Germany Carl Zeiss, heart of Dutch ASML Lithography Equipment.

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Bottom line is, US violated Chinese sovereignty and China is looking weak.
Actually, refusing US technology for Chinese (or Huawei) use isn't a violation of sovereignty. It's ugly, desperate and imminent as China challenges the US but breaking off such a partnership of global cooperation isn't a violation of sovereignty. You can refuse to let anybody use your things; that's your right, but the repercussions of being distrusted and cut out of the supply loop are something you have to contend with as a result.

Strength is determined by result, not by shouting, table-pounding, and escalation, or every country would just hire the loudest, angriest wrestling persona for president. No matter what you say or do, if you end up collapsed, then it's weak; if the result is that China can build up everything to replace ASML and make its own leading semiconductors, that's the ultimate strength, silent strength.


Registered Member
Actually, refusing US technology for Chinese (or Huawei) use isn't a violation of sovereignty. It's ugly, desperate and imminent as China challenges the US but breaking off such a partnership of global cooperation isn't a violation of sovereignty. You can refuse to let anybody use your things; that's your right, but the repercussions of being distrusted and cut out of the supply loop are something you have to contend with as a result.

Strength is determined by result, not by shouting, table-pounding, and escalation, or every country would just hire the loudest, angriest wrestling persona for president. No matter what you say or do, if you end up collapsed, then it's weak; if the result is that China can build up everything to replace ASML and make its own leading semiconductors, that's the ultimate strength, silent strength.

US is using TW to screw China without punishment.


US is using TW to screw China without punishment.
It's not the ROC specifically; it's just that any company that uses US technology can't sell to Huawei, or likely China in the future. It's all the world, not specific to any place. The problem is that it's China's old disease that it does not control all of its own territories, a disease that festered during China's weakest time but one that can be cured with its return to power.

I guess I'll say this again: China and America have fundamentally different strategies in this fight. America uses the old lion strategy, which it will pull out trick after trick from its tool box of weapons that it has accumulated over the years it reigned as king and it will use these to try to stop China from progressing. Traditionally, America has strengths and China has weaknesses (like its inability to control ROC and some extent, HK) so America wants to fight in the realm of a traditional time. But China, on the other hand, uses the young lion strategy, which is to dodge attacks thrown at it so it can focus on its own growth. This is the one area, the area of the future, that the old lion cannot match the young lion, so the young lion doesn't want to dwell and fight in the past but it wants to grow and bring about its more powerful future as quickly as possible. The young lion simply doesn't have as many tools and tricks as the old lion because it hasn't had the time to create them yet. Because of these differences, the fight will not be direct blow-for-blow. It will be each side using the things that work best for it, and that's why China's not fighting America's fight by throwing punches. That's America's realm; it just wants to grow and bring America into China's future where it cannot compete.

The least impressive punishment is some immediate little tit-for-tat; that's what small people revel in. That's what small people call strength. The biggest punishment of all for the US would be seeing China turn the semiconductor and lithography fields from its weakness into its strength in a few short years. Trump will never admit it because he's the type of guy who could leave a fight unconscious in a stretcher to a standing foe and still say he won after he wakes up in the hospital, but every tech group over the world and US will know that Trump's administration spurred China's semiconductor innovation. That's the only true victory worth having.
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EUV litho can wait. Domestic litho can wait....

The most urgent matter...

The most critical aspect for Huawei is 7nm process for its 5G base station chipset tiangang and cellphone Baloong 5000.

SMIC needs to work around the clock to rush to N+1 process.

China needs this process for its own 5G infrastructure domestically to say the least

The Clock is ticking.... Tick, tick, tick....

Had chinese government injecting that money1 yr earlier instead of yesterday so SMIC can hire more engineers to do parallel, N+1 could have come out by now instead targeting end of this year.

That doesnt leave enough margin for error , does it?

Kind of reminds me how they slow react to virus.
Only when huge problem show up in their face, they start to get their butt off chair.
They really wait for shit start to fly before they act.
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Well 150 billion is over 10 years and half of it go back to purchasing Chinese good and service meaning employment for Chinese people
Most of the investment is to facilitate transportation of Chinese owned mining right and industrail estate.
And the rest go toward raising the living standard of African so that they can buy Chinese good in the future Not a bad investment.

This is all for African support in restoring Chinese right in United Nation and forcing the west to accept China from 70's on which lead to Chinese economy growing from 200 Billion to almost 14 trillion now

But I do agree China spend awful a lot of money for bragging right as "friend of Africa" when most of the African elite despise China since most of them are western educated. And expect handout and sense of entitlement when all those money are earned from toil and sweat of Chinese people from back breaking work

You are right there is better way to spend the money
I Understand, just recently the President of Tanzania rejected Chinese loan for development and suggesting that people would be stupid to take Chinese loans at those higher interest rates. I wonder if other African states are of the same mind.


Senior Member
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I Understand, just recently the President of Tanzania rejected Chinese loan for development and suggesting that people would be stupid to take Chinese loans at those higher interest rates. I wonder if other African states are of the same mind.
Western media already corrupted their minds. They despise the Chinese.


Junior Member
Registered Member
I Understand, just recently the President of Tanzania rejected Chinese loan for development and suggesting that people would be stupid to take Chinese loans at those higher interest rates. I wonder if other African states are of the same mind.

Erm..but Chinese loans and expertise are the sole channel that are willing and capable enough to help African states build up their 'hardware' infrastructures(power plants, industry cluster) and logistical support networks(HV network, ports, bridges, railways, tolls), the essential path needed to achieve basic industrialisation. If you read reports from thinktanks of Europe and US, they have admitted being unable to help Africa in all those on a scale that Chinese does due to their own de-industrialisation in the past 3 decades, and also due to most aid efforts being mainly focused on food distribution, cultural exchanges and the rest being direct mostly monetary channels through WB and IMF. The rest of western engagement is mainly using African states as a training ground for killing terorrists.

Japan might be attempting to emulate what China has been doing for decades, but it is simply too late. Just see the HSR project with India, it has been dragging for half a decade with hardly any progress, while Chinese+Indonesia consortium are on track to finish the Jakarta-Bandung 350kmph HSR in 2023.

Even right here in Indonesia the heart of South East Asia, I can feel the huge changes in recent years already. The coal power plants, HV networks, dams, all of them are only offered by the West with huge political strings attached, now the Chinese are the ones taking on all the projects, teaching us the know-hows, without any attached demands. The West only use us as a market, the Chinese see us as equals amongst developing nation are offer us path to develop together. That is call Win-Win, something that do not exist in the Western playbook.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
Western media already corrupted their minds. They despise the Chinese.

The path to industrialisation always require taking on huge financial debt. There is no shortcut, no nation can skip through the modern manufacturing phase and turn into a developed nation(just see how India is failing so badly). China can offer help in terms of know-hows and loans, but you cant expect China to bear the all the debt while expecting your nation to upgrade up the manufacturing chain without any effort on your own. Debt is only viable if it increase productivity. And productivity depands alot on cultural teachings and upbringing. Just see how many percentage of Chinese are in STEM, see their attitudes towards life, it makes the rest of the world afraid of them.
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