I hope you are taking about the same weapon as me, shoulder fired air defence missile? and u are saying its not relavence
These bombs are being dropped on residential areas and have killed many civilians, shoulder fired missiles would put a end to that
Stinger did not change the course of the Mujahideen war against the Soviets? Pakistan Anza missile downed Indian Mig21, Mig27 and Mi-17 in Kargil war, it wasnt until France and Israel supplied integrated pods on IAF Mirage 2000 that IAF started to come back in the war and the Chechens downed over 60 Russian aircraft many using MANPADS
To the contrary it's MANPADS that change the outcome of wars not ATGM, I am not discrediting ATGM but the weapons are also conflict specific and in this case a air defence system would win the war for the rebels
Taliban have no ATGM yet through IED have taken out thousands of land vehicles in Afghanistan, you can take a vehicle out on land using many innovation but same cant be said about aircraft
Yet we are talking about Syria, not Kashmir or Afghanistan or Chechnia, and the Syrian Air Force is no IAF, Soviet Air Force or Russian Air Force.
Even your examples are not convincing that MANPADS have a telling impact because it did not in Kashmir or Chechnia, where they served mainly a nuisance role rather than pivotal. The only place where MANPADS made a big difference was Afghanistan, and that was only because of a combination or terrain, tactics and SOP of both sides.
The Soviet relied heavily on their air forces for both strike and transport, and where very effective at using them in both roles. That is why MANPADS had such a big impact because they blunted a primary tool of the Soviets. Give the Talian of today top of the range MANPADS and they will have a massive negative impact on the ability of the US to continue its mission in Afghanistan for the same reasons.
In Chechnia, it was the massive bloody nose the Chechens delt the Russians in the streets and the hundreds of armour and thousands of troops they killed that decided the war, not the few aircraft they shot down. Similar thing with Kashmir.
Syria tends far more towards Chechnian than Afghanistan, even more so because the Syrian Air Force does not have all that many ground attack aircraft or suitable munitions for air to ground work. Thus the tactical impact the Syrian Air Force is having on the battlefield is limited if not counter productive, and removing that ineffectual tool from Assad's forces will change little in terms of the chances of victory for both sides in SOP or the results of major battles.
Dropping barrel bombs out of helicopters just just terror bombing, and like the blitz all sides inflicted on each other during WWII, has little tactical and strategic relevance, especially when you consider the vastly different scale of the operations. If the blitz did little to decide WWII with all the aircraft and bombs involved and all the civilian casualties it caused, what chance does a few barrel bombs have?
If anything, such tactics help the rebels as it is a perfect recruiting poster to get people previous on the fence to come and fight on their side.
One should take care not to make sweeping assumptions or inappropriate cross comparisons as weapons that make a decisive impact in one war could become less than useless in another. And in the specific example of the Syrian conflict, MANPADS are not what the rebels need to win because of the very limited effective role the Syrian Air Force is playing in the conflict. When you balance that against the risks of the missiles falling into the wrong hands and the carnage that could cause, it should have been perfectly clear that it was unnecessary and a grave mistakes to supply the rebels with advanced MANPADS at all. ATGMs OTOH, is what the rebels really need in large quantities to win the war in Syria, amongst other things, and such weapons would not be able to cause anywhere like as much damage if they fall into the hands of terrorists, so on balance, that should have been the weapon supplied to the rebels in large quantities to help them win the war.