Fourth Taiwan Strait Crisis

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Rettam Stacf

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What the west will say if LiZhanshu (Chairman of NPCSC) visit Crimea,luhansk or Donetsk?

China can say we support the integrity of Ukraine but we have the rights to visit everywhere, besides it is a personal trip.

Why provoke EU unnecessarily when EU pretty much kept a low profile on Pelosi's Taiwan visit ? If you are trying to get back at the US and UK, there are better ways of doing it.


Registered Member
The EU threatened China with sanctions package that was even bigger than those on Russia if China made the wrong decision.
And who the F is Europe to tell what China can and can't do with respect to her domestic and sovereign territory.

What's the worst the EU going to do? How many divisions does EU military have? If these lemons are going to make threats they better know how to follow it up with credible force that none exist.


Registered Member
The EU threatened China with sanctions package that was even bigger than those on Russia if China made the wrong decision.
They are smoking crack if they think that's possible. Virtually everything they buy is either made in China or made with Chinese components. That's just exports, for every multinational European organisation China is their biggest market. Imagine what would happen if Volkswagen surrendered their share of the Chinese market like what happened in Russia.

I don't think they can survive long term with the sanctions on Russia, with China its game over for them.

Rettam Stacf

Junior Member
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The EU threatened China with sanctions package that was even bigger than those on Russia if China made the wrong decision.

I am not aware of that. I mainly based my assessment from articles like this one.

‘This is America’s fight’: Europe largely stays out of the fray on Pelosi’s trip.​

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Like who? Some concrete examples from actual diplomats would be nice.
Not all are from diplomats but they are widespread general cringe at least in English.

bad vs better

Socialism with Chinese characteristics vs American dream

You have hurt the feelings of the Chinese people vs they are threatening our national security

The Chinese side urges America to please correct their wrong actions vs American belligerence, American coercion, American diktats

hostile foreign forces vs Western Trojan horse such as....CIA, NED, etc

America has politicized the coronavirus vs That is American coronavirus propaganda

Lab Leak Theory vs that is American coronavirus propaganda

Taiwanese independence forces vs they are violent domestic terrorists, separatists, extremists, radicals

Taiwan should stop relying on American protection vs America's scheme to keep China divided, American plan to destabilize the region or American's scheme to balkanize China, America is prolonging the Chinese civil war, America is interfering in China's unfinished civil war

Australia is the chewing gum stuck on the sole of our shoes vs the Australian threat, Australia's trade war, Australian interference

Century of humiliation or Century of National Shame vs era of Western invasions, Century of Western imperialism, Century of Western Tyranny,

why does the West misunderstand China? vs Western propaganda, Western atrocity propaganda, Western smear campaign

The West is critical of China / criticized China vs The West's smear campaign, disinformation campaign, anti China state propaganda

Imperial China vs name of Chinese dynasty, ancient China

long arm jurisdiction vs American economic warfare, American abductions, American kidnapping, Americancoercion, Western sore loser diplomacy

calling Western low skill parasites expats vs migrants, foreigners

factory of the world vs manufacturing or industrial powerhouse/juggernaut/colossus, world's industrial engine, heart of the world's economy

the Chinese people of all nationalities will continue to adhere to the people’s democratic dictatorship vs the people's party, will serve the people, the people's government

Chinese media is so incompetence that they routinely repeat western propaganda phrases.

Liberal democracy vs western oligarchies, fake western democracies

American intervention vs American meddling, American interference, the American threat, American invasion, American war of aggression

American exceptionalism vs American hypocrisy

regime change or color revolution vs overthrowing foreign governments, toppling the democracy, toppling the democratically elected government

sanctions vs starving families to death, starve the government into submission

Liberal rules based international order or White savior complex, messianic impulse, etc vs western tyranny, western klansmen order, western totalitarianism, western feudal order, western neo imperialist order

ngo vs it is another Western Trojan horse, it is another CIA front

Words matter because they have the power to greatly alter perception of reality. Anyone looking at this list who still denies there is a problem is basically coping and lying to themselves.


Junior Member
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Don't be putting words in my mouth without my permission nor consent boy...

I specifically said if the US, China, TW conflict and/or incident does not go hot kinetic in the month of August 2022, that I would voluntarily and permanently leave the forum. I never mentioned August 2nd as the deadline... It seems lately a lot of people have been adding expectations where none were stated.

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Time to create a new account bud.

May I suggest @10dashline


Registered Member
I am not aware of that. I mainly based my assessment from articles like this one.
I looked back the "greater than sanctions" was about the impact on the EU itself. I remembered the headline from yesterday incorrectly.

But yeah I wouldn't be surprised China did a SMO the EU would also sanction China in a emotional hissy fit like they did with Russia.
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