐵馬,真 是「善用」公帑呢!抛棄了民意、法治、廉潔、國際標準,改成了中港融合保繁榮,甚麼新香港人、 自由行、內交 、香圳啊,然後現在食物又有毒,東江水又貴又髒,所有住屋都被土豪炒貴了,就連供應全港蔬菜的 新界東北,都 拆邊界變豪宅水貨商業城了。但是拿到了商品券,也感覺到了誠意和和諧,真是太好了、太好了!這 樣土地和水都 能再復甦了吧?無奶粉、無學位、無床位也無問題了,小圈子特首繼續「顧全大陸」,也肯定不會再 有什麼問題了 吧?因為你們有「一人一票袋住先」!

Lawyer: Once upon a time in HK, there's a nice port while the New Territories have farms. From a small fishing port it transformed into a a world-class city. The proud people since then called it the Pearl of the Orient. After the markets opened the city prospered, from a fishing port to commercial port, and even began its local industries: texture, plastic, watches, electronics, but because the Chinese market opened, the industries declined. When finance and properties boomed, [they] no longer invest in this area. Rather, [they] became reliant on finance and properties, and stocks to make fast cash. When June 4th came along, everyone was so afraid they immigrated. Nice way to put it, self-forfeiting. No one cared about high-degree of self-autonomy anymore. Very quickly '97 came, and since then even built meaningless buildings like the "door always open" government HQ when it's supposed to be "door always closed", with all the fences and gates surrounding it! Great use of taxpayer's money! Abandoned public opinion, rule of law, non-corruption, world standards, all for "China-HK integration for prosperity". All that "new Hkers", Individual Visit Scheme, Internal relations with the Pan-Pearl River Delta region, HK-Shenzhen relations, and now poisonous foods, dirty and expensive water supply from Dongjiang, houses that got cooked up by the rich, and even the North East farmlands that produce crops for the city are being turned into commercial properties. But when [you] get those coupons, then [you] become all happy. How great! Can those lands and rivers come back? With no baby milk formula, no academic enrolment spots, no maternity wards still no problem! With small circles committees and Chief Executive continue care only about Beijing, surely there can't be problem right? Just because you've got a vote now!?

(Angry villager stormed up and punched the lawyer)

Assistant: Lawyer!
Crowd: (Quick! Pull him back!)
Assistant: Are you alright?
Lawyer: I'm fine.

Villager: [Grunting away]
Second villager: You don't have to care about what he says.
Villager Woman: How can you say such things? That's not what we're thinking

群:讓伯的心情是理所當然的,對啊,為什麼要説這種過份的話,你這個惡魔!像你這種人,怎麼會懂我 們的痛苦,如 你所説的,儘管不情願,但是我們還是知道的,再怎麼不甘心也無計可施,但是大家都忍氣吞聲讓自 己接受!

Villager: How would you understand our pain? We know what you've said is all true, but even if we don't want it, we can only accept it.
It's because it's powerless for us to resist. Can only swallow it and take it in.


Lawyer: Why?
Crowd: Why?


Lawyer: When you know you're being taken as fool, why are you forcing yourself to accept it?
Crowd: But we're so old..


Lawyer: So what if you're old?
Crowd: Are you asking me to Occupy Central at 80 years old?!

古:那又怎麼樣?所以就希望受到憐憫嗎?所以就希望得到撫慰嗎?所以別人一對你們好一點就會很 高興嗎?難道 你們不覺得對不起祖先?不會愧於子孫後代嗎?甚麼「袋住先」?明明説好了有提名權、參選權、投 票權先叫普選 !為甚麼你們都不這麼想?不出盡全力爭取到底?

Lawyer: SO WHAT IF YOU'RE 80?! That's why hoping for sympathy and pity? That's why hoping they will treat you slightly better and already happy? Won't you feel you can't face your ancestors? And to your descendants? And you can still see "hold onto the vote for now?" It's supposed to be the power to nominate, participate, and to vote! That's direct election! Why none of you think of it that way. Why can't you fight for it?

古:有錢的就想賺夠就移民,不能走的,就假裝繁榮穩定生活下去。但是,如果你想獲得真正的自由,就 必須看那些不 願意看的政治,必須帶著身負重傷的覺悟抗爭,自由的代價是永恆地警覺,佔中不是全部,但佔中所 爭取的普選就 是,是你們向賣港政府反擊,見識你們骨氣的方法,是奪回被剝奪的普選權利和尊嚴最適合的代價, 除此以外什麼 都不是!

Lawyer: Those with money wants to leave. Those can't leave will deceive yourself to pretend it's all stable and prosperous and live on. But, if you want real freedom, then [you] must face the politics that you don't want to face, be ready for wounds! The price of freedom needs our commitment! Occupy Central isn't everything, but the Direct Election earned from Occupy Central is, to show the sellout HKSAR government you can stand up for yourself! This is the best way to seize back the election rights and dignity that was taken away. All others isn't! We're not destroying HK's prosperity!

古:你以前是入境處職員,千萬個單程證來港你無權過問;放火燒死你同事的施君龍,現在用單程證 來港 定居啦!你以 前是皇家香港警察,現在滿街愛港力青關會亮刀鬧事,警察淪落到替他們遊行開路,淪落到要李偲傿 同土共出來「 撐警察」,六七暴動害死你同袍的楊光拿大紫荊勲章啦。廉政專員送茅台公費遊埠、行會成員逃稅賣 樓、高官破產 囤地僭建、電視發牌黑箱作業、數以億計公帑利益輸送、超支爛尾高鐵、新界東北強搶地、舔共國民 教育、問責高 官無人問責,不了了之,全因立法會有零票當選特權功能組別包庇,我年年七一遊行要求雙普選,幾 時先有呀?

Lawyer: (turns to first old man) You used to be immigration officer, but no authority to question the tens of thousands of one-way trip to HK. The Si-Kun-Long who torched your colleague is NOW USING THIS TO LIVE IN HK!
(second old man) You used to be Royal HK Police, but now all those "Hong Kong Youth Care Association Limited"(they bash Falung gong) are brandishing knives and starting trouble everywhere with no one stopping them! The police has fallen to the point of opening the streets for their marches, and even to the point of up to people like Li Si Wun and local pro-Communists to support the police. The Yang Guang who caused the deaths of your colleagues in the Riot of 1967 is now getting the Grand Bauhinia Medal(i think that's the highest medal awarded in HK)! ICAC staffs waste taxpayer's money for trips and moutai (Timothy Tong of ICAC uncovered for using excessive funds for moutai, violating anti-graft law of the ICAC, and ICAC is HK's anti-corruption commission), legislators tax-evading to sell properties. High ranking officials declaring bankrupt but having unauthorized building projects! HKTV black-box politics(HKTV was turned down multiple times WITH NO REASONS GIVEN for starting requesting the license to start its own TV), hundreds of millions of taxpayer's money spent behind the scenes, expensive yet broken High Speed Rail, stealing lands in the North-Eastern New Territories, then Nationalistic Education. Either no one questions the high-ranking officials or nothing happens, all because of the Special Function Committee,that was not voted in, with its special privileges are covering up for them! I marched every year on July 1st for double direct elections(for both LegCo and Chief Executive). When is it going to happen?

Honestly, unless you think you know what most of those things are, I don't think you're ready to conclude what or why they want direct election or pretend you know it all. Even I don't know a few of these.
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I would generally summarise the second part as a deterioration of enforcement of regulations in HK towards protected special interest group out of fear of offending their patron up in the north. Unfortunately this is how business is conducted there and why corruption is so rampant. Those who toe the line are protected and receive economic benefits.

A directly elected CE might mitigate some of these issues but Beijing's hand will still be all over the HK political landscape. That is the reality.
I would generally summarise the second part as a deterioration of enforcement of regulations in HK towards protected special interest group out of fear of offending their patron up in the north. Unfortunately this is how business is conducted there and why corruption is so rampant. Those who toe the line are protected and receive economic benefits.

A directly elected CE might mitigate some of these issues but Beijing's hand will still be all over the HK political landscape. That is the reality.

yea. also i dont think direct elections solve everything but its a start... at least ppl can be legitimately ousted from power. Once double-election happens, everyone from LegCo should be removed
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