Latest progress at Hudong:
HD's 1st 054A
Seems like it's ready for launch
HD's 1st 054A
Seems like it's ready for launch
speculator, please check this thread first, you would notice that the photos have already been posted. And also, please don't link to Chinese forums, since that really slows down the loading time. either just upload here or upload it to a fast image server.525 and 526 are deployed, non of the 54a's are deployed and apparently a 5th ship is in construction, possibly type 54b? (note, the bridge section is a different shape than other 54a's)
couldn't find any pics of the interior though, possibly beacuse to take pictures of them you've got to actually go INTO the ship, which is kinda hard to do for some navy fans with a telescopic lens. This ship is still not fully declassified.