F-35 Joint Strike Fighter News, Videos and pics Thread

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

I'm going to bet my life on it, he will not reopen the line. Too much interest going against it, and F-35 is way more profitable for Lockie than F-22 will ever be.

Kool, whatcha gonna do? that Hari Kari stuff? be sure and post a vid on you tube dude, I'm sure you would go viral, "evil laughter", nah just pullin your leg, just send me and the headmaster a C-note apiece and we'll call it good. Really, don't do it man, who else could we pick on and argue with endlessly, and really since Jeff and I are calling it 10 to 1, we'll each send you ten bucks if he's elected, and if he doesn't. Really we will! Then the only distraction we would have on here is people whining about expensive airplanes{they are a lot cheaper than aircraft carriers by the way}. Seriously, the LockMart test pilots make the F-35 look like a sweetbird when they bring them in for those grease jobs, the proper way to treat an aeroplane by the way, not plunken it on a little ship and hookin one end and trying to shoot the other end into outer space, it hurts for a birdman to watch! Ok I'm done now, the F-35 is a very fine airplane and will do the job period...!
No its not a Raptor, but it is scary bad to the folks who tried to "borrow the tech" from us, go ahead reverse engineer it or whatever, that will bankrupt you too, MORE Evil Laughter, then the real deal will show up to take numbers and kick butt! ROFL Brat, I just love you guys

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

it's a business scam, for the lack of word for it, or preferably say monopoly by Lockheed

the F-35 deserves some appreciation, technologically i think it's fine bird, just too many politically/lobby arm twisting involved
if you get rid of the B, or detach it's development from the project, it will be good.

we need to remember with the J-20 and F-22, USAF and PLAAF can't expect to field hundreds of them, there is a need for a cheaper fighter to do the multi role aspect, where the F-35 fails in affordability, the same cannot be said yet of the J-31, yet, or possibly wouldn't be.

Oh come on paint, the only thing the poor little thunderchicken did wrong was cause her big sister to be cancelled, that should make you sleep better at night, and I am really nice about y'alls Batplane, how about a little reciprocity? And for all the geeky dudes who just love their little weapon systems, they are just as tickled as they can be, and NOBODY, twisted anybody's arm, the only thing they did was hold hands and sing Kumbaya. And the "reverse engineering" crowd shouldn't call it a scam, cause bd, Jeff, and I are paying our fair share, and we know that it ain't cheap, but it will be good! So watch your six, or the little thunderchicken could give you a flogin! And the J-31/F-60, while I love to look at it will need a lot of developmental work before we can even call it an aeroplane! Brat

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

You will still need to pay to buy new fighter jets, and the alternatives are just as expensive as F-35, with very little in terms of industrial offsets. With F-35, continued Dutch investment, and future sales to non-JSF partner nations (such as Israel and Japan), will result in a royalty check to the government for every unit sold.

Doubt it. The F-22 line is shut down and the tooling boxed away for storage. Not to mention it would prohibitively expensive to restart the supply chain for many long term lead items, such as engines and avionics.

The reality of the F-22's production was that the USAF could not produce more using the current configuration. Basically the Raptors utilize an avionics architecture based on the i960MX processor that was never upgraded in the expectation that they would be replaced after 2010. So in 2003 they bought up all the remaining MX chips from Intel (before they closed their line) and used that stock to complete the current production flight of aircraft. The new avionics suite was to be based on the F-35's architecture, but that too was cut somewhere between 2004 and 2006. So in order to produce more F-22s the USAF would be on the hook to pay for a major avionics upgrade program. To get from increment 3.1 to 3.2 (which is just updating the software for the current architecture) the USAF is looking at $8 billion dollars in development. Introducing a full fledged new avionics suite would be far more than that.

Finally I get the sense that the USAF brass would rather go with F-35s than F-22s. Raptors are horrendously expensive to operate and maintain. Starting up the production line would be extremely expensive as well; you could be looking at costs where you could buy 2.5 to 3 F-35s for each F-22.

The politicians did in the F-22, the flyboys did not, nor would they agree that the F-35 is a better aeroplane for the money, and to be honest the F-35 is about 3 to 4 times more expensive than forecast initially, and is being tasked to take up a primary A2A role it was never designed for, so you tell me, if you were a throttle jockey, you would really prefer an F-35? As a point of fact, the archaic F-22 is way more difficult to Hack, that in itself is an encouragement.


Senior Member
re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

Oh come on paint, the only thing the poor little thunderchicken did wrong was cause her big sister to be cancelled, that should make you sleep better at night, and I am really nice about y'alls Batplane, how about a little reciprocity? And for all the geeky dudes who just love their little weapon systems, they are just as tickled as they can be, and NOBODY, twisted anybody's arm, the only thing they did was hold hands and sing Kumbaya. And the "reverse engineering" crowd shouldn't call it a scam, cause bd, Jeff, and I are paying our fair share, and we know that it ain't cheap, but it will be good! So watch your six, or the little thunderchicken could give you a flogin! And the J-31/F-60, while I love to look at it will need a lot of developmental work before we can even call it an aeroplane! Brat

scam wouldn't be the perfect word to describe the whole F-35 situation, not in the sense they build something that falls short of what they designed or promised, but more of the business sense of the deal, hey let's make a plane to replace all them planes of the USAF, USN, USMC, one and only, so y'all gonna depend on us and can't shut this project down.

technologically it's a fine bird i said, many people give too little credit for what it is, and too easily look down on this bird for what it's worth, the constant flogging from the bird's haters sure help brings out this can't climb, can't turn, can't run reputation

i'd be pretty upset with the whole situation, as a project it is poorly handled and a money hole, no arguing about that Brat.
As for the J-31 (or even the BatBird) we know next to nothing about them. I agree there's a whole lot of work to do to bring them to service.

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

scam wouldn't be the perfect word to describe the whole F-35 situation, not in the sense they build something that falls short of what they designed or promised, but more of the business sense of the deal, hey let's make a plane to replace all them planes of the USAF, USN, USMC, one and only, so y'all gonna depend on us and can't shut this project down.

technologically it's a fine bird i said, many people give too little credit for what it is, and too easily look down on this bird for what it's worth, the constant flogging from the bird's haters sure help brings out this can't climb, can't turn, can't run reputation

i'd be pretty upset with the whole situation, as a project it is poorly handled and a money hole, no arguing about that Brat.
As for the J-31 (or even the BatBird) we know next to nothing about them. I agree there's a whole lot of work to do to bring them to service.

Thanks paint, I do see your point, and had at one time leveled all those critcisms at our little bird myself, I would say that we have made a commitment to design and build an effective strike aircraft, which is strangely the priority for many govts that joined the JSF partnership, part of the expense is that everyone had some design features that just "had to be there", and it is a kind of designed by committee project, allowing partners to "arm" their version with their own weapons? Nobody has been scammed and LockMart has built the aircraft that folks ordered, and in the US, the customer is always right?, thats why we are here, but many of my concerns have been alieved, particularly after LRIP was scaled back.


Banned Idiot
re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

Kool, whatcha gonna do? that Hari Kari stuff? be sure and post a vid on you tube dude, I'm sure you would go viral, "evil laughter", nah just pullin your leg, just send me and the headmaster a C-note apiece and we'll call it good. Really, don't do it man, who else could we pick on and argue with endlessly, and really since Jeff and I are calling it 10 to 1, we'll each send you ten bucks if he's elected, and if he doesn't. Really we will! Then the only distraction we would have on here is people whining about expensive airplanes{they are a lot cheaper than aircraft carriers by the way}. Seriously, the LockMart test pilots make the F-35 look like a sweetbird when they bring them in for those grease jobs, the proper way to treat an aeroplane by the way, not plunken it on a little ship and hookin one end and trying to shoot the other end into outer space, it hurts for a birdman to watch! Ok I'm done now, the F-35 is a very fine airplane and will do the job period...!
No its not a Raptor, but it is scary bad to the folks who tried to "borrow the tech" from us, go ahead reverse engineer it or whatever, that will bankrupt you too, MORE Evil Laughter, then the real deal will show up to take numbers and kick butt! ROFL Brat, I just love you guys

Sorry, google translate is broke, can you say that again in English?

Jeff Head

Registered Member
re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

Kool, whatcha gonna do? that Hari Kari stuff? be sure and post a vid on you tube dude, I'm sure you would go viral, "evil laughter", nah just pullin your leg, just send me and the headmaster a C-note apiece and we'll call it good.
Hehehe...pretty funny stuff there Brat...you need to look into the standup comedian business. I'll just send my C note over to you if it were to ever materialize...though one of those would buy me a very nice 1/350 scale carrier of the Kuznetsov which I am still lacking. LOL!

Seriously, the F-35 is a very fine airplane and will do the job period...!
No its not a Raptor, but it is scary bad to the folks who tried to "borrow the tech" from us, go ahead reverse engineer it or whatever, that will bankrupt you too, MORE Evil Laughter, then the real deal will show up to take numbers and kick butt! ROFL Brat, I just love you guys
It's be nice here in ten years or so when you and I are well into our 60s to see about 400 F-22s and a couple of thosuand F-35s all over the place. We shall see.

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

Hehehe...pretty funny stuff there Brat...you need to look into the standup comedian business. I'll just send my C note over to you if it were to ever materialize...though one of those would buy me a very nice 1/350 scale carrier of the Kuznetsov which I am still lacking. LOL!

It's be nice here in ten years or so when you and I are well into our 60s to see about 400 F-22s and a couple of thosuand F-35s all over the place. We shall see.

Thats true and if Romney does get elected and Jack sends us each 100 bucks, we can retire in comfort once Romney repeals Obama Care and gets the stock market back on track, that 100 will grow just like Hillarys investment in the cattle business. We do need to find her broker, he could probably help Romney with all that money that guys like you and me are gonna be diggin up out of the backyard. I'll tell ya what, if Romney gets elected we'll pool our resources and buy the real Kuznetsov for you, and an Su-35 for me, and keep the West Coast safe, thats better than models. If he doesn't, I think you and I are going to Cuba and setting up our own Banana Republic and sendin the Castro Boys on Vaca in south Florida, they could prolly get Social Security, no prob, since they would be former communist dictators. I had my old Model 27 Smith, my Springfield 45s, and an AR out yesterday for a little tap, rack, and bang session, and no Jackie, we can't translate that into English bro, but when ya see our Shiny new F-22s, do NOT kill yourself as we need every able bodied man to start a business and save America. End Off Topic
So the F-35 does seem to be meeting her test points and in fact the USAF is doing some advanced testing in order to get the ones we have that are operationally coded up to speed, the Marines are doing similar with several of their Bs. So quit whining guys, get in, or get out, you're gonna pay either way and to tell the truth, we are subsidizing lots of the costs of our friends acquiring F-35s, and when you get a roll on some of those production plants, that will help your economy as well, so are they building the fifth batch now or fourth? Now the big monkey wrench of sequestration, that bogus 500 billion auto matic defence budget cut, will kill at least four F-35s in 2013, if it is allowed to progress, so there is a lot riding on this election, and bringing BHO back to the land of Lincoln should be the priority of every true patriot?


Banned Idiot
re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

Thats true and if Romney does get elected and Jack sends us each 100 bucks, we can retire in comfort once Romney repeals Obama Care and gets the stock market back on track, that 100 will grow just like Hillarys investment in the cattle business. We do need to find her broker, he could probably help Romney with all that money that guys like you and me are gonna be diggin up out of the backyard. I'll tell ya what, if Romney gets elected we'll pool our resources and buy the real Kuznetsov for you, and an Su-35 for me, and keep the West Coast safe, thats better than models. If he doesn't, I think you and I are going to Cuba and setting up our own Banana Republic and sendin the Castro Boys on Vaca in south Florida, they could prolly get Social Security, no prob, since they would be former communist dictators. I had my old Model 27 Smith, my Springfield 45s, and an AR out yesterday for a little tap, rack, and bang session, and no Jackie, we can't translate that into English bro, but when ya see our Shiny new F-22s, do NOT kill yourself as we need every able bodied man to start a business and save America. End Off Topic
So the F-35 does seem to be meeting her test points and in fact the USAF is doing some advanced testing in order to get the ones we have that are operationally coded up to speed, the Marines are doing similar with several of their Bs. So quit whining guys, get in, or get out, you're gonna pay either way and to tell the truth, we are subsidizing lots of the costs of our friends acquiring F-35s, and when you get a roll on some of those production plants, that will help your economy as well, so are they building the fifth batch now or fourth? Now the big monkey wrench of sequestration, that bogus 500 billion auto matic defence budget cut, will kill at least four F-35s in 2013, if it is allowed to progress, so there is a lot riding on this election, and bringing BHO back to the land of Lincoln should be the priority of every true patriot?

I will take that bet, if he wins and don't don't restart Raptor line, you both send me 100, and if it is the other way around I'll send each of you 100. For real, deal?

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

I will take that bet, if he wins and don't don't restart Raptor line, you both send me 100, and if it is the other way around I'll send each of you 100. For real, deal?

Sounds good bro, but I think our odds ought to be 10 to 1, but even steven is ok too, since its you, actually, I'll be happy to pay you 100 bucks if Romney wins, cause I might still have some money without BHOs picture on it!

I still think the F-35 will grow on you too, after all, it does some things really well, and it is a smart little bugger and can tell ya where the bad guys R? thats always nice to know, sensor fusion will add a whole new dimension of situational awareness.
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