Lieutenant General
I don't think the facts are disputed that HK is part of China and any attempts to argue from outside that premise is just a fruitless proposition and a distraction. I suggest we spend less time on this.
Are you serious on these ideas or are you making them up as you write i.e. busing them to Mainland jail and getting in mainland riot police?
Under the one country two systems arrangement, internal security is HK's jurisdiction. There are laws that need to be followed on how things are done. Such suggestions in my view are undermining the very Basic Laws that Beijing is trying so hard to uphold. It is both unlawful and counter to Beijing's own position on managing HK internal affairs.
I don't see how holding them in mainland jails until the HK courts can hear their case breaks any laws if HK runs out of jail cells.
To suggest that they are tried in mainland courts under mainland laws would breach Bejing's commitments under the basic law, but that is not what I am suggesting.