Germany Carl Zeiss, heart of Dutch ASML Lithography Equipment.

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People are saying the US has the best in everything yet they can't make the smallest chips? Why aren't Taiwan and South Korea the top superpowers since they can make the best chips? Yet China has to yield because they can't make the smallest chips right now? The most advanced nuclear warhead, the W88, was designed on an Apple IIe.

Expect Trump to onshore more Asian tech companies soon, this is what a real forced tech transfer looks like.

The US traditional outsourced its production of this to its "allied" nation partners, now its consolidating since it fears China might grab the Eurasia landmass so US has to have the plants and fabs state side for national security reasons


Keep up, in the future all warfare is autonomous, deep learning needs state of art chips. Without AI enhancement your fleet dont have edge in combat... it cannot be overstated the power of AI
Nobody can keep up with your skittishness! The power of AI can very much be overstated, as you are doing now. How far in the future is your scenario? 10? 20 years? How many current designs have to be phased out for AI-enabled ones for that future to take shape? Don't freak out about something decades away and throw away what you have in front of you to chase it! By the time those technologies dominate the military, China will be a different tech beast, as it becomes every 5 years.

As for Taiwan, TSMC cut off was a betrayal. Peaceful reunification is out the window. China needs to decouple from Taiwan and crash Taiwan economy hard, not for revenge but because Taiwan is now a proxy of the enemy and it makes zero sense to continue propping it up, just let it die like hk
If peaceful reunification is out the window, then a military one is the only option, but we're not giving it up like you wanted, and crashing its economy is just not good enough. You're like a combination of being correctly angry but in the wrong directions... LOL


Lieutenant General
Expect Trump to onshore more Asian tech companies soon, this is what a real forced tech transfer looks like.

The US traditional outsourced its production of this to its "allied" nation partners, now its consolidating since it fears China might grab the Eurasia landmass so US has to have the plants and fabs state side for national security reasons

And they won't make money and go out of business. They could've done this long before if it were that easy. The US off-shored because it was too expensive to do it at home. Now costs are going to skyrocket because everyone is not making money from China.


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12 billion dollars to set up a fab in Arizona to produce 20 thousand chips with production only beginning in 2024......
Where have I heard of something like that before...

The media is hyping up this project as some sort of game changer and ultimate trump card that could be used to leverage China...
This is no different than that Foxconn Wisconsin mega factory that was supposed to be finished this year that could employ 13,000 workers only before finding it could employ a fraction of that amount.

Also, if I should follow the logic of "Giving Taiwan independence for TSMC and China could have been much better off", then I would say India should hand over all the Muslim majority regions to Pakistan so that India wouldn't had so much terrorist attacks and go to war with Pakistan. Pakistan would be friends with India and India would be much richer today and and have improved trade with Pakistan and not waste so much on defense spending, leaving more money to invest in its economy.

I can take the logic even further and say that:
Once India sees the importance of peace and prosperity by handing over territory to other countries, it will continue further and hand over Tamil Nadu to Sri Lanka, give Sikkim and Goa independence, return South Tibet to China. India would be friends with all its neighbors and it will never have any enemies, it's economy could had reached China's level had it done that. ;)

Ultimately, China is making strides in tech, do not underestimate it's ability for scientific breakthrough. It will be the third nation to have a fully functioning space station in space and send landers to Mars soon. 7nm chips for China is a piece of cake.


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And they won't make money and go out of business. They could've done this long before if it were that easy. The US off-shored because it was too expensive to do it at home. Now costs are going to skyrocket because everyone is not making money from China.
I would agree but we live in unpredecented times now. US Fed new policy is infinite QE, money printer goes brrrrr... politics trumps economy now... the ability to make stuff is the "real economy" and trump is bringing it back


I hope that if Biden is elected, relations between China and the USA will improve.
I really don't. Biden might bring the EU back into line with the US. Traditional US allies are thirsting for the US to come to its senses but China needs Trump up there making mistakes left and right bleeding out America's roots in global tech and its relationships around the world. Do you think this COVID-19 disaster in America could have happened to this degree under any other president? I want Trump to win 2020, then Don Trump Jr for 2024-2032, then Eric for 2032-2040! And by the time their line is up, America's gonna be the new USSR: broke, tech-poor, but still has a few nukes to keep their president shouting like a proud drunk!


Lieutenant General
I would agree but we live in unpredecented times now. US Fed new policy is infinite QE, money printer goes brrrrr... politics trumps economy now... the ability to make stuff is the "real economy" and trump is bringing it back

Make stuff made with expensive American labor that no one in the world will pay. The US goes bankrupt.


Junior Member
Registered Member
I really don't. Biden might bring the EU back into line with the US. Traditional US allies are thirsting for the US to come to its senses but China needs Trump up there making mistakes left and right bleeding out America's roots in global tech and its relationships around the world. Do you think this COVID-19 disaster in America could have happened to this degree under any other president? I want Trump to win 2020, then Don Trump Jr for 2024-2032, then Eric for 2032-2040!

Yes, Trump is the least worst option for China.

US POTUS is PR puppet these days though, no real power. They do what they are told by the MIC/CIA etc... elections change absolutely nothing in terms of foreign policy. Voting is a bread and circus to distract the mob

Ivanka 2024 with Jared as VP
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