How bout this idea - not so much for the destroyer itself as for the way destroyers (or frigates) could be used. At least until PLAN gets to use (And be able to defend) a fleet of aeroplane or helicopter carriers.
When the mission calls for littoral warfare, everything is more or less as it is. When the mission calls for PLAN ships to go farther from the coast, far enough so they can't get support from PLANAF and PLAAF airborne radars and the threat of incoming enemy planes is high - then PLAN could use a fleet of 5 ships, sailing fairly close together. Each would house two large helicopters. On one ship there'd be two ASW helos (with secondary utility and SAR functions, i hope) and on each of the four remaining ships there'd be one ASW helo and one AEW/maritime surveillance helo.
With four helos, that fleet could keep a radar in the air for an extended period of the time. And even though it'd still be a far cry from a true awacs, it should offer some 200-250 km radar range to the horizon, which is nothing to smirk at. Naturally, radar suite itself should be advanced enough to detect low flying planes at the stated range, otherwise it'd kind of be pointless.
When there's little enemy airborne threat, those helos would come in handily to offer OTH targeting info. Granted, they'd have to watch out for enemy SAMs, but unless those are really long ranged AND fully self guided, it shouldn't be much of a problem. Only problem could be something like SM-6, when it enters service, which could still find and lock on the helo even if it ducked behind the horizon. I guess that'd mean short pop ups and quick relocation after each pop-up, coupled with a need for some really high res radars, so the enemy ship can be indentified (as a sm-6 carrier and a threat) 200 kms away.
Other systems on all the ships should be exactly the same, for greater redundancy. So even if one ship is sunk, the rest of the fleet is still quite capable, with further sinkings resulting in gradual loss of capability. As opposed to the approach of hard-to-crack aircraft carrier but once it has been neutralized, capability loss is huge and instantenuous.