HJ-8 ATGM in Syria


What the rebel needs is proper training, organization and discipline, but obviously they don't get it or doing much in that department.

By what I've read Assad's loyalists, including the government forces, are predominantly from a same religious sect that, if the rebel do won, it'd be plain and simple death sentence to themselves and their families, and that makes them motivated and harder to get them fragmented. Furthermore, not only just Iran, Russia also got a stake in all this, and those two won't give a damn to arms embargo, if the rebel's backers steps up we might see those two step up their aid to Assad...probably in forms of heavy artillery and even ballistic missiles, thermalbaric payload can bring serious carnage if deploy en masse.

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
Yet we are talking about Syria, not Kashmir or Afghanistan or Chechnia, and the Syrian Air Force is no IAF, Soviet Air Force or Russian Air Force.

One should take care not to make sweeping assumptions or inappropriate cross comparisons as weapons that make a decisive impact in one war could become less than useless in another. And in the specific example of the Syrian conflict, MANPADS are not what the rebels need to win because of the very limited effective role the Syrian Air Force is playing in the conflict. When you balance that against the risks of the missiles falling into the wrong hands and the carnage that could cause, it should have been perfectly clear that it was unnecessary and a grave mistakes to supply the rebels with advanced MANPADS at all. ATGMs OTOH, is what the rebels really need in large quantities to win the war in Syria, amongst other things, and such weapons would not be able to cause anywhere like as much damage if they fall into the hands of terrorists, so on balance, that should have been the weapon supplied to the rebels in large quantities to help them win the war.

Again you are just making assumptions and giving your opinion which is not based on facts, I suggest you get a copy of 2013 June issue Combat Aircraft Monthly pages 52-62 (the same magazine Deino wrote Chinese aviation article in) and its covers the Syrian air war from the start up till now, very informative and well documented


These bombs are being dropped on residential areas and have killed many civilians, shoulder fired missiles would put a end to that
The insurgents aren't there to protect civilians but to clear the way for a gas pipeline from Qatar to Turkey.
And what they need is support from the population. They are unlikely to get enough of that so I think they won't succeed in destroying Syria as Libya was destroyed.


Senior Member
New HJ-8 attacks.

Tank hunter team from "Khan Honey" FSA group uses HJ-8 to destroy a target.
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Senior Member
Another HJ-8 used by the "falcons brigade" against SAA armored vehicle.


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The supplier this HJ-8 to Syrian militants thoroughly trying not to reveal himself. On the boxes painted over information about their origin.
