Future Chinese Missile Destroyer?


VIP Professional
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VLS cells and guns seem a bit oversized, otherwise everything is drawn to scale. Helo hangars are made for eh101 sized craft, i think two should be able to fit though i don't know how much extra space around them is needed for maintenance. Could get a bit crowded. Alternatively, two eh90 sized helos could fit inside for sure and have plenty of space around them for maintenance. (helo deck and hangar length coudl then be shortened) Details like various antennae, navigation and comm equipment, boats etc is not drawn but there should be plenty of space for all that.

Am not sure about the effect of the first funnel on the radar mast behind it. Perhaps dirt from the funnel might get stuck on the radome and lower its effectivess. If so, then that's a huge issue and a design faux pas. (problem could be somewhat aleviated by having that funnel split in two and shoved to ship's sides.) Then again, many modern destroyers have funnels in front of radar masts so perhaps it's not such a big issue.

VLS placement is interesing i think, as not only does it prevent a single hit-single kill, but it offers a novel exhaust design. missile exhaust could be mounted on the sides of the ship. Downside to that could be issues with RAM, if the exhaust damages them. Height of VLS should be some 6.5 to 7 meters before the ship's side structure gets in the way, enough even for very large missiles. Each of the four rectangles should easely be 2.5 meters by 11 meters. Enough for two 2x5 cell wells in each rectangle, with each cell being about 1x1 meter. Alternatively, for smaller missiles, each rectangle could hold two 3x7 cell wells, if each cell was around 0.65x0.65 meters. If we go down to even more compact missiles, each rectangle could hold four 4x10 cell wells, with each cell being 0.45x0.45 meters.

I believe the VLS are placed low enough on the ship so they don't screw up the center of gravity. At most, there'd be 90 tons worth of missiles, which is quite insignificant compared to some 7.000 tons of displacement the ship has. Just in case, the radar masts aren't that high up, to compensate for that, (compared to the T45, for example), but i believe they still provide enough coverage to the horizon.

That should be enough for some of the following loadouts:
40 tomahawk sized missiles + 21 harpoon sized missiles + 20 SM-2/3/6 sized missiles + 80 ESSM sized missiles
20 tomahawk sized missiles + 21 harpoon sized missiles + 30 SM-2/3/6 sized missiles + 160 ESSM sized missiles
42 harpoon sized missiles + 50 SM-2/3/6 sized missiles + 80 ESSM sized missiles
21 harpoon sized missiles + 40 SM-2/3/6 sized missiles + 240 ESSM sized missiles
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Junior Member
VIP Professional

Look at this design of a carrier. Even though not real but it's creative and uses good imagination.

It looks like the planes can land on the upper deck and take off from the lower deck.

Too much staring at Imperial Star Destroyer or Superbattleship Yamato:D


Junior Member

I saw on the internet that this ship is the new 051D and will be numbered 190.

It also said that it will be starting the build in 2009.

It's true that this ship seem to have all of the radar types seem in PLAN's recent destroyers, so I don't know what will actually happen. This ship seem to be the combination of the current 052C and 051C.

It's said that the ship will weight 9870 tons, which will make it the biggest destroyer on the ocean to date.
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VIP Professional
You can tell its fan boy art, no matter how talented they are with Autocad, because the details don't make sense. Like in this destroyer, you got no purpose of having a PAR on a rotating pedestal when you already have the four PARs out there in the superstructure. The whole thing lacks any real "radar" common sense.


VIP Professional
There is a new article out in KANWA and it appears that HQ-9 is active guided. That means the missiles do not need an illuminator. The S-300 is TVM guidance, which is a modified SARH guidance, and thus, it needs an illuminator. The large array on the back of the 051C acts in this manner. Conversely, it also means that the arrays on the 052C is meant for general search and tracking only, capable of passing target updates to missiles, but not for direct target illumination.

Thus in essence, a future 052x destroyer using the HQ-9 does not need the PAR on the back on a pedestal.

If a future destroyer combines the 052C PARs with the HQ-16 from the 054A, you will probably see the Orekh like illuminators instead along with the 052C type PARs. This type of arrangement is actually more plausible. Unlike the HQ-9, the HQ-16 is SARH and needs external target illumination. But then of course, if the HQ-16 evolved with active radar seekers, then these illuminators can be eliminated as well.


VIP Professional
The question for future PLAN destroyers boils down to this. When it comes to SAMs, its preferable to standardize. The previous concept, taken from the Russians actually, to design a dedicated launcher for each and every different missile they had, is potentially quite wasteful. It does not make logistical sense to have at the moment, three different VLS systems---one for the 051C, one for the 052C and one for the 054A. Future PLAN surface combatants must consider the need for standardization, otherwise, future ship projects would end up being expensive dead ends that are difficult to upgrade and modernize.

The HQ-9 launch system, in my opinion, with its rounded design, to be space inefficient. On the other hand, is the HQ-16 VLS system, big enough to accommodate all sorts of different weapons? The question is also to integrate small SAMs in quad packs; antiship missiles; cruise missiles and ASROCs. How big are the missiles you plan, the SAMs, AshMs, etc,. Bigger the missile, the better the range, but smaller the missile, the more you can pack the numbers. It seems here, finding the sweet spot in size, range, and numbers is the hard thing to do.

Proposal A:

052x Destroyer using HQ-16 hot launched VLS.

Advantage: This greatly increases the missile density, and more missiles can be carried per ship. Using two sets of launchers, such a ship can carry 64 HQ-16s. The smaller missiles may be more maneuverable than the HQ-9, making it easier for them to intercept smaller antiship missiles.

Disadvantage: The HQ-16 has less range than the HQ-9. Its currently SARH, and such a setup would require that the destroyer be fitted with Orekh style fire control radars. It is not known if this launcher is deep enough, big enough, or has the gas dispersion ability to handle the increase exhaust mass flow of larger missiles.

Proposal A-B

The variation of Proposal A is to change the HQ-16 missile to active seekers.

Advantage: This would eliminate the FCRs.

Disadvantage: Would require a redesign of future 054x to accommodate this missile.

Proposal B:

A new squared cold launched VLS for the HQ-9 but capable of also taking the YJ-62. Basis for this inspiration is the 3S14E launcher used for the Klub missiles.

Advantage: This preserves the HQ-9 system for the 052x. The size of the launchers can mean future accommodation of VLS AshMs and ASROCs. You can eliminate the deck mounted canisters for the YJ-62s, and by doing this, reducing the side RCS of the ship.

Disadvantage: Larger systems means less missiles per ship though its possible to potentially multipack smaller missiles. Issues of size and weight may also make the system difficult to integrate on the 054x, not unless the 054x has to gain in size and displacement. Requires a whole new development cycle though it may be worth it in the long run.


Junior Member

I don't know how accurate this models is if anything, but here is the specification of the ship in Chinese.

It is supposed to be the 052E nuke power cruiser, and it is pretty big by the look of the dimensions.

  主要技术指标如下: 动力:高温气冷核反应堆,18000马力(航 速:40节) 续航力:28000海里排水量:标准排水量15000吨,满载排水量:19800吨 主尺度:舰长:210米,舰宽: 22.8米,吃水: 8.65米 导弹:舰艏舰桥前有24具垂直发射系统,每具发射装置的单元直径共有6个vls单元,分4列共144个垂直发射发射单元。舰空导弹:24具国产海红九型舰载远程防空导弹发射器。 舰舰导弹:32枚vls联装yj-12型超音速巡航导弹,速度达5倍音速,射程580KM。 反潜导弹:32枚vls联装红缨-4型反潜导弹近程防空:970型改进型武器系统6具,有源式8管30mm近防炮,担任末端拦截。据小道消息透露,该舰首批建造4艘,共建造16艘,预计6年内全部建成。