Re: Whats your Favourite Asian Food?
No, Friedrice, NOT Kimchi.....
It's called "Ja Cai" (Literally fried pinyin could be off.) I don't know the english name for the ingredient vegetable but it's called "Da Tou Cai" or "Big head vegetable" in Cantonese (Donno if the North use another name.)
The stuff is marinated in anise stars and a fish load of chili pepper flakes and then cut into strips.
What's a chive box?
BTW, anyone here ever had a bad day with chives? Say, your German teacher smells the cooked product and thinks you are carrying back end products in your pack?
Instant noodles....Should I pick Nong Shim or Nissin? Nong Shim classic, thick noodles, spicy sauce, er powder.