Future Chinese Missile Destroyer?


Junior Member
That's nuts. It's kind of embarrassing. I thought it kind of look like a Russian ship.

But the spec listed in Chinese is different than the spec listed for the Kirov class battle cruiser on wikipedia.

No wonder I thought the description in Chinese doesn't look like what's in the picture. Here is the description.

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The spec. is nothing but fan boys' wet dream. Really, what's the point of building such a large ship anyway?


Junior Member
Well, you can look at it this way. While it is large, it is still a lot smaller than the cruise ship you ride on today. :roll:


Junior Member

I don't know how accurate this models is if anything, but here is the specification of the ship in Chinese.

It is supposed to be the 052E nuke power cruiser, and it is pretty big by the look of the dimensions.

  主要技术指标如下: 动力:高温气冷核反应堆,18000马力(航 速:40节) 续航力:28000海里排水量:标准排水量15000吨,满载排水量:19800吨 主尺度:舰长:210米,舰宽: 22.8米,吃水: 8.65米 导弹:舰艏舰桥前有24具垂直发射系统,每具发射装置的单元直径共有6个vls单元,分4列共144个垂直发射发射单元。舰空导弹:24具国产海红九型舰载远程防空导弹发射器。 舰舰导弹:32枚vls联装yj-12型超音速巡航导弹,速度达5倍音速,射程580KM。 反潜导弹:32枚vls联装红缨-4型反潜导弹近程防空:970型改进型武器系统6具,有源式8管30mm近防炮,担任末端拦截。据小道消息透露,该舰首批建造4艘,共建造16艘,预计6年内全部建成。

how can you believe that, and it says its from homeland security department :roll: unless PLAN is buying the cruiser, which makes no sense


Junior Member
VIP Professional
Not to mention the Kirov is outdated by today's standards. :roll:

Of course, it's outdated. Any project needs upgrades, Tikos are getting an update right now and they are just a bit more recent. The main problem with Project 1144 is it's shear size caused by bulky missiles of 70s. With Yakhont and Poliment the ship can have displacement at least twice smaller while retaining the punch and nuclear propulsion.


VIP Professional
The modernization of the Russian navy depends not in giant monsters but in small but efficient ships. Projects like the 20380/382, some of the plans that have been floated around for future destroyers and frigates, all present a much better path.


Lieutenant General
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kirov is still very useful nowadays if it is "modernized" a little bit. If they can put modern sensors + a more reliable engine in there, it's still going to do a lot of good things. The only major problem is that it's really a big target, the radar signature is huge compared to modern ships.

As for that passage on 052D/E, that's just all speculation at this point.


Lieutenant General
This was posted over at CDF says something about a large surface combatant. That's what they're saying it says over there.
