Fourth Taiwan Strait Crisis

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Taiwan scrambled planes as well. Are you saying China should engaged ROC planes as well as Pelosi's?

How would that have made the situation any better?

I didn’t say they needed to scramble planes at all. But some dumbass made everyone think that the option was in the cards. Should they follow the dumbass advice then they better see to it or die trying.


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But they use some of this terminology already, especially after the diplomatic reforms in the Xi administration which saw the rise of Wang Yi, Zhao Lijian and Hua Chunying, among others.

I haven't seen "hurt the feelings of the Chinese people", use of the term "misunderstanding" except in conjunction with "miscalculation" which is much harder, or any of those softer terms in years. There was never a use of "rules based international order" except when actually quoting the US saying that, and always adding "so called". The Australia statement had the desired effect of escalating tensions.

the biggest difference between pre reform and post reform Chinese diplomacy is that they learned from the US that escalating tensions is a useful tool. Diplomats aren't only for solving problems, they can also be used to create artificial, controlled problems and crises that can then be solved in beneficial ways.

what I hope to see is that Chinese diplomats continue this trend of using carefully calibrated crises to force enemies into no win situations, which is a skill certain countries have mastered.

You really have to draw a line between pre reform (Deng era) diplomats and the new guys.

re: misunderstanding

270,349 views May 24, 2019
The Point: Why does the West fail to understand China? - YouTube

can't edit soon. I'll get a better source maybe

re: hurt feelings

Radical protesters' blatant desecration of national flags has seriously hurt the feelings of 1.4 billion Chinese people.

By Staff writer in Hong Kong | | Updated: 2019-09-24 11:0
Tung: Desecration of national flags hurts feelings of 1.4b people -
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re: rules based order was only very recently given a sarcastic remark, but I have seen this phrase used on CGTN and other debates within the past 3 years.

You're nit picking and coping. Now, you're changing topics about how diplomats are escalating tensions. The messaging problem is systemic. BTW, no one only pays attention to only diplomats. Proper messaging uses all platforms. Phrases like American dream, national interest, deter Chinese aggression, promote democracy, etc pop up all over the place. That's how they become ingrained in people's minds. Analyzing only diplomat's messaging is short sighted.


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its weird so many Taiwanese live work in China. Same language, same culture just 100km apart but China has 0 Political influnce on Taiwan. Does anybody in Taiwan even wanna be reunified to China at all ? American $ is doing miracles all over the world but China can’t even influence a Tiny nation right across the border ?


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its weird so many Taiwanese live work in China. Same language, same culture just 100km apart but China has 0 Political influnce on Taiwan. Does anybody in Taiwan even wanna be reunified to China at all ? American $ is doing miracles all over the world but China can’t even influence a Tiny nation right across the border ?

The Communist Party of China rules PRC. Many people have reservations about that particular party, and would not necessarily want to live under a country run by that party.


Registered Member
I didn’t say they needed to scramble planes at all. But some dumbass made everyone think that the option was in the cards. Should they follow the dumbass advice then they better see to it or die trying.
1. That was one employee of a newspaper, not the government. Every single spokesperson or government official has been vague in what the response to America's provocation will be. I agree something like a flyover or a military exercise is weak and pointless and not enough. But let's wait and see.

2. Would you rather have Pelosi shot down and the status quo maintained, or Pelosi back in Washington and a reunified China? I don't see how killing a US government official helps with the latter, even if it is 100% deserved.

As far as I can see, Pelosi turned up in Taiwan, gave China legal justification for reunification and left. China doesn't even need to create a false flag. If America thinks an unofficial relations can include the second in line to the president visiting Taiwan on a government plane with military support, China believes peaceful reunification can include a full blockade.
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Registered Member
The Communist Party of China rules PRC. Many people have reservations about that particular party, and would not necessarily want to live under a country run by that party.
The very same party that reunited mainland China, established the country into the 2nd largest economy and military power in the world. Created the most number of billionaires, millionaires, and the largest middle class in the world, a space power, technological and science power, manufacturing giant, HSR tech, infrastructure that's world class etc...

The Taiwanese simply wants to have their cake and eat it too...they could have their little democracy without goading and inviting American nonsense but nope they want to play the elensky game.


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Because she is not part of the White House, she is part of the house of representatives so the White House doesn't have authority over her.
Nah That has been debunked. dun believe lying US officials . If biden truly did not want her to go. He could just call off her flight. He is the commander in chief. Remember she used a US military asset to go there. He is as two faced as they come. Look at the number of times he gave false promises to Xi while his actions dun match his words.


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Here's a better source

Why has the West misunderstood and showed bias toward China's political system and economic development? As

What is root cause of West’s misinterpretation of China? - Global Times
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Just in case this isn't crystal clear for readers. The reason this phrase is so stupid is because there is no misunderstanding at the highest levels of the West. They are waging psychological warfare by intentionally lying about China and Chinese people.

The author in this piece fails to understand the reality. It has nothing to do with dichotomies and ancient Greeks. Caucasians are lying about their targets of conquest to create a pretext for Caucasian aggression. Read the book Savage Anxieties for many examples.

Some examples:
They are not Christians so we need to civilize exterminating them and stealing their land.

They are not democracies so we need to destroy them and steal their resources.

They are not democracies that WE wanted so we still have to bomb them and steal their resources.

They have no human rights (as we define them) so we need bomb them and steal their resources.

Caucasian aggression is constant. The excuses change. For example, oh, the public cares about bltg? Let's lie about our targets of not having enough bltg? Oh, the public now cares about climate. Let's lie about our targets damaging the environment (while we damage it much more).

The bottom line of why they hate socialism/communism. The super rich Caucasians (the 0.1%) want it all. Capitalism helps them get it all. That's why they promote it everywhere. Socialism/communism (serves the 99% instead of the 0.1%) would get in their way. That's why they demonize socialism/communism with lies. That's the class war.

The other is the race war. They hate other races. This has been proven repeatedly by Caucasian barbarism, genocides, nuclear bombing civilians, chemical warfare against civilians, biological warfare against civilians, lynchings, popular books (eg The Unparalled Invasion) fantasizing about exterminating Chinese people with biological warfare, etc.


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1. That was one employee of a newspaper, not the government. Every single spokesperson or government official has been vague in what the response to America's provocation will be. I agree something like a flyover or a military exercise is weak and pointless and not enough. But let's wait and see.

2. Would you rather have Pelosi shot down and the status quo maintained, or Pelosi back in Washington and a reunified China? I don't see how killing a US government official helps with the latter, even if it is 100% deserved.

As far as I can see, Pelosi turned up in Taiwan, gave China legal justification for reunification and left. China doesn't even need to create a false flag. If America thinks an unofficial relations can include the second in line to the president visiting Taiwan on a government plane with military support, China believes peaceful reunification can include a full blockade.

I wish it was never brought up as an option. True, only Hu Xijin brought up the shootdown option, but the Eastern Combat Theater saber rattling about "burying enemies" didn't exactly help clarify the situation, did it? When the enemies they intend to bury turn out to be yellow croakers instead, people are rightfully disappointed.

I am of the opinion that had they kept the threat vague until Pelosi landed, things would be no where as bad as it is now. In my opinion the patrol/live fire blockade training is a reasonable response.


Senior Member
The very same party that reunited mainland China, established the country into the 2nd largest economy and military power in the world. Created the most number of billionaires, millionaires, and the largest middle class in the world, a space power, technological and science power, manufacturing giant, HSR tech, infrastructure that's world class etc...

The Taiwanese simply wants to have their cake and eat it too...they could have their little democracy without goading and inviting American nonsense but nope they want to play the elensky game.
Yes but it's important to also note Ukraine and Taiwan history is very different

It's a complicated history to how things lead to current situation now in tw. Not least Politics there has been warped by Dpp. Below is a good thread to introduce people not as familiar

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