Resolution is based amount of EUV light collected by the projection mirror directed to the waferHow do are the various parameters of EUV machines related? For instance, how does the wattage of the source relate to resolution and throughput? All of these machines generate UV light from the same source (tin droplets), so how come some have better resolution than others? How fine a resolution can the Changchun machine reach initially and then as the user pushes it?
High NA means the projection mirror sized gonna be big which help to collect more light.
You gonna see gigantic projection mirror.
You also need to enough EUV light otherwise if its too dim, larger sized mirror doesnt have enough light to collect. So, the resolution is combination of light and the physical ability of mirror to collect light
Higher wattage will help increase throughput.
All those machines are not the same. Higher wattage of EUV requires more powerful laser to zap the tin that generate more EUV light.