The funnel and mast combination is rahter unique and distigtive charesteric of 054, in this model the solution is in fact much simpler one. It really isen't that detailed and spesific as its the solution to which any designer would first end up with if he is to draw ship of same size and with same systemsfit as 054.
I don't know how it can be a much simpler one, especially if you are already building the first one, which means you have already have the production facility to produce the first type. Making the second type still means significant design changes.
Only thing which is prominent of the direction of the future of the 054 is the mast and funnel compo, if the design is about to adopt Gasturbines then they need to be seperate. Other features points more to the export-sector
That's what I also figured out. The only feature pointing to the export sector is the gun turret, but then, PLAN vessels do have changed the gun turret between model and final execution.
Of those none clearly speaks it being directed to PLAN. The 344 radar is already almoust identical copy of the Italian Dardo system, the radome in the aft mast can conseal just about anything and the armament is so well distinguihsed that it reveals weaponsystems not mented for PLAN service.
I agree the radar reminds one of the new chinese radars on testting phase, but again it represents several foreing systems as well.
Foreign systems have a problem going into a Chinese made platform due to the exposure of techs, if you have seemed to notice the controversy involving Thales, the RC400 radar and the JF-17 fighter. Back in the eighties and nineties that won't be a problem, as you can see with the Nanshuan frigates and the F-7MG fighter (with Marconi Super Skyranger radar) but then China wasn't as much threatening in those days.
Well same goes your direction; If its for PLAN, why to use vague CGI with weaponsystems not in service at PLAN?? Why not modifying existing model and be done with it?
Broadly detailed models are in fact, used to foreshadow PLAN vessels, such as the models for the Song, Yuan and the 071, whether its CG or desktop model.
I would bother If I would know where to look. That gunturret certainly sounds interesting. Is there any means to resize that image? Or you can send it to me via PM or Email? (or just give a link)
Its 324kb. Might have to post it in the CDF due to the file size limitations on the forum software.
Yeas, it is my own assumption, but it isen't anyway less factual than the other assumptions made from it, including yours. Not all what I say in here should be treaten as a law (only the red text
), but again not dishmissed simply becouse its the great china-hater who says it. The differences between our assumptions is in viewpoint and inturperation issues. It will be seddled once we recieve more information one way or to another. But
Here is how I would approach it with Baynesian analysis.
That it comes from the Marinetech exhibition. 100%
That Marinetech exhibit will have the shipbuilders exhibiting. 100%
That shipbuilders in the Shanghai area will be exhibiting. 100%
That the 054 series was designed and built by a Shanghai shipbuilder. 100%
That the CG is merely for demonstration purposes. Presumption no direct evidence.
That it represents an future export vessel. Moderate chance.
That it represents a future vessel. High chance. (Even export versions can foreshadow changes on the domestic versions).
That it represents a future PLAN vessel. Moderate chance.
That it is based on the 054. High chance.
That it may represent both a future PLAN or export vessel. High chance (both goals are not mutually exclusive).
Once you strip down anything that is not a presumption, you get the bottom line that the CG comes from an official exhibit and it is from the lion's mouth. That makes it a valid piece of information no matter what.
I have seen artwork vessels that are meant for demonstration purposes only. Quite often they don't resemble anything based on current vessels.