FFG 054/054A Thread

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well, the reason why I said that I didn't want to get ahead of myself is because the decoy launcher and YJ-83 launch box also got removed. Of course, if an improved version of HH-7 gets installed, we will never know, since it will still look the same from the outside.


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VIP Professional
well, the reason why I said that I didn't want to get ahead of myself is because the decoy launcher and YJ-83 launch box also got removed. .
I think the most likely thing is that they were removed for maintenance and will be refitted. Given that the 054A seems to have YJ-83 (though not yet fitted) I think it's less likely that the 054s will recieve a new SSM.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Like a small child I love the pictures. The PLAN is really moving foward with this Type 054/054A FFG.

tphuang, As someone that actually made 7 major deployments on USN CV's I would like to see pictures of the crews quarters and of the mess deck(eating area)..Also sick bay(hospital) and if they have any ships stores. The crews comfort are very important to the overall morale of the ship.


Junior Member
Like a small child I love the pictures. The PLAN is really moving foward with this Type 054/054A FFG.

tphuang, As someone that actually made 7 major deployments on USN CV's I would like to see pictures of the crews quarters and of the mess deck(eating area)..Also sick bay(hospital) and if they have any ships stores. The crews comfort are very important to the overall morale of the ship.

Popeye, Chinese Military's Morale comes from Political Officers and Nationalism eductions. People from the west call it brain-washing, but it is crude and effective.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Popeye, Chinese Military's Morale comes from Political Officers and Nationalism eductions. People from the west call it brain-washing, but it is crude and effective.

I kinda sorta knew that:( ....Too bad..I feel sorry for my Chinese sea going brothers. A sailor is a sailor to me no matter what uniform he puts on. Sailors at sea should be;

1AAAA)>>> Be well trained by profesional NCO's and officers. Not brow beat by political officers.
1) Well fed.
2) Have comfortable clean quaters
3) Have some sort of recreation/entertainment avaliable on board ship.
4) Some form of communication with their families and loved ones back home.
5) Know their job is appericated through command adulation and rewards..

All work and no play aboard ship would really suck. I hope this is not the case for my Chinese sea going brothers....

This picture below of PLAN sailors shows some "squared away" sailors arriving in San Diego. This picture shows to me great pride and discipline. I hope this picture is true and was not a "show" for the USN. I hope the training methods used buy the PLAN are well thought out and not abusive.


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Popeye, Chinese Military's Morale comes from Political Officers and Nationalism eductions. People from the west call it brain-washing, but it is crude and effective.

No lad, morale comes form good fealing and that is mostly dependant of good and healtyness of your enviroment. many things affect to this, one biggest single factor is the working supply sector (food, heathcare and other related.

Don't take poppys word as he is western but as he actually has been onboard warships. People are deep down very same in whole over the world, it doesen't matter which colour you prepesent or are. Chinese sailors feels hungry and gets sick as rest of us mortals and their morale is build on the same pieces as other everyday soldiers.

I've never been onboard warships, but I've been a soldier and no matter how patriotic and devoted to fullfill my responsibilities, I can assure you that when you are vet, cold, hungry and just generally pissed about the conditions your morale is as down as is your mood.

Funny that you mentioned brainwash, but its not that westernes thinks your mentioned mehtods as a brainwash, they or at least they who have actually been in the situation knows that the brainwashed are those who belive in such statements that you made....

....Don't make fools out of yourself....

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Golly,a Finnish, vet says..

I've never been onboard warships, but I've been a soldier and no matter how patriotic and devoted to fullfill my responsibilities, I can assure you that when you are vet, cold, hungry and just generally pissed about the conditions your morale is as down as is your mood

This is so true. You have to actually have served to fully understand this statement.

I can't believe this all started because I wanted to know about the health and well being of my Chinese shipmates. Egads!

Well..lets talk about those 054 FFG's. Ok guys? Any more pics??:confused:


Junior Member
No lad, morale comes form good fealing and that is mostly dependant of good and healtyness of your enviroment. many things affect to this, one biggest single factor is the working supply sector (food, heathcare and other related.

Don't take poppys word as he is western but as he actually has been onboard warships. People are deep down very same in whole over the world, it doesen't matter which colour you prepesent or are. Chinese sailors feels hungry and gets sick as rest of us mortals and their morale is build on the same pieces as other everyday soldiers.

I've never been onboard warships, but I've been a soldier and no matter how patriotic and devoted to fullfill my responsibilities, I can assure you that when you are vet, cold, hungry and just generally pissed about the conditions your morale is as down as is your mood.

Funny that you mentioned brainwash, but its not that westernes thinks your mentioned mehtods as a brainwash, they or at least they who have actually been in the situation knows that the brainwashed are those who belive in such statements that you made....

....Don't make fools out of yourself....

I would agree with you that Brainwash isn't really the right word to use. However, since i am not a native English speaker, I have not better word in my vocabulary to describe it. Talking to many of my friends in both US (which I lived in for 2 years) and Canada (going on to my 8th years now) You will be surprised how much this word would come up during conversations. To Military professionals like you and Poppey, my word might seem foolish, but amongst the general public, this is how many people perscive the PLA.

I have been on to some early PLA warships and the impression that I got is the living condition is no better than the WWII destroyer parked in Boston.

I agree with you that when you are hungry, cold, and wet you are pissed about your conditions. I am sure many soliders in Chinese military will feel the same way. However this is where political education comes in. This is when the officers will hold meetings talking about the great revoluationary traditions. How the Red Army marched Thousands of miles under extremely hostile conditions eathing tree barks and grass roots. How the peasant army with rice and rifles (which are spoils from their enemies) was able to drive off invaders with much better equipment and trainings. How many people scarfice their lives for a better tomorrow. How the conditions we are in now are much better comparing to what we used to have.

Believe it or not it does work. One thing that every solider in China learns is" Firstly not afraid of hardship, Secondly not afraid of death" I am not sure how much of this is taught in Western Militaries. Call it the Coolaid effect, if you hear enough about it and nothing else, you will beleive it.

Anyhow, a bit too much off the topic. I am not sure what living conditions on these new ships are like now. I think it should be much better than before.
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VIP Professional
After the revolutionary lectures, they will probably go play World of Warcraft or Counterstrike or go SMS messaging their girlfriends or watch the next game of the Houston Rockets.

Today's PLA like today's China, is very different now.
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